My very unpleasant deal with a buyer

My last dealing was good though.

I've always been selling stuffs through forums ( car stuffs, etc ) and my principles are firm and simple :

I quote the price. We negotiate either PM, or SMS. Don't talk on phone with the buyers, some are really sweat talkers and will push your prices down. I usually regret after selling it to these people. Negotiation is a two way win-win.
I make known to potential buyers the condition.
I make the buyer come to my meeting place at my convenient time.
I don't make reservations more than 2 ~ 3 days. You want, I reserve for you until tomorrow, you come collect.
When we meet to deal, I don't negotiate anymore and I prepare loose money change in case he tries to give excuses giving me big notes or met a situation where I don't have small money change and had to eventually settle for a lowered price.

I'm not stuck-up .. its just that after many many attempts in selling, I find that this is the fairest deal condition I usually have to give. Especially when dealing with cheap and bulky stuffs, you don't want to drive all the way to his place at your inconvenient timing and only to find out you kenna fly aeroplane. It happens.
hi james..its not soft fault..\
I am sorry if i made it sound that way...i still love this place..
its the younger crowd that is on here nowadays..
they have no value system..which makes me real sad

It does appear from your description of the events that the problem lies completely with the father of the 16 year old buyer. I would assume that the father is at least in his mid to late 30s. Are you considering him the younger crowd? Are you calling his value system into question? What does any of this have to do with the 16 year old, besides the fact that his father was rude to you? BTW, ensuring that a 2nd hand item is not stolen property is a fair expectation, although how he plans to do that by seeing your IC is another issue altogether.

If this was the only bad experience you have ever had in your life, consider yourself fortunate.
Bad buyers will be everywhere coming in different forms and at different times.
The policies i always have when selling gear..
1) No reserve unless it comes with a downpayment. This shows sincerity because i have to turn down other buyers while reserving the item for you.

2) Deal at my convenience although more often than not i go out of the way -.-

3) When the price is Firm it STAYS firm unless the buyer is a friend of mine.

4) Any negotiations on the spot would terminate the deal.

So far this has gotten me far from any really negative experiences that you guys have mentioned here.
All the best people. Some of these ideas may sound harsh but it actually siphons out serious buyers/kids/time wasters.
Bro, I feel for you, its great to see you are such a nice guy, but personally, I would have walked away, there would be many other buyers for SG at that price, and besides the Dad obviously isn't a guitar player and knows nothing about the market and state of affairs. cheers man
First post last part u abit wrong. Is others owe them a living (:

Okay main thing. i feel that the dad is just over concerned.
And he doesnt seem to be into musical instruments.
Trying to protect his son.
Not knowing market price might led him into such bargaining.

Forgive and forget (:
Not pointing fingers at anyone.