Was in the club from 8.15am yesterday all the way through 4.15am this morning stressing about a massive amount of problems. I profusely apologise for the rush- we couldnt get the buzz out of the P.A and getting MOS to turn on their sound system, so things were pushed back by 20 mins. I got to talk to a whole lot of you guys in the band room and around the place. Any feedback on FLOW is appreciated. This would be helpful advice on whether we should do a second one.
Gorgeous Shin only wearing a Tube while hosting the main stage
Daphne Khoo's new curls
Saw Loser's awesome costumes
Plain Sunset's awesome Rock Drive
Brian coming back to West Grand Boulevard (Surprise)
People smiling as they got free T-shirts and nokia phones
The great vibe that started from 10pm onwards when over 2400 people poured into ministry.
Pure Room stage being the indie-est Ministry of Sound has ever seen
Having a ball of a time playing with the boys in Divine9 together for the first time in 1 year. (If you can excuse the poor keyboard work - those sitting in the balcony above would have seen me cock up Sandman terribly - the chorus is E A# A E then G E F# E F# G F#... I know.)
A Vacant Affair, Syawla Evol and Flybar's awesome sets in Pure
Tristan from Face Off actually showing up even though I might have slighted him due to his cancellation.
People from the lineup chipping into help when we were short-handed
Everyone looking after everyone's stuff in the band room when we were'nt supplied a bouncer by MOS to guard the Band Room
An absolute buttload of media covering the event including National Geographic, CTV and Straits Times
The big fat sausages, scrambled eggs and beans with tabasco in the buffet at the afterparty which was held at FLUID! hahahaha. 44 Pekin Street, far east Square. Go check it out. Only 20 people were present
The bad
Anal security at ministry of sound - Divine9 couldnt bring glasses of water from the balcony bar into 54 and I could even get Miss Earth into Pure because she forgot to get a stamp. Paul Twohill couldnt get a tag either. Oh well, they're doing the job. The licensing really got to everyone.
The heavy rain in the early evening
Backdrops coming in Late
Sound checks starting ridiculously later than expected due to P.A issues
Guestlist woes as everyone (and I mean everyone) tried to call me at once. 50 missed calls in a ten minute space is painful
Paul Twohill forgetting his script
Luke being an arse at times. (I got used to it, but I guess some bands haven't)
My entire box of Divine9 CDs stolen when I left to get a drink from Pure
Coming home at 7am (me writing this post now)
Thank you SO MUCH everyone who helped make this happen - Ian from Flybar. Ian Corrigan, Winson Lau, Wilson Ho Haven, Eugene, Peter Yu, Melanius Chia, Nokia, Adidas, etc
anyway, good night... or is it good morning? Zzzzzzz