got a crush on her

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Absolutely!! like erm.. a forum section on Relationships : )
the situation now is this. me n her. we're like casual friends now. not that close yet. and whenever i'm with her, my mind goes totally blank. itz like, i want to say something, get a conversation going, but simply cant. any clues on this?

not that close yet is good. gives you time to execute the proper tactic, and at least you havent done anything to screw up your chances.

if you run out of things to say, just be polite. being a gentleman always works. ask her how her day was, how she is doing etc. short and simple, cos sometimes if you talk too much you will screw it up. it's nothing sleazy or corny, its just normal ordinary talk but it shows some concern at least. it's also the cue for her to unleash her nonsense, then you can just pretend to listen and score some brownie points.

it's as important for her to think about you while you are NOT there, as it is when you are.
i had good laugh reading some of the comments on this thread... all i can add to the above post is.. tactics is important hahaha get to know her as friend and find the right time to make your intentions known... besides that its about chemistry...and that cant be engineered.

but hey dont miss the forest for a single tree. like the rest have said... theres a whole forest in poly haha! gd luck!
Take it easy bro.I've been there and done that.All i can say is that if you think of the person too much then that thought will take you over an affect your day/week/month/year.Who knows?

So take it easy for now as you are still young and so am I.
if u reali lyke her,go fer it.
wtz stoppin u?
n if u fail,try again.
dun gif up.
perseverance mann.
"huge mountain in your pants" - HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

This is when... you start to write sad lyrics, you start to play everything in minor, you start to get over-emotional (think a drama queen with pms) and then you find your salvation in your guitar!

minor chords?

i only used G Cdd9 D....

all those happy2 chords. 8 )

but i gotta admit. itz kinda emotional without being emo.
kk back to the point.

go for her?? lol.. any gerls wanna give tips on how gerls think?

End of the day, the decision is yours. Hope it work out fine for you.

Anyone with better suggestion can PM TS.
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