Assault Moshing (Baybeats 2007 @

slamdancing and moshing was BANNED in da singapura during the 90's after the henry rollins gig IIRC.

isn't it banned now as well?
baybeats... the bands are good.. but seriously... its not the moshing type...
to those moshers: mosh urself against the wall and get high!

to be honest here, moshing (in my opinion) used to be about bodies recoiling each other out of fun. bumper cars without the cars. out of 20 bodies that mosh, one idiot would accidentally get too hyped up and hit someone one time too hard which creates fights. and this's the time when they'll come together and pull the guy back from's all fun and games with a moment of heated feelings. but it'll all cool down.

now what I see is kids who will hurt people during mosh on purpose and then whats worse is they're just coward enough to pretend to have "harmless fun" and "get away" with it by ignorance.
this is not about being afraid of mosh, but what are you trying to prove by doing such stuff? you damn man? you damn wu seh? you damn sat ki?
aiyah if someone we're to die... i bet moshing will still be a problem here...

Look at our neighbouring country the "mat rempit" image... They recklessly and ignorantly do their "stunts" on highways, involve in illegal racing and all that shit and MANY have died and pictures of the dead have been telecasted in the net...

and the pictures are gruesome i might add... headless body, a body with a cracked skull and can see the brain and all that but what happen after that???

those ignorant malaysians still do REMPIT!! even the GOVERNMENT do support this activities when they have rempit gatherings and such where even the POLICE cannot do anything when hundreds of mat rempits wannabees go dashing on common road heavy with traffic with no helmets and pulling wheelee in the middle of the road....

so if someone or hundreds die, it still won't make any difference..
we are singapore, i dont think we should use other people to compare with ourselves, especially our neighbour
im sure many of us here at least go to malaysia at least once a year.... or have been at least been there once...

it's a problem we might face...
So yea... why don't we jus ignore it? Ignorance is bliss. They want to mosh, let them mosh. Those who don't want to mosh because they want to watch and listen to the music or afraid of getting hurt, stand aside at somewhere safe.

If they went into the moshpit, break your toenail, your neck, your rip, your arm, drop a few teeth, got your balls grabbed or die etc., that is their problem. I believe that problems can never be solve. It keeps on coming. Especially these young people (i'm those young people also...). It's almost like those problems happening in school, you know? Ther stricter the school rules get, the more the problem. In my conclusion, why don't we just ignore? No offence to anyone... I still think that moshing is not a very bad thing.
now what I see is kids who will hurt people during mosh on purpose and then whats worse is they're just coward enough to pretend to have "harmless fun" and "get away" with it by ignorance.
I wonder if the same cowardly kids dare to mosh in countries like US or Europe.....among all the big burly ang mos? They will pee on their pants first. 8)
those ignorant malaysians still do REMPIT!! even the GOVERNMENT do support this activities when they have rempit gatherings and such where even the POLICE cannot do anything when hundreds of mat rempits wannabees go dashing on common road heavy with traffic with no helmets and pulling wheelee in the middle of the road....
The rempit gatherings are actually the idea of some idiotic politicians who want to "score points" within the party or seek public attention. They also wanted the rempits to become vigilantes of crime or "immoral" activities. It's like getting a crook to catch a crook. These politicians think they are creative and smart, but many people see them as useless morons who contribute nothing but waste public resources. :wink:
indeeeeed mate.... i was at perak on new year's eve... all i hear was

reeenng reeengg oi remit oi reeeenggg reeeengg *about hundreds of mat rempit pass by with their NOISY HONDA KAP CHAI making us to go head home quite impossible - literally...

and they turned off the street lights at 12.20am and there was a manhole which i guess at least is 20 feet deep NOT COVERED and ur walking BLIND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!! if someone we're to fall in and die???

being a good samaritan i warned many people there about the manhole.. it was quite a big hole too....

well a little story again - an old lady in australia break her leg when she accidently walked in towards an uneven concrete pathment. she went to sue the government and won herself a hefty 20 million aus dollars... :D
i personally think its okay to mosh to a certain extent, its inevitably part an parcel of a great rock concert. but somehow i've been feeling very jaded, at the recent concerts when ever i see people mosh.
dont you think the moshers have now come to develop seriously poor concert etiquette?

the real question is " do singaporeans know how to mosh? "
moshpit difference from gangsters who go around picking childish and immature..
Okay, so, just stay away from those moshers or walk away.
Sometimes(most of the times for me), it's hard to get out of the danger zone. Some people not involve in the moshing but want to defend their space push others into the moshpit.
Or those moshers would like, expand their area of moshing, hitting into people trying to move away.

It really is hard to "ignore and get away" sometimes.

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