Fight for your right to EMO!

hehehe, if iam a black metallist, i disowned my own culture and festive season, i go live in the mountain(bukit timah hill, in this case) with my sword/leather/studds /corpse paint and get close to my roots by looking at tree branches resembling blackest metal band logo and howling under the moonlight while playing my pointy geetar and brewtal than phuq, more gain then gain geetar amp!

do black metallist use Staedtler mechanical pencils?
raistmar bro, there's a saying, "ignorance is bliss".

so we simply ignore them, and we'll have blissful peace. anyway, why bother?

as metalheads, we need to spend more time practicing than beating up emokids who don't need to practice as much due to a need for lesser technical skills than metal.
If you don't like kids of a certain sub-genre, you can :
1) Simply look at them and sigh. Repeatedly.
2) Spread bad rumors, e.g like that sub-genre actually worships Giant Space Bears.
3) Just bloody ignore them. It isn't that hard really.
4) Moan and bitch about them all day long. Pretty much what lots of us are doing!
What's all this aggression? INSANE!!!

I donch understand at all... Maybe issit becuz people donch go to RnB clubs on weekends to grind to Rihanna's 'Umbrella'? I do!

Grinding is goot. Makes my blood boil and removes my aggression...

I'd like to dedicate this song to my bros bros, bro Pathein bro and bro edder bro. Stay kewl and funkay always. Remember to grind once in a while.

YouTube - Jay-Z - I Just Wanna Love U (Give It 2 Me): BET Version

mayb its because we find it doesn;t talk about social issues and world affairs enough and its too much on selfish happiness. maybs thats why we dont listen to it more.

whereas with emo, its about self pity.

Hmm... Politics in music has always been a self-grandeurising effort, donchoo think?

Do a concert in support of Greenpeace? Oh, the irony. Free trade for 3rd world developing countries? Engage companies/ corporations to be more socially responsible... but tt's in itself a rheotorical statement. Free Tibet? I'd rather help the people directly if I could than to protest against any governments.
raistmar bro, there's a saying, "ignorance is bliss".

so we simply ignore them, and we'll have blissful peace. anyway, why bother?

as metalheads, we need to spend more time practicing than beating up emokids who don't need to practice as much due to a need for lesser technical skills than metal.

But I do agree with this.
yes quite true aging youth. music always has the effect of self grandeur.

but it is because of people that the music has power. the music itself, without anyone listening and taking action, is just that, it is simply music. it is there to plant a seed in our minds. but it takes someone to start something, to actually cultivate that seed and let it germinate that things start happening.
nope, black metallist like to sharpen their pencils with their sword, they dont like to press for more lead.

so no mechanical pencils!

arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh.... life sucks!!!! i thought i would have found my friends... but there aren't any!!!! why???? why won't black metallist use mechanical pencils?!?!?!?! whyyyy whyyy???????? don't black metallist keep journals to jot down their darkest innermost blackest of the blackerest thoughts??????
some of you guys say ,hey, emo ppl are just ppl who are trying to be themselves or that the punks are brainless idiots who use mindless violence.
then you tell me, why does punks and metalheads only beat up ppl like the emo kids? just because they dress differently and listen to a diffrent genre of music?
no way man, i doubt metalheads and punks would beat up alternative rock listeners or techno listeners etc. the reason this hatred and violence appear towards those emo kids is beacause they, are promoting depression.promoting the slitting of wrist not because they are depressed, but for the fun of it and telling ppl that they are depressed. Promoting arrogance and disliking for a different genre of music. and last but not least promoting crappy music.
people choose their own paths of what they want to be, no one asked you to join the emo group, the punks, metalhead groups. you choose your own direction, and if you choose the wrong one, you're asking for trouble i guess....
most emo kids are not themselves. most punks are not themselves. most metalheads are not themselves. music is music. why turn it into a cult....thing? plus, do most people even know what emo music is?