BAYBEATS 06 is back!

Plain Sunset almost made me pee in my pants! Haha. Oh man, it was great seeing them live again. :)

So far besides PS, Love Me Butch, One Buck Short, Tiramisu & Great Spy Experiment provided me the kicks. Nice. :) But hey, all the bands were great! It's a pity most of us couldn't catch all of them..running around the 2 stages is mighty tiring. :p
well i hate the guards!

especially this one in the picture
i did nothing wrong and he grab me so hard at the neck.
toss me around and drag me out of the crowd
and threw me out of the arena
he thinks he's a wrestler
Paperpunk said:
well i hate the guards!
You and me alike dude!

I have to say... the whole evil guards vs. the people issue's really a pain. On one hand, I've seen some really unnecessary harsh manhandling done by those security folk. On the other hand there are those tiems where they were there at the right moment to put fights & bad mojo to a halt quick. BUT I have definitely seen on more than one instance where some clueless guy gets himself dragged out and he doesn't even know why.

So, how to push the envelope and go wild without getting into trouble? Not that I'm pushing an agenda but here's an idea: [ ]

Its easy! Just love all, help all. Some ideas:

- Mosh/surf/dance but don't kick/punch/bitchslap/nookie etc etc.. help people who fall down in the crowds, especially the girls. Don't leave anyone behind in the fun.

- When the evil guard guy flashes his light saber beam right at your eyes, what to do? Everyone do the horns/Iloveyou/finger at the light. Block out.

- When a whole stormtrooper bunch of polizei march out to haul ass (for me one instance was when they tried to stop some nearby bodysurfing), don't just clear the path for them - block & delay! Look confused & dazed, and whatever they say/ask you, keep chanting "huh? huh-huh-what?". Those seconds stalled might well keep someone from a night's stay at the nearby police post.

Just my 2 cents. And sorry for the looong post :oops:
in a big event like this, we cannot risk any safety compromise.

let everyone enjoy.
yea, but its a mosh pit! rock shows have em, if not they aren't rock shows..

If people don't wanna get hurt, just stay away from the pit. The people who are in there are there on their own free will. And the pit isn't that bad. I fell down plenty of times and people kept helping me up, they did that for others too. This is like the friendliest mosh pit heh.

The security guards were amusing, they were sweating like toot.
on the guard's side of the story, they gotta answer all the other questions if one doode knocked his smart head into the railings and had a deep cut, and decided to blame it on the security and say they didn't have proper control over the event. i'm not saying that it CAN happen.

the security guys have a job to do also mah. they not there to jaga then ask who? we all ah? hehe..

but oh well...this moshing issue will happen at every other insane gig.
let the organiser decide what their rules and regulations are. not point us arguing it here.

like you said, if we don't like the rules, just stay away from the gig. :wink:
i dont think provoking or fighting the cops would do you much good. they will just be tighter and tighter each gig

in the end the crowd will lose
quite ironical, most people complain about tight security, super irritating guards and whatever, and how they just wanna get some sort of physical revenge on the (let's just refer to them as the) "security".

don't u realise that IF there WERE peaceful moshing, then these guys won't BE there? k yes the barrier would still be there (what's a "front row" without a barrier to make it "front row"?), but u'd prolly only have a few policemen by the side for safety reasons. if people don't get hurt and if dumb crimes aren't committed, then u wouldn't have those security dudes being soooo irritating by dragging those that are the nearest and show a smallest hint of intention to start a fight.

and to the guy who got dragged out for not doing anything wrong - just an analogy k :D - maybe the guy beside you was gonna throw a punch, and the guard accidentally grabbed you out instead, but by doing that he also "scared off" the guy who wanted to throw the punch. maybe u could've been a victim of a beating instead of a dragging :?


that said, sunday's set rocked the bay! cheers to all those who went, i only saw Vaiyen in the late evening..
love or hate the beaten or u beaten someone...its all about the music isnt it? i mean...its kinda irritating when i was enjoying The Posies and then come this sudden big push from the back and i'm in a mosh pit even when the set was just starting...crazy shit...irritating also...but the guards really should at least lighten up or something...the dragging out thing is just too tight...its like we're in a school or something...

i dunno if i made sense...but security ARE there to protect...and MOSH are there to make it try bending the rules instead of breaking them...
carnhartt said:
Yes , Im terribly sorry for all of you who had to bear 30 minutes of pain throughout that set. We really sucked shit. I had to admit it was really nerve wrecking being up there. We tried our best though but we wanna apologise to you people. Thanks for the comment.


were you the guys who opened on sunday? I liked you guy's first song, can send it to me? loL. I think you guys didnt do dat bad. u guys hav nice songs....just need more stage presence i guess
.its all over now.

.baybeats is over.

.one more freakin long year to go.

.lets hope for a better line up next time round.

2 nites of baybeats

the music: very very very mellow.....too mellow even. was more like a pop rock concert with mild traces of punk. i'm glad it was free.

one buck short sounds like blink 182, just more random. not that blink is bad or anything, but if they were trying to sound like a teenage pop punk band, they managed to pull it off.
aussie band, angela's dish was pretty good, which made me very proud to be kinda australian. but why did they put them on the small stage? why did they put any good band on the small stage? how do you jump/mosh/go wild/headbang when everyone is sitting around the stage like a story telling session?
i missed calerway but apparently they were good (according to my female friends, they were also hot..)....maybe they were "good" because they were "hot"....
some singaporean band had a female singer. :( . personally i think most of sunday's bands sucked. i expected the posies to be good since they were the last band. :x i was wrong.

the crowd: how can you say it wasnt poser heaven when 70% were wearing rancid n underoath tees n sported heavily waxed mohawks, but were moshing to the blink 182 soundalikes or every other poppy softcore band that played? dress like a hardcore emo punk,smoke, drink n cheer to the posies??? wats the world coming to?

the pitts: i guess i'll never understand what pushing each other around n throwing punches for no reason have to do with enjoying music.....unless the music is bad, in which case, moshers would have no choice but to put each other out of their misery......anyway the music was bad,so i guess all the violent losers are excused.

the security: i dont think i come across as the type of person who would smash someones face in with a beverage container, but since they insisted i couldnt bring in the can of beer in my bag, i left it with them n they were nice enough to keep it for me. says a lot, huh....
wat am i saying, i hate security!!!
pop punk was the average theme of most bands in baybeats hehehe. one buck shorts sounds more like new found glory than blink 182

i had a better experience in the chillout stage. furniture and lunarin were good (for my musical tastes that is)

but the thing is at least the bands were a bit diverse, although most of them still sound a bit poppy for their genres and they sound too much like their influences

but i wouldnt call them bad, maybe not just your type

as they say, "one man's trash is another man's treasure"