be decisive. women like decisive, confident men.
don't be afraid of rejection. just go for it.
treat it as a learning experience if you will..if you don't dare to do it now. you won't dare to do it in the future..
i think these are very important. your true intentions should be clear, at least to yourself.
be honest with yourself- you know that you are interested in a romantic relationship with her, not a platonic one. do not try to be 'her friend'. if she likes you, she likes you. if she doesn't, she doesn't. this is something you can't really change. it may take some 'experience' and maturity for you to let go and move on if she is not interested.
and one screwed up thing about girls is that although they like you, they can be confusing and send mixed signals
if she thinks that you will tolerate this and wait on her. this is something you want to avoid.
but it is important to realise that if she is doesn't 'like' you, she may get close to you
only because she thinks that you are not interested in a romantic relationship with her. that is the best outcome you can hope for if she doesn't like you, and is something you do NOT want. it can cause alot of heartache if you keep it hidden. if she finds out it could make the relationship very awkward, the worst scenario being that she wants to cut ties with you.
although its the kind of thing you should learn the hard way, another thing you discover as you get older is that some guys never learn.