dumbest thing a guitarist ever said to you

Most stupid thing was a newbie say he think steve vai sucks, said I dont think he really v gd leh 8O 8O 8O
tell him..steve vai sucks so badly..he's such a lousy guitarist that he's earning loads of money and there are people who are tryin to play him...

hur hur.
Some may like vai, some not. Some guitarists like players who shred, strictly technical playing & picking. Eg: JP & PG. Some may like players who do crazy whammy sounds & different noise. Eg: JS or Vai. Its all down to idividual.
how can i ever forget this...

Vox is for the blues.....

:lol: :lol: sorry wdx... we love you too!
Newbie 16 yr old guitarist jamming for the first time with his friends at the now non-existent BMC studios at Bedok Reservoir a long time back:

(swinging the whammy bar up, down and around...)
Eh, I don't get it. What is this supposed to do? I don't hear any difference...

.....ah...those were the days of sweet ignorant bliss. :D
"Steve Vai sucks cos he whammys too much" 8O

but the best one was

"I want to thow your pedalboard into the river and see what happens"
HAHA yeah man i was thinking that was damn dumb, cos he mentioned "river" when in actual reality it was just a koi pond which he wanted to toss it into

it was a stupid threat but was damn dumb...i remembered going home and laughing as it came back to my mind and I repeated the words....

LOL :lol:

"what's the difference between acoustic and classical guitar? Apart from the sound, strings and body shape I mean"

Makes me want to slap some of these people sometimes... 8O
'' finger plucking is much faster den alternate picking ''

hohoho.... dont be too quick to think that is wrong for all scenarios...

thats exactly wad i mean. people who says that concluding something that isnt proved =)
for me the dumbest thing a guitarist said to me is my dear fren..

He said...

How many years does it take for me to become a pro??

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, dumbest thing has got to be this question my friend who just started to learn guitar asked me.

"How do you strum the strings?"

Well, dumbest thing has got to be this question my friend who just started to learn guitar asked me.

"How do you strum the strings?"


reminds me of a message i sent my friend when she lost her phone.

Message: Heys , thanks for supporting and coming down for my gig. So sorry that you've lost your phone.Cheer up :D

I use to think that there's a need to insert batteries into electric guitars in order to play them.

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