Customer Service in Guitar stores

lol I dunno, but it seems they are very annoyed with people wearing sch uniform..

c'mon lar, after whole day of sch we go and check out guitar, in the end stared all the way :\
aiya.. the store pple are just discriminating customers.. sch uniform = low spending power and to them, pple who keep on trying and trying stuff = no $$ to buy just wanna try only

i'm not sure if they'll give the same look to pple who are older.. at least for me i feel like most sales pple come up to me and ask me if i need help.. but then agn i'm 23 8)
Crawldaddy said:

Ah, the old man's the father of Francis Poh, he isn't into guitars, just hanging around. You know, old people are like that.
He's pretty harmless la. (:
please keep the comment useful as a feedback to the store owners. no need to use excessive abusive connotation.
imcorn said:
aiya.. the store pple are just discriminating customers.. sch uniform = low spending power and to them, pple who keep on trying and trying stuff = no $$ to buy just wanna try only

No. I bet you. In fact, its a fact.

Sch days. Bunch of sch kids come in store. Try this, try that.

Are they ALL careful with the gear? ("Nay, but I am careful!" You may think, but then 1 dinged PRS. heh. How much a loss?)

Do they know how to handle a tube amp?

And after the 101st student walks out of the store, after asking to try some cool guitar, gets his fingerprints all over it, gives it back, says, "uh, i'll think abt it." walks off... i think patience will be truely stretched to the limits.

Especially when you are doing this everyday for the past decade or so.
not sure if this is would sound weird or anything. i once went to the sweelee at brasbasah and checked out the ibanez guitar there(i heard that ibanez is a good brand). i choose black colour(my fav colour). i asked this guy whether i can try it out, he let me try it, then went to help out other customers. i try for quite a while and he didnt disturb me sia..(maybe cause he busy with other customer). well after i was done, i told him that i will think about it and he said ok sure, and then he gave me some advice which i kinda ignored(my mind was distracted!). so to me that was a good experience. oh yah, i went back another day to purchase the black colour ibanes guitar. the neck is thin leh. my fren say it is a wizard? lol. (did i mention i was in school uniform)
Yar. I know what some of you guys feel. So far, I'm quite reluctant to purchase anything other than strings from Davis. The uncle is cordial la. But too pressuring for me to seriously think of purchasing another guitar from him. But recently customer service has improved in Davis by alot than when I started coming to this forum back in 2002 or 2003.

As for Sweelee, I would rate them as pretty average. There are very helpful salesperson. And some who dont give an eff.

Next time got problem at any shop, just walk in with one wad of $50 notes and whack it against the palm of your the other hand. Sure customer service swee swee. :smt003
Heh. I remember wearing a school uniform many years ago and walking into sweelee.
The shop owners need to realise that these uniformed-kids are gonna grow up into adults who have spending power in a few years. (Or they may have rich parents). Customer is king. It's stupid if you don't want people to try your guitars and yet you pple to buy them.
I think the problem is there are too many sole distributors in singapore, so they have the idea: who else can you buy from if you wan this particular brand? In this case, even if you dun like that particular shop, if you want to buy locally you still have to get from them.

Seriously, customer service runs both way. It starts with the customer. The customer is always right sometime is a motto long expired and obsolete. How can a spoilt ill-mannered brat be considered right? Ever thought about that?

5 years later, a school student will become an adult. The guitar store might not make enough profit to last another one year.

Personally, this kinda thread will resurface every one or two months. Rather than whine our lungs out, maybe we can invite the guitar stores to send a rep to the forum and note down improvements they can make. I think that would be more beneficial to all.
So far, best experience was......

G77...well..not best.. abit scary....

go in only ask me what guitar i interested in, ask me to try...ahaha, i remember it was....kerr?

[/quote]Ah, the old man's the father of Francis Poh, he isn't into guitars, just hanging around. You know, old people are like that.
He's pretty harmless la. (:[/quote]


I'm just irked by his lack of 'neutrality' in the way that he actually shoots remarks at me. I'm a frequent customer, I bring people in to buy their stuff and that guy just doesn't see it.. and it's irksome. :evil:

Might I add that as a customer I always make an effort to not be snooty or rude to the sales people. In fact I always try and be nice so that I can get to know them... maybe can get recognised once I walk into the place, *sigh* and btw.. when I walk into GW, the only person with a sour face is that old man.
it just boils down to the store's policy and the salesperson himself.. if the store's makes it a must for all sales personnel to be courteous and helpful plus if the salesperson also is such a person.. then the customer service will be :D .. but most of the time, most stores dun realli bother except for a few like Luther and G77
i think good customer service just requires a bit of effort, but it has much benefits for the store. better service, people more likely to buy from you, you enjoy better sales. so why not start providing good customer service?
Some people like the hands-off approach to customer service, other people want to be attended to quickly, it's not easy to satisfy both sides. For me, I prefer to be left alone to browse through whatever I'm interested in, which is why I'm not too bothered with service at Davis or Sweelee. In fact, I would be more apprehensive if there were someone shadowing me around and asking me if I needed any help. But it would be good if a salesperson enquires whether you need help, and if the answer is no, leaves you to your own devices. I'm sure most of the salespeople will give you due attention if you ask nicely, after all no one will turn away a potential customer :D

That being said, sometimes it's better to be more forgiving if service is less than stellar, as long as I can get help when I ask, that's good enough for me :)
hopefully in 5 years time, SOFTies will work in these music shops and make it a bliss for shoppers (fellow SOFTies).

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