Well-known member
you dick, youre showing off everywhere
Sub I was never a sig guitar person myself initially but somehow the JP just appealed to me cause it is just so versatile and comfortable to play, ....
But then I went in to ask about the price tag and the shop owner told me the price and specific model of LP it was with the grossest smug look on his face as if to say..."boy ah.. do u even know what your looking at? u cant even afford this, dont waste my time la.."
So i did.. walk off that is. lol mind u, i had ready cash. totally regret letting my pride get in the way that day. hah OH WELL...
What specific LP was that?
You did the right thing by walking away. Why let this arrogant schmuck earn your money?So i did.. walk off that is. lol mind u, i had ready cash. totally regret letting my pride get in the way that day. hah OH WELL...
Nothing all that WOW... 91/2 Sunburst LP.. if i rmb correctly lol
.....The scent of wood that overwhelms me everytime i open the case........
I decided to take a family shot of all my Ibanez guitars. New acquisition of the year are the RGs, second and third from the top.
1991 RG550 which I refinished with material finish and 1998 RG520QS.
Thank you Beez for the rewiring.
Goodness! A guitar like that and he's already giving that sort of attitude! I expected it to be at least a 60s or 70s vintage piece before he can even start thinking about giving that attitude towards you.
I decided to take a family shot of all my Ibanez guitars.
60's 70's? hah nvr seen one in singapore at least.. besides with the price tags on those......................................................... lol