New member
I am not talking about costs, I am talking about Taufik's cut from it.
And if the ad manager or 7-11 honestly believes spending that amount of money on such an ad is going to increase revenue in ANY WAY, that speaks large amounts of whatever little IQ he has.
In any case, in my eyes Taufik/Hady has not made it and will not make it if they continue the way they do.
I don't know what kind of educational qualifications you have but I am pretty certain it's not a marketing degree.
Companies and brands do conduct actual studies to determine the impact on certain marketing strategies, and going by the fact that Taufik Batisah has been used by 7-11 more than once in their advertising campaigns, plus the fact that numerous other brands like I mentioned have engaged him to be their product representative, is concrete proof that Taufik is a popular figure with people of all ages.
And you have to understand that the objectives of advertisements are not just to increase revenue, but to stay constantly exposed to the consumers. Just like a saying by Warren Buffet that goes something like 'a business which does not aim to occupy the hearts and minds of people, is a business that will not last'.
In other words, constant brand exposure is just part of the plan to maintain the market standing, which is critical in staying alive in a business in order to generate revenue and create profits for its shareholders.
Oh well. I guess from your S$300, ad manager and increase revenue points, I deduce that you don't know much about the business anyway.
BUT hey, we've already agreed that there isn't much demand for English language singers or bands here in Singapore, thus the relative non-success, that Taufik Batisah and Hady Mirza have 'not made it' in your view.
My honest view about this is precisely because of that, that recording companies are not pumping much money to gather the best song-writers, music producers and marketing companies to push these artistes.
We all keep forgetting that most of the time, the successful singers and bands which have stayed a long while since their introduction, are all but products borne, conceptualized and marketed by various people, and rarely by just their talent alone.