Do Singapore Vocalist Suck?

depends on what type of vocalist you are looking for.

of course if you want a death metal band and then a pop singer comes in, obviously he/she will suck for the role.

there are definitely good vocalists in singapore. look at bands like rudra, kathi's great growling style, look at meza virs, jasmine's vocals are definitely good and pleasing to the ears.

just have to look hard, and dont conclude that singapore's vocalists suck just cos you havent found one.
When you're dissatisfied with something, there are two things you can do.

A: do it yourself
B: shut the hell up
I agree that some ecellent vox are already being taken up, even the average below par n sux-big-time are already taken up as

Man, you're audition for the past few months must've been troublesome, give more people a chance to try, sometimes you can get extremely good vox,but lousy 'kayu' frontman - that also equates to suck vocalist right?

Maybe you find those medium, average vox but an extreme crowd-pleaser and frontman? haha. Trial N error bro.. :)
There are good vocalists in Singapore. However, most of them are professionals & active in the music scene.

If you're a band that's about finding its bearings, it would be tough finding a top-notch vocalist.

But boy, this is gonna be one interesting thread! :cool:
another suggestion is to just take a singer who has passion even if he/she isnt top notch. if the person you auditioned has the passion, i believe you need not worry as he/she will bother practising so as to improve.

isnt this the case for other instrumentalists as well? if you are not good but you have the passion, you keep practising to improve right? singing is similar, if you really want to, you can definitely improve.
When you're dissatisfied with something, there are two things you can do.

A: do it yourself
B: shut the hell up

couldn't agree more. + 1! wait the TS isn't talking anymore.. lets just close this yet another flaming thread. haha ;)
No they don't?

Steph Sun, Tanya Chua, JJ Lin (partially SG :P), Hady Mirza so on.

You just haven't found the right one dood. Good ones are usually hidden. Look harder.

steph sun? u must be joking..
jj lin? joking,definitely..

tanya chua n hady is great..

in my opinion, the first thing for u not to become sucky, is to know ur abilities..
if u cant sing,just shut up..
if u cant play, then shut up n listen..

dont sing songs u cant even reach,
dont sing songs with words u cant even pronounce,
like if there is '...steel..' in the song, pronounce it as steel, not steul..
or if there is '..feel..', pronounce it as feel, not feul..
u know what i mean..

there are a lot of things here to point out abt local singers,
and i suggest, look up for videos of jive talking..
they are a bunch of super great examples..

and please, practice the diction and phrasings..
or else, shut up..
Indeed. Yes, look up vids of Jive Talkin' on YouTUbe. Awesome, awesome band. To me, S'pore's best cover band. (but that's just my opinion la)
A bit of investigative search have led me to this:

Pay attention to these two replies:

Hi there

I'm 30, used to jam and play pub gigs once upon a time. Thinking of getting back into music as I miss the whole vibe.

Here's some samples of my singing voice –

and then from threadstarter:

Hey there, I think you've got a great voice. We would love to try you out!


For someone who says Singapore vocalist suck, that's quite a contradictory remark.

Anyway, Threadstarter, if you are relying on posting on Soft and waiting for replies, it won't get you anywhere. Not all the musicians in Singapore goes to Soft, and neither does Soft reach out to all the musicians in Singapore. I think you should be a little more resourceful with your search.

have you met dawn yeo? corrinne may? seriously? how can you say there aren't good singers in singapore.

threadstarter, i recommend u be a vocalist then. since u cant find one that is "good" and besides, u know how your standard is like. maybe then u'll stop whining. :rolleyes:

i disagree. movie critiques may not be amazing directors themselves but they know what makes a good movie. food critiques may not be world-class chefs but they certainly know what gourmet cuisine taste like. music critiques likewise do not necessarily have to be good at everything, or anything for that matter, they just need to know what a good musician should sound like.
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In my opinion, I think whether a vocalist is 'good' is really quite subjective. I think Damien Rice is a great vocalist in terms of how he fits his music. But by world standards perhaps he's certainly not a great vocalist since his singing is usually slightly off-key (even in recordings). But he fits his music perfectly and that makes him a great vocalist in my eyes.

I think Singapore definitely has great singers. Thing is, Hady Mirza and Taufik Batisah are not among the greatest I've heard. And it's not just about keeping in key and all those 'technical' aspects. I've heard Marchtwelve and Electrico live and I think both bands have great vocalists. So it's really a subjective thing.
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I guess what TS meant was he/she couldn't get a good vocalist for the band?


But i gotta agree that TS should look outside SOFT....haha

A bit of investigative search have led me to this:

Pay attention to these two replies:

and then from threadstarter:

For someone who says Singapore vocalist suck, that's quite a contradictory remark.

Anyway, Threadstarter, if you are relying on posting on Soft and waiting for replies, it won't get you anywhere. Not all the musicians in Singapore goes to Soft, and neither does Soft reach out to all the musicians in Singapore. I think you should be a little more resourceful with your search.

I think you're right about the pronouciation part, most Singapore vocalist fall into that category...

steph sun? u must be joking..
jj lin? joking,definitely..

tanya chua n hady is great..

in my opinion, the first thing for u not to become sucky, is to know ur abilities..
if u cant sing,just shut up..
if u cant play, then shut up n listen..

dont sing songs u cant even reach,
dont sing songs with words u cant even pronounce,
like if there is '...steel..' in the song, pronounce it as steel, not steul..
or if there is '..feel..', pronounce it as feel, not feul..
u know what i mean..

there are a lot of things here to point out abt local singers,
and i suggest, look up for videos of jive talking..
they are a bunch of super great examples..

and please, practice the diction and phrasings..
or else, shut up..
I thought vixrox really had a great voice at the time...

Then after going through tonnes and tonnes of self-proclaimed GREAT vocalists, I began to feel otherwise...

You're right though, not all musicians go to soft, and soft doesn't reach out to all vocalists...

I'll stick to what I'm feeling but maybe I'm just generalizing over the many that I've auditioned.

A bit of investigative search have led me to this:

Pay attention to these two replies:

and then from threadstarter:

For someone who says Singapore vocalist suck, that's quite a contradictory remark.

Anyway, Threadstarter, if you are relying on posting on Soft and waiting for replies, it won't get you anywhere. Not all the musicians in Singapore goes to Soft, and neither does Soft reach out to all the musicians in Singapore. I think you should be a little more resourceful with your search.


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