Combined SOFT Jam No. 2

Here's my take on it, my approach was to listen to this backing twice....roughly figure out the middle portion as i kinda liked it and retained the same as the bassline. The rest, all improvisation....little bloopers here and there :?

Critique pls 8)

P.S. in the midst of listening everybody's comments will come tmr for you guys!
ah ... btw .... pardon me if i'm not a guitarist! ... hehehe =)

anyway ... shredcow ... I do!! .... I analyse the chords and key ... of course it only took 1 hearing to analyse .. but i do ... =P ...

can't help it ... i'm a keyboardist ... so that's how i listen ..... =)

anyway .... all of u guys really have interesting ideas of this track. It really throw mine off ... i can't remember mine already after listening to all of urs ... =P
This is rare. Never seen you post your playing before!

Thanks for posting.

I like the vibes from the start.. its like chill out and kinda laid back. The tone is extremely smooth, not my cup of tea, but its something nonetheless - you have little pick attack, did you roll off your tone? I find it harder to play when the tone is rolled off, ears don't perceive the tones that ought to be since i seldom roll off the tone - confuses me!

Anyway, I thought you got sort of lost from 0:35 onwards... hehe... dood! You started smooth but got shaky from then. Some bends are out of tune, no biggie, pretty easy to work on... I hear some chromatics but you sound apprehensive doing them - unfamiliar territory? ;)

The intro is such a slap in the face! I like the intro and 0:14 - 0:19 - very very very cool.

The arppegio @ 0:28 is spot on and beautifully done.

0:36 - dude, what were u thinking? :lol: Like u ran out of ideas?

I liked the change in tone from 0:43 onwards, where the 2nd guitar comes in. The licks are still great and you're just looking out of the box.

Think you lost it here and there a little and at the "chorus" onwards... Tough to just sustain doing weirdy stuff huh.
really interesting to hear how different people play the same backing track :wink:

some of those sound like it's played by the famous rock stars we know, great skill

Shredcow: I ran out of ideas and went blank after the middle part :P Ur take has a great phrasing at the middle 0:41

Thanks for the reply. I totally agree, at least for the last half, I don't know where I'm going. Well goes to show sometimes planning what to play before actually recording is always key haha. Yeah, the bends which were off were the ones where I was lost especially. Anyway, thanks for the reply, I thought it was helpful. :D

Tone wise, the attack was probably killed by the mild compression I was using. Like you said, smooth in the beginning, well come to think of it, maybe I was gunning for that feel but got lost along the way. Haha, oh well, lost sheep, bahhhhh.
Killinghal .... yups!! love that sound also =P

yea ... i'm dissapointed cuz it's not stereo also ... but my equipment limitates me ... hahaha =) ... so ..... that's how it got recorded .....
Sounds like you guys are having fun. I feel that all the entries are commendable. My vote goes to bam - excellent stuff!

my pick would be bam's take, if he could plan and could be a quirky funky track :) Then again, all efforts appreciated's great to share and listen to other perspectives :wink:
Bro.....this is freaking killer man........the best in here so far....Nice choice of notes, phrasings and awesome fiery fretwork.Very Fusion!!.I dig this completely.Cheers.