2 nites of baybeats
the music: very very very mellow.....too mellow even. was more like a pop rock concert with mild traces of punk. i'm glad it was free.
one buck short sounds like blink 182, just more random. not that blink is bad or anything, but if they were trying to sound like a teenage pop punk band, they managed to pull it off.
aussie band, angela's dish was pretty good, which made me very proud to be kinda australian. but why did they put them on the small stage? why did they put any good band on the small stage? how do you jump/mosh/go wild/headbang when everyone is sitting around the stage like a story telling session?
i missed calerway but apparently they were good (according to my female friends, they were also hot..)....maybe they were "good" because they were "hot"....
some singaporean band had a female singer.

. personally i think most of sunday's bands sucked. i expected the posies to be good since they were the last band. :x i was wrong.
the crowd: how can you say it wasnt poser heaven when 70% were wearing rancid n underoath tees n sported heavily waxed mohawks, but were moshing to the blink 182 soundalikes or every other poppy softcore band that played? dress like a hardcore emo punk,smoke, drink n cheer to the posies??? wats the world coming to?
the pitts: i guess i'll never understand what pushing each other around n throwing punches for no reason have to do with enjoying music.....unless the music is bad, in which case, moshers would have no choice but to put each other out of their misery......anyway the music was bad,so i guess all the violent losers are excused.
the security: i dont think i come across as the type of person who would smash someones face in with a beverage container, but since they insisted i couldnt bring in the can of beer in my bag, i left it with them n they were nice enough to keep it for me. says a lot, huh....
wat am i saying, i hate security!!!