
. So I believe the school is abusing it's authority over students by applying the 'hair rules', appearance is a form of expression, the school removes the freedom of expression guaranteed by the universal declaration of human rights Article 19. All this is guaranteed as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. So, how is growing long hair infringing on the rights of others? So hair rules are not in fact a trivial matter, they are depriving us of a freedom guaranteed by the united nations that Singapore is supposedly a part of.

I agree with you on this part. I wonder what will the teachers' expression be if you tell them that... I'd argued with my teachers about my hair(okay, that was when I kept longer-hair-than-usual) and there's no way we can win. I mean that's sheer authority for you.

My teacher always told me, "As long as you're in this school, you have to conform to the rules."

Which I rarely heed anyway. Because I believe in anarchy. Okay, just joking on the part but when rules get ridiculous, I wonder how do teachers even get away with imposing the rules.

Why are you expecting a verbal duel for? Gotch prize?

It's disturbing that you actually timed them though... Hurhurhur...

eh verbal duels are damn fun, tests yourself against someone else!
timing them is not disturbing if that bloody idiot is your friend and you're waiting for him.
My teacher always told me, "As long as you're in this school, you have to conform to the rules."

YEA! Bloody hell thats what they say when they know they've lost and my arguments are far better substantiated than their pathetic attempts to justify the 'hair rules', like, its for you boys to be neat! What if I dont want to be neat? So why does the school get to tell me whether to be neat or not? Its not like being messy is going to kill the principal. One of these days one school must stage some mass uprising and flush the teachers down the toilet, that will REALLY get the message across.
Young people so much angst, so much anti this anti that.... I am like that too, expect the young part. :D

Talk about some countries, you can get arrested by just being intoxicated in public. In Singapore, the police would just wake you up or leave you lying on the street.
The authority will never ever admit it's wrong. Afterall, they're the ones who the most power and everything. Everything is their say. Especially in institutions.

I remembered all of my class guys telling my form teacher that hair has got nothing to do with grades and we even talked about our freedom of choice. My form teacher then lashed out her ultimatum and what could we do?

We protest and we're likely to get ourselves demerit points, CWO and counseling.

How unjust and unfair can the system get.
pah, damn i was expecting a fun and interesting verbal duel... I've timed some of these guys, one guy went in for around 27 minutes.

paiseh lah bro hydrofly, i aint young anymore, to spend time on verbal duel, i rather find time to go down on my partner and make her/him happy with me mawth and tongue instead of talking so much...Talk hor, cant make people happy, but then the other... mmmmm mmmm

hehe, anyway i admire your energy and youth thou, thats something i cant have anymore. What i have, just closer to my death and the freedom to do what i want, without teacher to tell me what to do.

man, i missed my youth, Been at least more than 15 years since i last called anyone teacher.. hehe, not that i wanted to thou.
Ah Beng of the 90s rocks!

Must haves:
Burberry polo shirt
Long orange comb
Versace dragon motif long wallet
At least one pair of white Bata canvas shoes
Armani hairstyle
Handphone modded with super bright blinking disco LED on the antenna and ringing volume set to 11 with super piercing ringtones, preferably 'Butterfly' or any DDR techno song!
Oh yes, Bengs of the 90's rock. But I'm more in-tuned with Beng of the 80's (ie. Retro Bengs).

Puffy long sleeve shirts (preferably white or black)
Collarless short sleeve shirts, slightly oversized and worn untucked
Pleated "ali-baba" ultra baggy black pants
Partially exposed white socks (ala Michael Jackson)
"I Love NY" canvas shoes
Long orange comb, pointy tip sticking out of back pocket
"Ixis" canvas wallet
Hair with spiky/long fringe in front and mullet behind, heavily gelled courtesy of Gatsby
White canvas "ali-baba" bag, used as schoolbag
Pager (halo? tiang kar pager?)
Bengs and Lians of today 8)

Skinny jeans! Remember to get them in any colour you can think of. Black, Electric Blue, Green, Turquoise, Red, Yellow, Orange, Purple, heck, get the colours from the rainbow! If you really want to stand out, go get those half coloured skinny jeans. Black and red, black and white.

