FLOW "THANK YOU" PARTY - 23rd DEC SAT @ Gashaus!

Hey Everyone,

Obviously didn't get to see every single band, but just a quick congrats to everyone involved in the production...very happy to see hundreds and hundreds of you there to support local music. Let's not underestimate how difficult it is to get people off their butts to see a gig. On a Tuesday night no less!

Great sets from Plain Sunset & WGB. Syawla Evol too. Feizfonik impressed the heck out of me. AVA, thrilling off-the-rails stuff as usual. One word of advice, to Matt and all would-be stage acrobats, please don't attempt to stand on that Ampeg bass combo that you see around so often. It has a deadly wedge at the back, it will topple under your weight. My singer and his famously shattered elbow will attest to that. JBoss and myself nearly had heart attacks seeing Matt trying to balance himself on top of that piece of shit.

On the poor side.....both the main and indie stages didn't sound as good as they should. Everything from the lower midrange of frequencies downward was the "Great Wall Of Mud". Everything above the midrange of frequencies was not adequately controlled (hence the piercing ear invasion everytime someone shouted or sang too loudly/closely into the mic). As a result, it was near impossible to make out any of the lyrics sung. I know its a tough job and all, but for the main stage at least, I don't think anyone can deny that the sound could and should have been much, much better!

Still, all in all, a tremendous victory for local music on the night. Keep supporting your local talent!


Moment of the night : -
Wayne: "Dude, this band is awful!"
(Dude): "Really ah? It's my brother's band!"

Dude I take it back hehe. I know you're reading this! I still don't think they're great but they're definitely not awful. Tell them to keep at it, they DO have more potential to fulfill!! :p
I think the organisers did a great job for this event. The main arena is getting flooded with people when Divine9 is playing their songs. Nice cover man!

Now I have to crawl out of bed and clean up Ministry of Sound - got to breakdown all the gear and bring it back. If anyone can help, please come by. I'm dying.

incara said:
haha the bouncers were bloody smart. i saw one girl getting bounced by this guy, his questions were like ridiculous yet they exposed you immediately.

what questions, of curiosity?
haha the bouncers took the girl's ic and started interrogating her.

the winning question was " what's your blood group?" and she fumbled.

check your ic. there's no blood group stated there. :twisted:
haha i'm not la! :evil:

really there's no blood group! at least there isnt on mine and my friends' the last time i checked
incara said:
haha the bouncers took the girl's ic and started interrogating her.

the winning question was " what's your blood group?" and she fumbled.

check your ic. there's no blood group stated there. :twisted:

just say you can't remember la. I keep forgetting mine >_>
mightymouse said:
Great stuff Saito, FLOW was excellent! looking forward to next year 8)

No need wait for next year FLOW lar! 2 weeks later can alr!

If you enjoyed FLOW's Independance Stage at Pure Room, you would enjoy Ghetto as well!

Featuring Sevenfalls, Project Ultrasound, Leaven Trait and Ivy's Vendetta, Ghetto is gonna be held at SMOOVE of MOS, 21st December

More details HERE

hay88 said:
yea the mos crew... ! i went in with a bus pass earlier this yr...my fren had to take a cab all the home and get it and come back.

yah la. stupid bouncer so rude oso. anyway i dont see y bus pass cant be allowed when passport can, cuz passport has e same info on it. name, ic num, DOB, sex. passport has no address or race. waste my tym n $ gg all w way home
Just to let everyone know, besides GHETTO LIVE on thurs at Ministry of Sound, I also have a Thank You! Christmas Party at Gashaus on the same weekend :)


Date: Saturday 23rd DEC 2006
Cost: $10 incl one Drink. Free if you wear Flow Crew Pass or Tshirt!
$6 drinks all night.

Programme Schedule for CHRISTMAS ON THE ROX
1200 - 1900: FLEE MARKET! (Its a Flea Market Duh)
1900 - 2000: Set up and sound checks

2200 - 2240: ELSA KIDSPY
0000 - LATE: Screening of FLOW! Videos by Whogoing and CTV. Drunken antics of Saito. Also, Open stage after

Elsa Kidspy


Elsa Kidspy used to go to school like every normal Singaporean but she broke free from conforming to the norm and quit junior college and pursued a diploma in new media. At the same time, she made it a point to do what she loved, which was music, by writing songs influenced by the likes of Paramore and Taking Back Sunday. Kidspy isn't your normal solo teenage pop artist, her originals lean towards the indie rock and emo side. Produced by legendary rock god Leonard Soosay, the heart felt lyrics and occasional dancey beats just makes people want to rock out and have fun, not to mention headbang too. She's played at the Cancer Warrior's album launches where she contributed a track "Drift" to the charity number. "Drift" is also currently playing on 98.7FM. She has also played acoustic at the Ngee Ann Poly Red Camp and also a one day gig in Klang, Malaysia together with Ronin.

Dont forget that there's an open stage between 8pm-10pm! If you feel so inclined, bring your instruments and go for it. No screamo/emo/core/metal please! Its Christmas time