Assault Moshing (Baybeats 2007 @

do people mosh to hurt people? that is so red-neckish and trailer park trash.

moshing is not a pansy activity, its physical, but people SHOULD NOT be getting injured like its a war

here's an example of good mosh etiqutte. i was at the A Perfect Circle gig in perth, and when you're moshing with big aussie guys whose armpits smell like the rank undergarments of a post-apocalyptic whore, things do get hazy after awhile. it came to a point where i knew i had to get out of the pit, but there didnt seem to be an escape route in sight. but i caught the eye of another happy mosher, and i just indicated with a "i can't take it anymore" gesture of motioning my hands across my throat. and lo and behold, the kind soul said he'd give me a boost, and i rode the crowd to the front of the stage before the security guards yanked me to the side.

why push and shove to hurt other people, what are you trying to prove? did you grow half a brain and a quarter of a penis when you were born?

moshing watsoever.....
i dont have any problems with moshing even in KL and also in Jakarta where the people are the most rowdiest..... But y such problem exist in singapore..???
cant understand..
the conversation may have went like...

A: Lets show em kids behind there how we do da KOONGFOOO...
B: Yeah.... show em kids how its done.

*random kick, random punch for less than a minute*

dude if you wanna kungfu do it from the start to the end lah.... baboon. bodoh. otak udang. xfashioncorex
Nowadays moshers are all young kids.. elbows flying around. They should know the 'rules' that you can't anyhow hantam in a most pit.

But then again its kinda cool that more people are reacting and moving to the music played, instead of standing or sitting
but there are actually moshers with "good etiquettes" around you know, like they help people up and try to stop other people from trampling all over the fallen ones. but i guess there will always be a few black sheeps that will spoil everything
I totally agree on that. There was once, i've fallen a lot of time in the mosh pit and these few guys actually pull everyone back and pull me up. I can't imagine what will happen if no one pulls me up. Probably having my face stepped on
just wait for someone in singapore to die from moshing, gets publicised, then everything will stop.
well I've pulled up numerous fallen warriors with one hand and the cam in the other.. but sometimes I get bored I pull them up then I push them hard back into the moshpit again... pinball.

when the day comes someone dies in the moshpit I'll be trying to film "faces of death : moshpit edition". maybe that'll educate other kids. :lol:
eh... so if someone dies, there will be no moshing in Singapore? Come on, for me, I don't really want that to happen. Moshing is okay if only everyone learns the "good etiquette". It's people choices to move along with the music but only with the right way. There's no way someone can control it. It just get worse.

I remember Deafcon 5's Emcee keep repeating "Keep your elbows down... we don't want people to get hurt here. We got no First Aid kits."
wont it be best, if got no more moshing? with moshing it'll definitely lead to injuries and then followed by ppl bitching about it.. so why not, someone dies, gets moshing banned, no injuries, no bitching, no problem :)
i dont mind everyone jumping to the song. or just punching fist in the air cheering and singing.

but moshing isnt my kind of thing. i stay away

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