Gear photos 2011

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PT-Nano = portable good times.
Definitely! It's kind of a bummer that I have to play without delay because of how small the board is, but all that trem craziness makes it sorta worth it!
Sweet, you got the very special twosome. Do the 2 sides get very noisy when stacked?

I agree that it'll be kinda weird without a delay but the board is pretty awesome haha.
^ Depends on what you set it at. If the Fix'd is firing on all canisters it does hum like crazy and feedback like there's no tomorrow. I run the Fix'd as a tone boost now though so it really isn't much noisier than, say, any normal Big Muff circuit. Definitely bearable.
it does hum like crazy and feedback like there's no tomorrow.

That might not be a bad thing :twisted: haha. I haven't had success stacking fuzzes (although its great fun), at home its not that bad but the noise gets unmanageable at louder volumes.
Been hearing plenty of great things about the EP booster.. Normally I don't like spending $200 on just a simple preamp/ booster but if its that great, things might change haha.
Great board fiberdrive. Are the OCD and Plimsoul similar? I've heard people say that the Plimsoul kills the OCD haha.

Thanks wck. yes i do prefer the plimsoul over the OCD! somehow the OCD doesn't sound good on my amp.
I see, the Plimsoul is more tweakable and it sounds really dynamic from the demos. Hope I don't end up getting one, I've got enough dirt already haha.
Been hearing plenty of great things about the EP booster.. Normally I don't like spending $200 on just a simple preamp/ booster but if its that great, things might change haha.

It's really worth it. Esp if you always play on diff rigs that are unpredictable. It's so wonderful that can make most dull sounding amps sound like huge!

1983 Ibanez Ts-9 (thanksgiving)

Suhr riot (christmas)

1981 Ibanez CS-505 (New year's)

More to come hopefully.
It's really worth it. Esp if you always play on diff rigs that are unpredictable. It's so wonderful that can make most dull sounding amps sound like huge!

Cool, now I feel like I gotta try one haha. I was told that the Himmelstrutz boost can be quite similar to the ep booster, if so I've tried that before.. It does add some high end to make the sound have that bell like cleans.

Rimuel: U went on an ebay buying spree ah? Hows the CS-505, its more of a subtle chorus right? I have this thing for pedals in that series although I only own 1 of them.
@Jordan dude how can you LIVE without delay!?!?!??!!?!


This is my board for my band's next live show!
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