
Of course must make people follow law and discipline from very young. How else would the government cultivate a controllable, gullible and obedient society? :D

I feel that tradition over here is just wrong. Confucianism is a thing of the past that ought to be thoroughly exterminated and quashed like the bug who wrote those teachings, sure they were practical and useful a few thousand years ago, but today, it's just the outdated musings of a dead man.

On a serious note, I kinda agree on this point. Some (though not all) of Lao Zi teachings is a thing of the past. In the context of democracy, the West called Singapore's brand of governance "Neo-Confucianism" - which is rated slightly better than communism! It somewhat implies the strict laws imposed, and the very low tolerence for opposition or people challenging the "higher order".
I do not believe that setting ridiculous rules will help students appreciate the values of rules. Hair is a ridiculous rule, that is for sure. Why I think so is simply because people are going to hate these unnecessary rules, and in this age of globalisation, we all have friends moving abroad, studying in less stressful institutions such as international schools. We as students want the same for ourselves. Also, there is NO justification besides what raistmar said, so why keep it?

Well, I believe that "MTV imperialism" works for me, so according to you, I should discard all my roots and take what works for me. I feel that tradition over here is just wrong. Confucianism is a thing of the past that ought to be thoroughly exterminated and quashed like the bug who wrote those teachings, sure they were practical and useful a few thousand years ago, but today, it's just the outdated musings of a dead man.

I think you're misinterpreting what I'm trying to put across, like what i said, inorder to ignore the rules, first of all you have to know what is right and wrong. Although the hair rule is ridiculous (in our point of view) you cant deny the fact that rules are there to put order in things, and thats what people appreciate; order. Perhaps the hair rule is there to determine the success of implementing the school rules, like for example teachers wont really know if you smoke after school, perhaps this hair rule just reaffirms them that if students follow a simple 'hair rule' they are probably not breaking any harsher/more serious rules. But I'm just speculating, and we wont really know untill we ask the right authority.

And if you want to see a globalised utopia then you better appreciate the value of rules. Why? because globalisation in essence is the combination of all the cultures, (its not really a combination, but like existing together in a peaceful way), so there will be conflicting ideologies which without rules and such, there would be much chaos. Also you seem to be very supportive of globalisation, which will ultimately rob you off your identity in a sense. You may ask why, because globalisation is not about individuality, its about collecting everyone and putting them together, you cant just do whatever you want, you have to be tolerant and mindful of other cultures. Yes globalisation is good, but like everything, it also have its downside.

And lastly, your ignorance demeans you. Sure, if you think that christmas, chinese new year, new years, valentine's day, hari raya and all those special days are all about selling products, if you think that its good and cool to disrespect your parents and each other, that its all right to look down on someone poorer or someone different from you and all those flaws I see in an american culture, if you think that all these is what the humanity needs, and these are all your goals then yeah, sure, be one of those zombies walking around complaining 'hey if my brother/friends can do these, why cant I?'. I have a few friends in an international school over here and some in other countries, and everyone of them seem to think that the teachers doesnt really care all that much, that most of the students gets violated someway or another, where students can even bring weapons and such, if thats what you're after then jyea, fight for what you believe in.

Also when I said tradition, I dont mean confucianism, I meant our values, our asian culture where we value our family, that health is wealth and that money should not drive us, our tradition and not just our ideologies. Of course Singapore has flaws too, but like I said, we have to find our own truth, our own way of doing things.

Sometimes I wonder what would happened had China/Japan been the more dominant country
True, rules preserve the order of a society, however, the issue here is the IRRELEVANCE of a few rules that are not necessary. Freedom comes to those who fight for it, well, Asian values? I strongly feel that Asians are not destined for repressive governance, family values are not uniquely asian, have you ever ever read greek philosophy? Singapore has started down the path to liberalization, well, it is because of people like you that this inevitable progression is slowed down. Regarding respect, I respect whoever DESERVES it, well right now, my friends and parents rightly deserve the respect I give them, why? Because they f***ing earn it, I generally lose respect for conservatives very quickly, that's just too bad for you. I have a right to disrespect whoever I want, that includes Jocks and Teachers, and ESPECIALLY jocks. All those holidays you mentioned? Hell yea their for people to make money, especially valentine's day, well, if you don't want to capitalize on it, who loses? You. Sorry if I come off wayy to forcefully because I am a very stubborn libertarian that wants to see liberal governments throughout the world, installed by force or otherwise.

ps: thanks for the rebuttal, i needed one. my brains need exercise.
I think you forgot what you were arguing about, you were adamant on eliminating rules that sitfle your 'freedom'. And the fact that you're only looking at the word freedom as solely for your purpose shows me that you fight for 'false' freedom. Like when you say you want to see governments that supports liberalism throughout the world even if it had been enforced on them, wouldnt that be against liberalism?

I believe I'm very much open to change, but I prefer good change as oppose to any change just for the sake of changing. I dont mindlessly just disagree with any form of authority, I make sure that this change has more of a good effect than bad ones. I fight for what I believe is right in, any case, I dont seek for/need your validation. In this day and age, you dont fight by just purposely breaking the rules hoping it will change to your liking, it just doesnt work that way. I think its people like you who creates 'fear of change' in other people, which ultimately slows down this inevitable change that you are talking about.

