how you guys deal with people who disrepect the music you play and listen??

good advise from pathein and widdly are largely ignored.

my advise? go beat up that wanker bro of yours and anyone else who disses your precious music and head down to Jaben at Adelphi to get yourself some nice earphones.
well the sad thing is that my brother happens to be my 2nd elder brother ... well.. my solution will come soon enough when my eldest bro is moving out to get married and i move into his room . so yea finally my own room , my own world whatever i like . oh man it sucks when i feel like i cant play my music peacefully .

yea ignorance is a bliss , but what if ignorance lives in the same room as you? haha.. well.. its really hard lol.. thanks to my bro during my primary school days i was like BOYBAND !! oh man sad memories lol..
I'm the more 'guai lan' type of person so they mock my music, I'd mock their hobbies, music, computer .etc

In otherwords I just insult them back when they insult me :p
hahahaha, did it not occur that, thats not guai lan, but being exactly just like any of them who mock, ridicule etc..

we like to think we are fighting back, standing up for what we believe in, but yet along the way, we are doing what they are doing to us, back to them. Strange isnt it..we are doing something which we dont like being given, in the first place

pathein bro you are getting so deep and profound and giving all these wise bits of advice lately, more so than usual. the oldness must be getting to you... (!)
the best type of people are those who are deaf. can't complain.

just joking.
no offence to deaf people.

i like people who listens to anything. like when you blast metal from your speakers, they won't wince or flinch or if you play some soul or hip-hop or such, they'll just feel the music. i love those types of people. no complains. and their mp3 players are filled with random genres. when ask, they'll say "cos i like the melody" or something like that.
but i've only met a handful of them.

my sister does complain about th etype of music i listen to. when i play them from my laptop, she'll play some pop or soft rock from her computer. and the product was a messy garbage. haha but in the end, i'll give in and listen to er songs. and sing-along too.
and when i play guitar too loud, my parents would shut my room door for me. hahahah
rotten...i kinda like you free this weekend?

well my band plays post hardcore and metalcore i know it has lots of screaming so sometimes its quite irritating . i know how it feels like cause the first time isnt always nice.
Kill your vocals....

then get a girl replacement ....

then come here and tell us all about it...
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Im sure everyone have their dislikes in music. " I personally think that its the attitude of the musician? Like how i dislike local hiphop scene in Singapore :) Shoudn't go into details. :)

but still I keep my comments to myself. I've nothing against hiphop culture etc, its how the people treats one another. Singapore ones, HAHA!, ok shhh!

One of my fav musician of all time is buckethead.Almost everyone thinks i'm nuts. lol.

Here's why if you're wondering( to me this is just pure beautiful chao! ) :

not that i mind though.Comments like that have zero effect on me.I jus simply listen to any music i love. From emperor to pantera to beyond(hk band) to andy timmons to shawn lane to n'sync and the list goes on and on....
the best solution is to just respect their decision and be true to yourself.
dont give a sh*t what others think.
We live for ourselves, not for others!
hah my brother wouldnt be a porblem since he influenced me in terms of musical preferences!

as for my parents... i ignored them until now they already accepted my music preferences.

and for my friends... i have the rare one or two friends who listen to some power metal or thrash metal, other than that when i play my ipod over speakers they complain that its just brainless growling that make no sense.
tell us your email address, we will tell you how to

1) Solve the issue
2) Get inner peace from within
3) Have a good night sleep till tomorrow(with choice of dreams, erotic, beastiality whatsoever)
4) Look beyond the surface of things
5) Better breathing technique
6) More optimistic outlook of life
7) laugh at ourself for being disturbed easily
8 ) Be like what pearl jam and robbie william sang before(but different songs), Better man
9) Feel more love in life
10) go back to 1)
