Gear photos 2011

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Bad image, a 2nd hand Squire Stratocaster Standard and Marshall MG15R (Not inside).
Need someone to teach me :D
The G&L looks great man. I see you've got the ltd run HT-5 too.

Sigh.. Ram and Carol always make me GAS for new gear haha.

I couldn't agree more! But GAS will not be so easy to overcome as well.

Ram and Carol are a great bunch aren't they?:p

Haha, GAS or GALS? Hmm! For now, its going to have to be GAS la! ;)

Yeah, Carol and Ram are always obliging with testing their stuff. Not sure if that's a good thing but yeah, severe GAS-ing each time I get there! I just tested the Peerless Journeyman and it took all the willpower in me to say 'no'! At least, for now..!

Sadly, I caved in slightly and bought the HT-Dual to replace my recently sold DistX, which was too 'high gain' for my liking. So, after playing and fiddling with the Dual for the past hour, I think this pedal, or should I say brick, will be staying. For now, at least. :p

Anyway, enjoy the weekend, all! I shall be away and workin'!

"Jumpin' Jack Flash, GAS GAS GAS!" :p
Just to follow the roster for gears acquired in 2011... =]


Obtained my latest pedal from Davis Guitar last week.
This baby packs a blast of tasty distorted tones for any application. Lovely little beast!

Added it on to my little set-up for my two bands.

Bad Horsie 2, Pork Loin, Tight Metal, GT-OD, Big Muff pi, Line Driver, M9 & Smart Gate.
soon to add on by today; Carbon Copy! =]

SE Orianthi & Iceman.

Thank you all for viewing!
Wah domo's moved! lol

how do u transport ur set-up man? last week was the first time i tried to carry my mono case and pt jr on the train (usually i cab, but i'm trying to be frugal).. totally wanted to DIE! and urs is a pt-2! ahhhhhh
ooooo ULTRA GAIN.. sounds brroooooootaaalllllszzz.... wonder how ultra is ultra.

havent really crank it up yet but the cleans so far are awesome huge head room

@hub: Nice! How much damage? How does the speaker damping sound? Is it me or the PT is crooked?
i got it from a japan dealer good price but bummer cause the shipping cost abit just need to change the fuse since its auto voltage, havent try the damping yet
Wah domo's moved! lol

how do u transport ur set-up man? last week was the first time i tried to carry my mono case and pt jr on the train (usually i cab, but i'm trying to be frugal).. totally wanted to DIE! and urs is a pt-2! ahhhhhh

HAHa Domo needs a fresh place from time to time.. He's actually a handphone stand of sorts. But I usually put my ear plugs and some picks in him =]

Well dude, I do like no other way, just carry it. Was thinking of getting a trolley but I'm not sure where to get a trolley small and strong enough to place my pedalboard on it.

HAha! but when I can, I car-pull with my band mates. But I use a Crumpler strap-pad for the PT so that it doesn't hurt my shoulder as much to carry it ard. After awhile you get used to the weight I think hAHA!

Age is just a number bro! haHA! THere's always a way if we want it enough for there to be a way =) ...if that makes sense! LOL!
But seriously, consider the trolley. or maybe can get a pedal train hard case and put wheels on it?
I'm thinking of getting one of those trolleys for my PT-2 also. Much easier to transport around. How are you powering your pedals + the M9 btw?
MAN UP GUYS! My PT-2 weighs 16kg and my LP in my mono case with all the crap inside weighs a good 10kg. I weighed them at the airport when sending my friend off and I rushed from practice. I don't even sling the PT-2 on my shoulder because the strap broke due to the excessive weight. You guy's should see how crazily beat up my PT-2 case is due to all the places it has been to. I still take public transportation most of the time from home to town, walk home from the mrt station, it's tiring, but thats my price I pay for the tones I get!
Hmm.. i just realized how much I must sound like a would be ns kid who cant carry his own field pack. LOL.

Here's hoping it's just a matter of getting used to it!

You guys all make me wanna get a PT2 Sigh......................................

I need a new pedaltrain 2 case. Does anyone know where I can buy like, a PT-2 hardcase ONLY, or at least a custom made ATA flight case to fit the pedaltrain frame?
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