Cardigans ! Try getting them the way you'd select your skinny jeans, the more colourful you look, the more succesful an Ah Beng you are !

For Ahlians, you can never miss the "Little Miss" shirts ! Be it "Little Miss fat", "Little Miss Slut", "Little Miss I'm-A-Bitch", you'd still look cool !

For footwear,

Flats! Although worn by higher classed people on more of their casual occasions, it is now "revolutionised" by 'Ahlians' and it is probably the best footwear they have for formal occasions, or
Canvas shoes! Remember to pimp them up with shoelaces that don't match at all!

And most importantly for ladies, ( or some men), eyeliner 8) Best worn with tons of glitter and loads of rubbish. :D:D
I love boneless roasted chicken rice.. Far East that one nt bad :X

Anyway, golden hair and gatsby never seem to go out of style with the bengs ah, proves that they got roots also okay! TECHNO! STREET CORNER THUGS! LATEST HANDPHONES! CHEONG AH!!!

oh yea and they always seem to idolize that ONE chinese male pop idol.. arron kwok, jay chou, fei yu ching? haha! my not-so-secret indulgence(s) :X
Actually I think Jay Chou is talented musically. Heh, I respect his works man. Just don't like it when bengs and poppies go around showing off what they have.
I wouldn't go to his concerts, but the only chinese songs I listen to are his, cause he writes pretty good love songs. hahaha! Its just a different writing style from the usual english love songs.
I wouldn't go to his concerts, but the only chinese songs I listen to are his, cause he writes pretty good love songs. hahaha! Its just a different writing style from the usual english love songs.

Same! The only Chinese and pop songs I listen to are his. Oh my, what a revelation.
I ish shuuper entertained... misse style! Woots~! Come shooot moi, I can't write poperly LOL...

Oh, on the beng note, I think every era per se, the people "in" it actually think that it's hip and stylo... Like how bengs of the 80s/90s will think they are actually looking cool! Honestly, times have changed and I actually think the the bengs have more style now than the past. I was too poor back then to own any real branded stuffs so I can only look from afar and think they damn sey... bro pathein bro, your style people here take too seriously liao... haha... but very entertaining...
why are we discussing jay chou in a haircut thread? speaking of whom, i think jay has a fantastic hairdo. he is generally quite ugly but the hairstyle really WORKS IT to the MAX
I cant believe I just read all those post.

Anyways here's what I think: Authority (in school) set rules in order for the students to learn the value and the importance of rules, because in order to disregard the rules, one needs to know and respect them. The rules in schools is probably deviced in order for young students to be disciplined, you may ask why, because one can never trully lead if one doesn't know how to follow.

Sure, afew years ago I hated the rules too (specifically the hair rule), because it deprived me of my identity, not so much of my freedom (because I believe the word freedom is a trap). But then I got wiser and I learned alot. I believe students should learn how to pick their battles. And all these anti-rule adherents, I dont quite believe in them. They say 'lovelovelovelove the rules' but then if you think about it, by pursposely breaking all the rules, you are actually following a path (a rule) that is just against the rules of the society, but rules nonetheless. I guess a great way to live is to just find the truth for yourself, take everything that works for you and discard what doesnt.

Also, I dont believe that we should compare our cultures, rules, and social dynamics to the western cultures (or what my teacher likes to call it as McDonald/MTV Imperialism), we should keep our working tradition and identity and create something better than what is already out there. "To find out our own truth"

/rant. I am on a role tonight.
I do not believe that setting ridiculous rules will help students appreciate the values of rules. Hair is a ridiculous rule, that is for sure. Why I think so is simply because people are going to hate these unnecessary rules, and in this age of globalisation, we all have friends moving abroad, studying in less stressful institutions such as international schools. We as students want the same for ourselves. Also, there is NO justification besides what raistmar said, so why keep it?

Well, I believe that "MTV imperialism" works for me, so according to you, I should discard all my roots and take what works for me. I feel that tradition over here is just wrong. Confucianism is a thing of the past that ought to be thoroughly exterminated and quashed like the bug who wrote those teachings, sure they were practical and useful a few thousand years ago, but today, it's just the outdated musings of a dead man.