thanks to all who feel that this website should receive some assistance. In fact, to the few of you who have written to me personally via PM or email and suggested ways in which I can collect donations. I am very grateful to all the suggestions.
All these while, the website is maintained by me, technically and financially. But there are lots of users who contributed their time and knowledge to make this place 'happening'. One of these days, I will award them "SOFT Mentor". Also not to forget advertisers who have the faith in SOFT and dig into their pocket to buy our banner ad. [hint:must click on the banners on the top of ever page, ok!]
SOFT is kinda different from other commercial website or company. This is because we are users driven. There's no big corporation behind paying to create this website. There's no government assistance or funding. It is what it is today because there are users like yourself who want to mingle with other musicians, share your knowledge on the latest gears or improving your playing skills.
Some moons back, there was Audioload. Though short in existence, their offering showed how useful the Internet can be for musicians. They had the whole works! Sadly, it was an expensive website to maintain. [Anyone from Audioload like to share with us your experience are much welcome.]
In response of the suggestion to collect donations, I am thinking of setting up something using Paypal, something like
With the funds collected, we can create more contents, organise workshops and reach out to more musicians.
Again, you
DO NOT NEED to donate to join SOFT. It is all voluntary.
James Woo