Perhaps you misunderstood me yet again, I said family value is important to asian families but it does not mean that it is solely for asian only, hell I can even tell you that I know quite a number of asian kids who came from broken families. I was merely giving you an example of values that asia is known for. You also mention that you hate jocks, and yet here you are showing characteristics of a jock (not those big buffed guys who bullies), showing how you have the right to dominate and all that jazz. One more thing, I believe in Capitalism, but by exploiting holidays and people's insecurities? I believe there's a better way. Most holidays have lost its meaning, mayhap thats why you feel that way.

In the world, I think there are 3types of people: A) People who force a change, B) People who are afraid to change and C) People who inspires a change (wether good or bad).
I believe the SG Government and you belong to Group A.

This is not a reflection of your personality, its just my witty opinion, but then again, who am I to judge what is good or what is bad for other people right? Thats why I shall say it again, find your own truth (and not what other cultures have taught you, try imagining what you would feel or think if you had no other situation to compare with) take what works for you and discard what you do not need.

P.S I'm merely stating my opinions, for by 'preaching' it strengthens one's beliefs.
1- I meant freedom for the people not for the governments, it's a long hard road to this, but some nations, I believe are ready for this.
2- I think that the way I push for change does inspire a fear of change, but it also will convert people to the cause that I am fighting for. It is a double edged sword yes but generally, it does more good than harm to the cause that I am fighting for.
3- The 'jock' characteristics I am showing, well, I am sort of treating you as one of them for now, just that you're proving a little too eloquent to do what i usually do to jocks, single them out for intellectual discrimination.
4- Well yes, I know i belong to group A, unfortunately for us all, the SG government has this little propaganda tool in school called NE. Well, from young we are brainwashed to think how wonderful the government is and such and why we must not change the current system. As a result, the next generation of our leaders will continue to do the same thing. Slowly inspiring change is not going to work here, it's only through mass popular support that change can be made.
5- I have found my own truth, stubborn, antisocial, whatever people wish to call it, I know what I am and what I want.
5- I have found my own truth, stubborn, antisocial, whatever people wish to call it, I know what I am and what I want.

Funny that when you decide to have your own stand, people begin to get very judgmental of you.

Is it so wrong to be different from all those "cultured and supervised" goods that everyone else is?
1. So you know for a fact that everyone wants a government that supports your ideologies? Even those people who are afraid of this radical change you want.

2. If it creates fear and yet it will convert people? Please elaborate.

3. In otherwords you're becoming what you hate?

4. Which government wouldnt use propaganda to win the hearts of their people? Have you also considered how the people would feel in other countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines, where their governments and even the police force tend to be corrupted? We're talking about a whole country here, of course it will take time. Also, do you think that by doing what you do, you'll gain the support of the masses?

5. Some how this whole thing reminds me of a phrase I saw on a shirt; Anti cool is the new cool. Thats the impression you are giving me, but perhaps I am wrong. I hope I am wrong.
1. So you know for a fact that these people are afraid of the radical change i want?

2. People who have a slight inclination against this ideology will turn further away from it while people who have slight inclination towards it will be more steadfast in it.

3. Hardly, your first post came across as rather conservative, I generally deal with conservatives the way I deal with jocks. I was just stating that I was dealing with you the same way I'd handle a jock, wrong approach.

4. Of course not, if I ever get politically active, I will definitely need to back off a little on the militant approach I am taking now. When I say less militant, i simply mean using less forceful terms, the gist of the message will still be unchanged.

5. You're not hoping wrong, sadly for you, because being cool means liking rap and pop and rubbish like that and trying to fit in with a bunch of losers. I'll use music as an example, yea, only the metalheads and artistic people I know actually know who vivaldi is, and have heard more than just spring of the four seasons.
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1. I know for a fact that every individual have different ideas on how the world should be run. And I'm pretty sure your 2nd point supports this.

3. Perhaps you consider everyone who disagrees with you as conservative, and I dont need to justify myself, especially not to you =]

4. So then why dont you start now? Perhaps your message might even be more powerful.

5. I am not hoping wrong? What? I've yet to see you prove me wrong my friend. Perhaps Anti cool really is the new cool, in a sense that its cool to go 'underground', to alienate the ones who used to do the alienating. And I'm sorry to say to you that individuality says that everyone have different taste and such. Just because one knows the stripes or beatles, or just because one likes shadows fall and valley of crome and pusscat dolls at the sametime doesnt make him or her anyless of a human being.

If you havent already realized, I disregard the 'rules' that the socialites and the antisocials have created. Following your own path in its utmost sense.
i just want hair like this.

Cut hair?I cut only when I feel like it.And my poly dosen't catches guys for long hair except for assessment days for studio projects in my course.My hair quite long now but I'm lazy to cut it though.
thank you for bme pain olypmics. now i can sleep better at night.

This hair thing is ridiculous. Do you know how businesses tap a wider audience (hehe)? They turn all the guys into women, and *bam* instantly the hair gel/clay market grows by at least 20%. Most of the ads on tv target kids/teens, because their purchasing decisions haven't been set yet, and they're most likely to stay with a brand. in the end you become the duracel battery that drives their businesses.

you should thank the school that they try to crush expression of individuality through outward appearance, then everyone can just focus on the content inside.
woah, this thread is still alive ah!

content inside no time for it, coz appearance is lampar/# 1 for some. If content is important, this thread wont even exist at all, or i also cant get my signature below