
to destroy and crush the world of feeble youth in modern singapore society, can we start by destroying their hair and make them feel absolute worthless so that the cooler dudes can be weed out/disposed off and whats left are those that will be able to withstand the unpredictability of global happenings/issues in years to come, so that when they become the leaders of future generation, able to lead us all thru it instead of worrying about anything to do with hair.

Dissuss( 20 points)

additional discussion(extra 15 points) No celebrities shall be included in the following. Clear cut differenciation has to be made between us mortal being and them, glamour products of entertainment.

Fashion, lifestyle, hairstyle, when its over, do you think its over and done with and shud let it remain a thing of the past or rather relive the moment of having hairstyle from yesteryears, in today modern society where it aint relevant anymore and rather have it around to think that its cool or give others some comic relief/allowing others to laugh at them, laugh thru them, laugh across them for having a "too cool for the fast lane" oldies hairstyle.
talking abt hair = NS for me. sigh =(( private diploma/degree cannot defer NS if 18 and above. there goes my "favourite hairlength and style over my 18 yrs of life" . T.T lol:mrgreen:
haha, i got sent home for long hair on the second last day of school in sec 3. the dm was screaming at me when the principal walked past and said " SEND THIS BOY HOME " .

Oh man, if my principal ever does that, I'll f**king yell at her. I wouldn't even give a hood about demerit points or suspension. They can't even respect my decisions.

But I don't have long hair. :D

Still, I think rules on haircut are ridiculous. And I do not understand how much can haircut help towards social cohesion. That's what my teacher told me anyway. I was like, "Geez, another follower of the mass."

It's sad.
i went back to my secondary school the other day. with my cousin ad 2 friends. we wanted to visit our old cca, to talk to him about something.

then a school helper stopped us from going in. our two friends were allowed in. me and my cousin weren't, cos we have long hair. like wtf
to destroy and crush the world of feeble youth in modern singapore society, can we start by destroying their hair and make them feel absolute worthless so that the cooler dudes can be weed out/disposed off and whats left are those that will be able to withstand the unpredictability of global happenings/issues in years to come, so that when they become the leaders of future generation, able to lead us all thru it instead of worrying about anything to do with hair.

The attitude which you show is exactly what school authorities show, but I can counter that, hair is part of a bigger issue - freedom. This is why i view singapore not as a developed nation but as a HIGHLY developing nation. We have most of the marks of a first world country - money, clean and transparent government, positive economic growth. However, we do lack one thing, that is freedom. The government believes that we never will be prepared for western style freedom, of course I can understand their view, Singapore is a titchy-assed nation that can be wiped out with one small internal f***up. They can limit some freedoms such as the right to demonstrate, however, the limits they place on the arts scene is just hypocritical. They wish to promote Singapore as a hub for the arts, however, telling slayer not to play "angel of death"? Is this how you promote the arts? Shutting people up who produce music you do not agree with? Schools - the school authorities are like a mini-government, they deserve the right to kick out trouble makers like people who pick fights and stuff like that, but hair is a different thing altogether. Does a person's appearance dictate what he will do? No, it most certainly does not. So I believe the school is abusing it's authority over students by applying the 'hair rules', appearance is a form of expression, the school removes the freedom of expression guaranteed by the universal declaration of human rights Article 19. All this is guaranteed as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. So, how is growing long hair infringing on the rights of others? So hair rules are not in fact a trivial matter, they are depriving us of a freedom guaranteed by the united nations that Singapore is supposedly a part of. However, it is because of people like patheintheraindropmoe that we cannot have full access to the rights that we should have, using pathetic excuses such as "asian values", they are not asian at all, they're confucian, and I for one, am going to china to piss on his grave when I get the chance.

I believe i deserve the 20 points pathe. Unless if you're too self-aggrandizing to accept intellectual discomfiture at the hands of a really uppity 17 year old infantine, pedomorphic brat (as you are going to brand me pretty darn soon.)
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Oh yea pathe, I think that alot of us youth are in a better position to communicate with the leaders of other nations, here's a simple test, take your post and rewrite it in proper English. Punctuation is important, so is sentence length. Please try to prove me wrong by doing this and showing off a little of your brilliant vocabulary. Oh yea, please do all of this by countering my previous arguments that we are interested in the rights of the people in this country through our concern for freedoms such as article 19. Make sure your arguments are well supported by relevant authorities, confucius' 5000 year old rants do not count as relevant authorities as his views are simply outdated.
dear hydrofly, i was never seriouly serious, was just taking a dig at the state of how young people are so in love with their hair so much...

i respect your view, thats all. I dont seek to counter anything you have said. Its a waste of time, especially on internet forum and it still wont change the fact that student in school still LL, have to keep short hair..

oh, perhaps if wanna, pubic region can keep long. Nobody will catch...
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wow pathein, someone actually took you seriously like SRSLY! :mrgreen:

what i really hate is those kids in public toilets preening and twisting their already preened and twisted hair from for more than damn i don't even know how long they can just stand in front of the damn mirror.

They were already there from the point i went in, took a big dump, played a few rounds of Tetris, wiped my ass, went out, wash my hands, dried em and then... they're still there... with the same hairstyle... at least if you're gonna stand there, change pattern can or not?

Ah Beng these days are so different from the Ah Bengs of the 90's!