dumbest thing a guitarist ever said to you

A "to remain unrevealed guitar salesman" to a newbie guitar buyer:

"Ah, now with this guitar, you can play like Joe Satriniani"
yes.... was waiting when U ppl would start reacting to my "get some"

get some gangbangers get some
"hey!if i got an ibanez jem then i can play as good as steve vai,if i got Ibanez Js then i can play as good as joe sat."
true story...

last year at a gig,the band that played before mine started on their 1st song. minutes into the song,i heard people saying "wa liow,pity the guitarist got problem". i was backstage,so went to the side to see what's the commotion and true enough to see the guitarist panicking coz got no sound. me (the superhero,not being kaypoh) went up to him to offer help. he was fiddling with the knobs on the amp. i look around and all was powered up and volume on,so i traced backwards his plugged-in cable from his GT-8 input and WALA...

the guitar cable was dangling on his music stand...! and he said...

"...OH NO, NOT AGAIN...!"

he sheepishly thanked me,we had a good laugh after the gig but i never saw him again...
and that, my friend, happens to me and my other guitarist all the time in the jamming studio. i always forget to bridge at least one connection and spend at least five minutes figuring out what's wrong before i systematically trace the source of the problem.

dumb eh..?
heh. dont worry. my stupid error was on stage too. no sound was coming out from my amp. I promptly kicked my cheapo amp, still no sound. Then i realised my visualvolume ws all the way down...
one more to the thread

he said, she said, we said, they said, James said:
G E T S O M E S O F T I E S, G E T S O M E !
getting a accoustic from swee lee ask the sales person i couldnt find the reverb on the amp. the person said on this guitar got natural reverb
A friend recently told me about her guitar teacher...
"I will only teach you alternate picking if you can downpick at 160bpm"

The dumb thing was, her teacher was serious...
WAH!!! 160bpm???

Must w**k to practise eh??? :wink: hahaha

Dumbest thing Ive ever done...

- Recently did a gig, about to start a song which has guitar and drum intro, 'Immigrant Song' then, 1, 2, 3, 4, ------forgot to turn up the volume on my guitar... hehehe

- Used to have a VOX Bulldog distortion and the input, output is visually the wron way around. Then when I rush to setup I get it the wrong way so when its activated theres no sound. So I tried turning up the guitar amp and there is only a little tiny bit of sound. Then I thought if its something wrong with the pedalbox. (BTW the bypass is true bypass). So with my amplifier on near max volume, I stepped the bypass, and you know the rest of the story. I think everyone was deaf by then. hehehe
power la badger..

well so far..i havent had any bad experience..

oh well..

nothing can beat my lead guitarist..

so proudly i came to the front of the stage juz as his solo was about to start..

but he went up front too far..that..

juz as he raised his guitar to fret the first note..it yanked the cable right out of his multi effects..

- Recently did a gig, about to start a song which has guitar and drum intro, 'Immigrant Song' then, 1, 2, 3, 4, ------forgot to turn up the volume on my guitar... hehehe

BADGER!!!! ... so it was because of you!!!!!!!!


LOLX!!!! ..... :P :lol:

man ... that gig was bad ..... sigh ....
"I've learnt everything from appregios to shredding to tapping. Can you teach me how to tune because it never came across my mind to learn it"

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