Baybeats and its lost lambs thread.We got something to say thread


Maybe its like this,
even if u are the most Brutal, heaviest bands in the world, if the organiser likes u they'll definitely let u play.
we currently recording with roland lim already. we heard his stuff and felt he's the right guy for our music. thanks for the recommandation though!
Sorry for being completely cuckoo but
1 - when are these baybeats auditions and how come I've never heard of when they're auditioning :( boo.
2 - what are the chances of an acoustic band playing in it?
well from what i know the auditions are normally announced on soft and on their website late in the the year. Bands send in their demos thru the website . From what i know last year they had an acoustic stage in the arts cafe. not sure about this year tough.
working la bro... but sneaking my way into soft.. this shit is seriously addictive.Or maybe i dont have a life
Ahem ...shyamus ...why worry when you do POP ?
You can play any hole aye buddy :mrgreen:

Nowadays even a chicken with three feathers can do gig .... you don't need Baybeats !!
haiyo!!! you all misunderstanding the post la.. its not about baybeats.. its about getting esplande to have a hard rock / metal festival for in the SCALE OF BAYBEATS.. its not about Baybeats...We have nothing against them. cheh cheh ..

eh Gsonique i heard you make pedals i was browsing thru your page man pretty cool ..
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Waterfront often have shows & I have seen AVA played there (probably the heaviest I have seen so far).

Even competitions like PowerJam - one of their requirements is that death metal is allowed.

I guess locals are not receptive to such genre of music yet. Guess we just have to wait for it to gradually seep into the mainstream.

Meanwhile, there are gigs like Defcon, Alternation, Tapestry, The Full Flight & weekendTrip (though not as large as Babyeats), but at least heavy bands are given a platform to showcase their stuffs.

Pretty much, it should suffice for now :)
actually I feel that if it is done properly, they can sound good. metal in itself doesn't starts out as genre of screaming music. bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Manowar, Black Sabbath, Led Zep, Judas Priest have really good stuffs, but do they scream? a little i believe, but not to the point of goring or totally distorting their dictions.

if we could have more local metal bands that does something along those lines, it will probably be more helpful in promoting the genre. otherwise, the only place we can hear them is in the underground

however, in recent years, we have seen the waves of metal+screamo crashing into our shores. not all people are receptive to exceptionally high decibel of screamy/gory music, so probably we gotta wait a couple of years before they are willing to open up and accept it into their so-called culture.

i believe it is possible, do you?
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metal will always be a culture of outsiders. =)

i cant agree more with knightfall. but visa what is your perception of "insiders" then. And the word culture is a very big term.

The reason why i keep thinkin Esplande is coz they already have the stage and space. They have organised almost allforms of music genres there but why not metal/rock. as knightsfalll said metal does not need to be all growl.
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its Knightsfall lah deh :lol:

i have seen metal bands on stage that are really bad & they scream and gore like its Armageddon tomorrow. so we cant blame the people for shutting themselves towards what they define as "noise" rather than music.

similarly, put a pop band like Click 5 on a stage like Ozzfest. Do you think they will be welcomed and given the same respect as bands like Trivium, Metallica, Bullet For My Valentine etc. I highly doubt so. You think the organizers or rather Ozzy himself would take the risk in putting such a band up?

I guess not. It would be equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot.

All I am asking is, Give Music (in all its form) A Chance.
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They have organised almost allforms of music genres there but why not metal/rock.

If I may throw out a guess... Because nobody has been able to convince them to do it yet? Besides, I don't think they have organised 'almost all forms of music genres', but perhaps most of the 'most popular/mainstream music genres'?

Maybe it helps if you think of the Esplanade's positioning as a centre of the arts. That said, there may be certain forms of arts (loosely used) which they probably feel do not align with their (and their sponsors') corporate/public image and values. Also, they will definitely have their criteria on what qualifies as 'art' in their books, and what does not. Whatever those may be, *shrug*

Example: It doesn't seem quite likely for the Esplanade to hold an exhibition on body modification just yet. It will be more likely to find an independent gallery keen/willing to host the exhibition.

Maybe that's the type of profile the gallery wants to raise - fringe, experimental, bold, etc. Maybe the people who give money to support the gallery are not stiff-necked corporate suits who want a place to stand around and sip champagne, maybe they are experimental artists themselves and can identify with the values this particular exhibition brings.

Which ultimately means that this is the type of gallery that a Chinese calligrapher will not even think of approaching for his exhibition - he'll probably head to some place like NAFA.

Anyway, I do feel that it's not something written in stone, as long as there are people like you, ShyamRaj, passionate about what they do. As you lead the rally, maybe you can remind the Esplande that one of their Values, as listed on their website, states:

Take ownership and risk
We take pride and ownership in what we do and will lead by example. We will constantly seek new ideas and have the courage to take risks. In pushing our limits, we will accept that failures are part of the learning process.!y74mwl0t.UJ9=1QhhLO3YA7mnL6sNI4.N@5sJFM
They're smart though, right below that, they state:

Be prudent with our resources
Our resources are scarce and precious. We will always be responsible with them, exercising financial prudence and leveraging every opportunity to stretch every dollar.

Some random thoughts of mine.
it's a quote from Sam Dunn. He said something like

"Metal confronts what we would rather ignore. It celebrates what we often deny. It indulges what we fear most. And that's why Metal will always be a culture of outsiders.”

In other words, we celebrate metal because we are willing to dig in deeper and be more brutally honest. It appeals to those of us who are outsiders in society, those of us who didn't fit in, those who didn't buy into the happy-clappy rose-tinted denial that everyone else buys into, those of us who know crap happens in life and turning away from it doesn't mean it does not happen or will stop occurring.

But not everybody is able to accept and celebrate that, in fact most people in the world choose not to. And that is why you will not hear much metal on normal mainstream radio. And that's alright, really. Many metal artistes compete to see who can be more disturbing and more brutal and less acceptable to the general public!

It's the very nature of metal really.
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I got to say all metal songs are not really singing about the whole denial thingy. Are you saying that Eminem, 50cent or even Bob Marley dont write stuff thats brutally honest to whatever that is going on in our society. But they still get their airtime in local radio stations and MTV.

Well name 10 metal bands that have air-ed in our local radio in the past 5 days.

It all boils down to people's conception of the genre METAL. Metal is just another genre like any other punk, jazz or blues. So the public stereotypes metal music with negatives and music that is disturbing.

One way to correct this, is of course bringing about awareness. If we can get good solid hard rocking heavy bands up on a stage that can reach out to not only the regular gig go-ers but also the public who is just there to see whats going on. The word will spread.

We cant just sit on our chairs and say Metal is an outsider's culture. sam was probably drunk when he said that.

We are the artist.. we have the power. but who has the determination and passion?