:arrow: Donate to keep SOFT running

What the problem anyway? The mainly the bandwidth right?
Have you tried switching host? Maybe will be cheaper?
Or maybe sign up a real cheap deal one from www.lowbudgethost.com
and split up the bandwidth lah.

Like forum put on one server, then all the pictures and other pages put on another server?
yeah i know it'll be a bit of work. But i think the main thing thats causeing the bandwidth charges are problly the forum. So maybe forum can put in a cheapo server. since its mainly text.

For file/pictures can link to the singapore one. for fast loading.
dont know if i made any sense. yeah but, just a suggestion.
Or maybe like you can resell a bit of the space or something.
I heard some ppl wanted bigger avatar size or something.

maybe you can do offer a "premium" member thing.
I'm sure your host gave you a few POP accounts.
Maybe you can offer it to a few softies for a small subscription.
you know what i mean?

Cos i think the donation thing wont last. even if you hit it off the first month, the subsequent one might not be. at least got some kinda thing you can offer ppl, ppl pay you for it also feel better.

I'm sure ppl would wana have the domain "soft.com.sg" for their email right? its like an identidy. If it really hit off you can further enhance the site to become a reall hub for singapore musicians.
or like you know... enhance the classfieds abit for "premium" members.
they can have "Featured" classifieds, that stays longer, or get more impressions. you know that kinda stuff.

You wana hire me to be your marketing manager ?
who say donations will not last? :roll: donation is donation and strategy is strategy..can hav both at the same time...different people different hearts...u never know somebody out there will juz donate one lump sum simply becoz he's rich..he loves music and he likes ur webbie. yup it rarely happens but u lose nothing by putting a donation link up there 'marketing manager' wannabe.

and ur ideas will not generate money simply becoz there are no products and services. POP Email for identity? u ok or not marketing manager??..they already have enuf identity by creating an account here..

but then again..no idea is a stupid idea..
I donated already james.

anyway, Audio.. I dont understand your hostility. or the reason behind it.
You giving ideas or you just blowing them down?

Offering a pop email IS a service ,F.D.A.H.
offering featured ads or classifieds is a service.

and email addys with the domain "soft.com.sg" IS an identity. Merely having an account on soft isnt.

So you're coming round with the MAYBE some dude will give James a few thousand bucks cos he like the site. well i dont wana say much more.
hi seekz, thanks for the donation.

hi audio, we try our best. We will take baby steps.

Again, the donation is voluntary.
ok those are services..

to me they r not at all..

i can identify my frens by looking at their Nickname.
and all of my frens use msn/yahoo messenger. got new messages alert. very convenient.

u cant change fate but u can change luck.

no idea is a stupid idea.
Donat-o-Meter Stats
March´s Goal: $300.00
Due Date: Now!
Gross Amount: $85.00
Net Balance: $80.07
Left to go: $219.93

cheque's in the mail! :wink:
sure is not easy keeping a website up, and maintaining it! :smt090
duskalways said:
Donat-o-Meter Stats
March´s Goal: $300.00
Due Date: Now!
Gross Amount: $85.00
Net Balance: $80.07
Left to go: $219.93

cheque's in the mail! :wink:
sure is not easy keeping a website up, and maintaining it! :smt090
:smt102 wow, not ez raising funds. every month shortfall like that also headache...
ya, fund raising is always the most difficult thing.

especially when website and Internet are filled with free things.

But running a website like SOFT actually requires sooo much effort, time and money.

well, i would like to call out to all music instrument store owners, studio owners, music schools, PA/MI rental companies to support SOFT too. Your support will help create a more vibrant music industry in Singapore!

every little bit counts.
purplehaze3691 - usd10
Anonymous - usd10
seekz -usd1
JMguitars -usd50
konicashoes -usd7
verona79 - usd7

afterdeath - sin10
Vernplum - sin40
Triceratops - sin50
duskalways - sin50
mal - sin100

super big thanks to the above SOFTies who dig deep into their pockets and donate to support the running of this website.



to find out how you can support this website, http://www.soft.com.sg/new/modules.php?name=Donations
Super thanks to the following SOFTies for their support!

Arun Shenoy - usd20
Damo - sin50

If you feel that SOFT is doing something that you like and like to help out, do support us by donating.

Click here to find out more
Super thanks to lowjk for contributing his expertise and supporting SOFT financially!(usd20)

If you feel that SOFT is doing something that you like and like to help out, do support us by donating.

Click here to find out more
Re: Pro beggar

stevearson said:
ice-cream man softie
is a professional beggar

how much a t-shirt?
>$10 or <$15?
to buy or not to buy?
i say Chow Chee Buy?

pls listen to the Rolling Stones

y u so anti social?? james doing such a great job promote local music which it is such a rare thing in s'pore... dude u got a seroius problem...

beggar or not as least he is doing something not like u just post nonsnes
OMG who dared to say mean things about James?? even though I'm relatively new here it's quite evident James is doing a great job with this site and totally deserves our support. would definitely buy any SOFT merchandise if I can. *what about selling it at SOFT meetings or do y'all already do that?*