Gear photos 2011

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Do you mind explaining what you mean by heavy tuners killing tone? I've not heard of big tuners affecting tone a lot before. Thanks!

From what I've read, adding weight to the headstock changes the tone and dynamics a little. It's negligible, but for those sensitive enough, they can tell that the sound shifted from a vintage stratty tone to a more modern one, especially on clean sounds. It'll also increase sustain but kill the dynamics.

I doubt I can hear any difference really, but I'm just more concerned about the weight balance.
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Do you mind explaining what you mean by heavy tuners killing tone? I've not heard of big tuners affecting tone a lot before. Thanks!

it's not how big they are but how massive (heavy) they are. it's also not just about the tuners but the instrument's hardware in general. the electric guitar is about wood resonance, if there are massive hardware in the wood, these would affect the resonance which in turn would influence the guitar's amplified tone. some of the most resonant guitars out there are certainly the PRS offerings. if you have the chance to handle the PRS hardware, you'd note how light they are.
Ahh I see. Thanks for the info.. I'm not sure if I will be able to hear the difference also, maybe in extreme situations but subtle changes should be negligible for me. Ears not that sensitive also haha.
...they can tell that the sound shifted from a vintage stratty tone to a more modern one...

i certainly don't hear this from my instruments which received a less massive hardware swap. i hear a warmer resonance in clean mode which, to me, does good for instrument-pickup interaction.
.. I'm not sure if I will be able to hear the difference also, ...

he he... it's same situation with many of us who can't hear the differences between pickups, strings, fretboard wood, nut material, capacitor types... the list goes on.
Yeah. Haven't tried swapping to lighter/ heavier hardware so I wouldn't know for sure also. Swapping pickups, strings and fretboard wood are much more obvious differences for sure.
it's not how big they are but how massive (heavy) they are.

Massive, despite its root word, is not used to describe the density or weight of an object. If you are refering to weight in reference to the item's size, the proper term 'dense'. In fact, what was wrong with using the simpler word 'heavy' that you mention in parantheses?
In fact, what was wrong with using the simpler word 'heavy' that you mention in parantheses?

the fact that it's there for reference, despite being parenthesized, implies usage- intended or otherwise. parentheses or parantheses? in fact, what's wrong with 'brackets'? peace
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the fact that it's there for reference, despite being parenthesized, implies usage- intended or otherwise. parentheses or parantheses? in fact, what's wrong with 'brackets'? peace

I'm not the one using the wrong substitute word then having to put the correct term next to it, now am I?

Oh, what the heck. I'm arguing English with someone who cannot capitalize the start of each sentence.
I'm not the one using the wrong substitute word then having to put the correct term next to it, now am I?

no you didn't, you just made a mistake of another nature. if there should be other grammatical bouts to come, please revert to PM. thanks & peace.
Oh, what the heck. I'm arguing English with someone who cannot capitalize the start of each sentence.

aiya..nothing wrong to not start with a non capitalised first letter in a FORUM mahh. not like the moderators will demerit us for poor english xD heheheh. peace yo!
ok this would be my first ever pedalboard. yes a little slow i realized, and perhaps some re-arranging needs to be made. My recent trip to the US was the catalyst i guess. lol. And yes I do note I have too many drive pedals. :p

Happy New Year folks!

Pedalboard 2011
Great board fiberdrive. Are the OCD and Plimsoul similar? I've heard people say that the Plimsoul kills the OCD haha.
Recently revamp my pedalboard. I'm not really into modulation so on my board are mainly dirt pedals. The El Cap, Stonebender and CAE wah are new as from Dec 2010.

Happy New Year!

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Muahaha i see more fellow riot users. My boards not gonna be here for a while.

1) shitty camera to take pictures with
2) board aint complete yet.

Oh dezng hows the EP booster?
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