hehe, problem is when you are metal hard as graphite, yet seeing kuniang soft as new age sensitive guy singing tough, your metal hard as graphite heart of space age harden material feel insulted and hurt due to the fact that metal hard as graphite in the mind of supporters, is hard, cold, cool, underground, kylt, tr00 or simply belonging in thier space age harden material territory and shall not be step upon by kuniang soft as new age sensitive guy.
Once the line is cross, from kuniang soft as new age sensitive guy to metal hard as graphite heart of space age harden material, this is what happen, as seen in the thread.
While it is ok for metal hard as graphite heart of space age harden material to cover kuniang soft as new age sensitive guy(under the name of, "making fun of", "its for funny sake" etc blah blah blah), the idea of kuniang soft as new age sensitive guy to cover metal hard as graphite heart of space age harden mateiral is still considered a big NONO(not, i dont mean that taiwanese host, sidekick of jacky wu, NONO) I mean big NO NO. As we can see from this thread again.
So, are the metalhead in here, metal hard as graphite heart of space age harden material or metal hard as my rod errr sorry, i will take back that... i mean metal hard as graphite heart of space age harden material but with a kuniang soft like new age sensitive guy mind and touch?