What? You wanna look like Jesus?
thank you for bme pain olypmics. now i can sleep better at night.
This hair thing is ridiculous. Do you know how businesses tap a wider audience (hehe)? They turn all the guys into women, and *bam* instantly the hair gel/clay market grows by at least 20%. Most of the ads on tv target kids/teens, because their purchasing decisions haven't been set yet, and they're most likely to stay with a brand. in the end you become the duracel battery that drives their businesses.
you should thank the school that they try to crush expression of individuality through outward appearance, then everyone can just focus on the content inside.
yea i fking hate haircuts.
i love my hair and i got so pissed at my school i went skinhead out of rebellion(COOL GANGST@R POINTS) but when i got to school the next day my hair grew abit then it was not skinhead so i got screwed.
then after like a term, my hair grew back, touched the ear abit, but it was damn short, they said i had to cut it again.
wtf. im getting so pissed at school....
I agree with you on certain levels. But just so you know, when we talk about appearance/hair, it goes deeper than just aesthethic meaning. And your last sentence doesnt make sense. We're talking about individuality and not superficiality.
or facing mid life crisis with no money to go beijing 101 to save the hair
I agree with you on certain levels. But just so you know, when we talk about appearance/hair, it goes deeper than just aesthethic meaning. And your last sentence doesnt make sense. We're talking about individuality and not superficiality.
yea i fking hate haircuts.
i love my hair and i got so pissed at my school i went skinhead out of rebellion(COOL GANGST@R POINTS) but when i got to school the next day my hair grew abit then it was not skinhead so i got screwed.
then after like a term, my hair grew back, touched the ear abit, but it was damn short, they said i had to cut it again.
wtf. im getting so pissed at school....
Sometimes I find that when everyone strives so hard for their individuality, doesn't it make you more unique and "individual" to follow the norm instead? Just a thought...
It makes perfect sense. The expression of individuality for most lazy people is just through what they wear, hair and makeup. If that isn't superficial i don't know what is, and at that age, it's doubly bullshit, because behind the spending, the long arm of business tells you what to do/buy/need to be part of the "it" crowd. In a sense, the strict rules on fashion, forces school kids to focus on their inner self rather than the bs of whose sneaks are bigger, brighter and better.
Do you really believe that by 'eliminating' this individuality that you are talking about, is going to stop the kids from consuming such products/stop the advertisers from doing what they're suppose to do? At the same time, since we're talking about products and stuff, wouldnt you think that these big companies wouldnt come up with products specifically targeted to school kids which does not 'break' any school rules?