Gear News 2006

thor666 said:
ShredCow said:
Haha.. alrighty... when I get a pitchard we all can find out the "truth" lah. hahaha...

It's a bit difficult to even answer the question even when you get a Pritchard. Too many variables. You can even get a worse amp when you put super high quality components into an amp, than an amp that is well designed with the suitable components in mind. And then there's still prior experiences and bias. You can get a Pritchard and someone will still disagree that solidstates can win tubes, all else being equal. Because in real life, very few things are all else being equal.

What to do what to do?

Tis better than leaving the equation "unsolved" and just assume tubes be all there is... i think.
Hey, there are different ways to do the same thing.

Perhaps one day Slash will reveal that he's just running his guitar through a Line 6 PodXT live. And many purists won't believe it.

Next time you got the money though, and really want the Pritchard, I say, get it. I don't think anything is wrong with that. It's good to try different things. But don't chase after the rainbow. It might just be cornflakes rather than a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
tubes can do the tube distortion thingy that solid states can't... otherwise for clean i think they're pretty indistinguishable at the current state of the art....

At high volumes tubes will also resonate with the speakers and cab and this adds more rich harmonics into the picture as well. Its a kind of physics thing i guess.. the nature of the beast which a solid state can't emulate exactly...

but some people at the fender forums were swearing by their vox amps.. the ones with the pre-amp tubes and solid state power sections... any experience here?
The Pritchard claims to be able to simulate the tube distortion thing along with other tube characteristics. Not sure if they do, but worth a read at their website.

One thing true is that our ears do react better to loud volumes. So it might just be the volume.

I haven't heard of preamp tube Vox amps, know the Valvetronix are poweramp tube sections, with modelling to boot. imo, doesn't cut it at all. I would rather look at other solidstates for the money.
i own the ADVT30 though

and i must say for modelling amp this amp is really really versatile

but each to his own so yeah respect your liking towards to amp

i use this merely for the shiok clean sound it gets

but obviously and of course wont be as realy as a tubey

however a student's life cant be expected much
well save work and stuff the usual to buy gear. also a student here just save more and get a tube amp i suppose.
ciel said:
well save work and stuff the usual to buy gear. also a student here just save more and get a tube amp i suppose.
defintely will

but again as a foreign student wouldnt wanna buy too many... will end up having trouble shifting elsewhere
namle said:
but again as a foreign student wouldnt wanna buy too many... will end up having trouble shifting elsewhere

True that. Also 120V vs 240v woes are there. Try 2nd hand tube amps on luther. You gotta be patient and wait for good deals though.
played this wonderful guitar revcently:

CORT KX Custom
List: $1,100

I shall be the first subbie...

where can i get it? will it be on sale? are you going to write a review on it?

hur hur hur... corts are nice.
bro- check it out @ swee lee BB showroom. yup, review in the works...

still finding out if there's Katana to be had, i'm definitely having a go at it...
I've been obsessed with Godin's for the longest time for the same reason.

String thro TOM bridges and they've perfected it. TOM and low.

One day I'll buy an LG


I've played those Godins, string thru body, recessed TOM.

The bolt on model, similiar to the one with P90s, with a HSS config, is like what, 800 bucks? The price is right.

The set neck version, maho neck and body, H - H config, is like $1200.

Great price IMO, and the oiled finish, I hear wood!!!

Only gripe, the overhang of the 22nd fret is quite a long... so the fretboard overhangs out quite a bit. I've seen 1 display model where the fretboard has warped till the 22nd fret is lower than usual, resulting in it becoming unplayable.