Gigs nowdays

if you can't get 30 people to watch your band then you need to work harder! =)

as a band, your value is not your music, but your fanbase. you will be measured by the industry by the number of CDs you can sell and the number of people who come to your shows.
well, with no commission, 30 $12 tickets is the same as paying $360 to the organiser to play. What ever bands do to the tickets is the band's pasah.

Revenue is this $360 from the band and $$$ from the drinks ppl buy.

Why do you equate organiser and venue owner? For most of these gigs, the venue owner and organiser are not the same person.

Well let's see. Most of the time, some amount of the $12 from each ticket actually goes to the first drink charge imposed by the venue. Let's say a drink is $5. That leaves $7. $7x30 = $210. Let's say there are 5 bands? That's $210x5 = $1050. Minus rental cost. Minus publicity cost. Do the math. The organiser isn't getting rich over this. He probably earns more working at McDonald's.
Oh, there's publicity costs involved i forgot... Definately need to spend a lot on publicity since the noob bands can't even get 30 people I suppose... Okok


....don't ask me why !!

You have to $$$$ !!
yeah ur not charity cases. the organisers hold the gig for profit, they dont owe anyone anything. thirty is a bit much, but u get more exposure for ur music+more experience playing live, and the organisers get paid for helping. oh and giving out demos is one way to make ur band more famous. playing at gigs and getting more ppl to go is another way :).
if you can't get 30 people to watch your band then you need to work harder! =)

as a band, your value is not your music, but your fanbase. you will be measured by the industry by the number of CDs you can sell and the number of people who come to your shows.

lol, thats retarded.

true though, but only as far as your typical "rock band" goes.

as a sidenote, macdonalds has higher sales than that pwnage french restaurant in paris.
I don't see what so hard to understand.

Imagine person A who owns a club, person B who is a gig organizer, and bands X,Y and Z.

1. If you were person A. Would you allow a bunch of no name bands to play in your club with no guarantee that they will bring a drinking crowd in? Logically, no.

2. If you were person B. Would you organize a gig if you had no cash and no club? Logically, no.

3. If you were band X, who is confident in your music, and wants to showcase it. You approach person A and ask if you could borrow his club for your band to play in. He says, "Okay, the rent for the night is $900." Your band decides that's a fair enough rent to book THE WHOLE CLUB for THE WHOLE NIGHT. So you call in band Y and Z to split the costs.

You work out that if all 3 bands sell 30 tickets each for $10, you'll have enough cash to pay for the rent.

You ask your friends to come support. You get your family members to come support. You go on the street with fliers asking people to come listen to your band.

And you play a great gig.

So now, instead of you having to approach the club owner and negotiating terms and finding other bands, and calculating the costs, and printing your own tickets, and doing promotions, person B is doing it for you.

And you're complaining?

Do some work, promote your band and your music. It'll pay off. 30 isn't much, ask a 300 people from your school and maybe you'll have 30 come. That's how some insurance people make more than $5k a month. They approach everybody.
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Oh ya shouldn't complain since we're in Singapore and all profits go to A and B not X, Y and Z.

That's why people should form bands. A great commercial tool for people in the process of trying to "make it". But well, actaully that rarely happens so jus a great commercial tool.

AIYA! honestly i just think if u want to organise a gig, organise properly. Find sponsors, good bands, good venue and a good date. pay all bands, n still get profit from attendees, advertise the sponsor. All paid...all happy. so ya agree wit gsonique...FAAAIL! and yea its all about $$$.

You play a show, you're tired, hungry etc. Im sure you think you deserve some kind of token($$) at least.

You organise a show, you're stressed, tired. Im sure you think you deserve some profit($$) for trying to put up a show for people to enjoy.

and yea one more thing, promoting the show is definitely the responsibility of the ORGANISER. if you think the band not good enough, dont put them in. Don't give shit like "oh im giving opportunities for young bands to......Please sell ticket because we don't want you to play to an empty crowd...." Save them the embarrassment if they cant deliver a good show and attract people. Tell them to work harder. How music want to prosper daaaaa? I mean this is just my opinion.

i hope no one will tell me "eh u think easy u do la." Lazy to argue.

Not to forget but i think the gigs now have too much bands playing in one show.

SPOT ON panz3rr bro!

i mean, it's all about personal choice innit?

and to bands, if u tink that it's rather unethical for the organizers to ask the bands to sell tix, den don't perform under them. Go get ur lazy asses up and record a demo, make presskits, pass it to organizers/venue owners, i'm SURE they'll consider. and by doing so, instead of selling tickets, u might even get paid for playing..

And as to organizers, i'm not saying it's unethical to ask bands to sell tickets.. asking them to sell 30 tickets is fine, but asking them to pay the remaining amount of tickets that they're unable to sell is rather wrong.. If they're able to sell 10 or so tickets den fine, ask them to return the remaining tickets.. You wouldn't make that much of a loss, would u?

2cents worth.
if you can't get 30 people to watch your band then you need to work harder! =)

as a band, your value is not your music, but your fanbase. you will be measured by the industry by the number of CDs you can sell and the number of people who come to your shows.

I know it's all about marketing these days but bro, edit lah, if you play shit, you won't have a fanbase.
oh really?

youtube "fall out boy live". listen to their playing, and look at the size of the crowds.

everybody is out to exploit everybody else. we all want to put in minimum effort and get maximum satisfaction. it's basic economics. you want the most bang for your buck, the most gain with the least cost.

organizers will exploit bands if they can- i've played in gigs before where we were given 50 tickets to sell at $15 dollars and NOT told that we had to sell everything to play, and given terrible sound and only 15 minutes to play. (It was still a good experience in the end because we bothered sell the tickets, so we had supporters down)

bands will exploit organizers if they can- i tried organizing gigs before where i told the bands "sell as much as you can, I have faith in you." I've had bands sell 2 tickets and ask for 8 spots on the guestlist.

(Incidentally guys, the first gig that The Fire Fight played, they sold 30+ tickets for me at $14 dollars each, and it was MINDBLOWING. They played brilliant music and everyone fell in love, and it's no magic formula that explains where they are today- it's sheer hard work)

think about it.
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