:arrow: Donate to keep SOFT running


New member

Great job on this site so far.

Given the the extra cost you might be spending to improve the hosting facilities, why not set up a payment mechanism for forumites to contribute to the running cost of the forum?

Check out these 3 music-related sites which are supported on forumite donations.

Fender Forum: http://www.fenderforum.com/forum.html

Telcaster Forum: http://www.tdpri.com/

The Gear Page:

You could leave a sticky on this Feedback to explain the donation scheme. An example being

Contributing forumites could be recognised with monikers like "Contributing Member".

Additional income could be derived via URL links to retailers i.e. check out the Fender Forum where the retailer logos are always fixed on the top of the discussion page.

Just my 2 cents ...
hi JMguitars

thanks for the 2 cents, I need another five thousand and three hundred of JMguitars each month to chip in. :lol:

those in favor of the donation drive, please post here.
which part?, we were talking from a - z .... and then all the alpha-numeric
Pro beggar

ice-cream man softie
is a professional beggar

how much a t-shirt?
>$10 or <$15?
to buy or not to buy?
i say Chow Chee Buy?

pls listen to the Rolling Stones
Re: Pro beggar

stevearson said:
ice-cream man softie
is a professional beggar

how much a t-shirt?
>$10 or <$15?
to buy or not to buy?
i say Chow Chee Buy?

pls listen to the Rolling Stones

If u not happy, then dont buy. Your opinion is unwanted here.
ice-cream man softie
is a professional beggar

how much a t-shirt?
>$10 or <$15?
to buy or not to buy?
i say Chow Chee Buy?

pls listen to the Rolling Stones

hey... what professional beggar. come on...you're the one who's a professional beggar coz YOU are the one who LOGS in free. damnit. james, don't listen to him. its a great job you've done, and yeah...come on.. i'm all for the idea. even if everyone of us donate willingly, a small amount, i believe that it will lighten his burden to run, maintain, and uprgrade this website.

i like the 'contributing member' idea...maybe you can give them like those 'forwarding' e-mail addresses...eg. mulyadi@soft.com.sg ..haha..yeah..that sounds cool...!
in real life, jim is an idiot,
a conman and a barbarian.
he is using this website for his
fulltime business needs to go
around knowing the professionals.
all you youngsters and music-lovers
are being manipulated by him.
Jim, the idiot, is using your love of
music as a vehicle to get funds and
do volunteer work for him. Dun get
fooled! and Dun loose your head!

jim - a chow chee buy! no wonder
website always kena hack! offended
so many ppl, when is the site be hack
again? jim - an idiot with with an ugly mind.
The difference between James and you is that he put his photo here as his avatar. If he really want to cheat us (and I absolutely dont think so!), we all know his face, there's nowhere he can run. I was in this forum for the past 18 months and there's no one except him that's doing the site up.

So Mr Steve, stop hiding behind your monitor and point fingers at people. If you brought your point across with some decency, we might have pondered. All you have shown here, is that you are a troll nothing more nothing less.

If I were a moderator, I will ban you.
you know something about you, steve-nobody, is that EVEN if he wanted to get to know people through this website, for HIS personal gain, its none of YOUR bloody business. for one thing, what SOFT brings is knowledge about the music scene in singapore, and it brings about friendships.

so what if he's here for the good of his business? we all gain from it. check out other guitar sites, gibson.com, fender, and even ebay, bloody hell, even they earn bloody $$ directly from it.

and he doesn't go around in the website advertising his business as well, and i don't even know what he runs? o_O...what's wrong with YOU? o_O

come on, if you're not happy about this, then as a frequent member of this site, i should say that many people will say that you're not welcome, and its called DONATIONs...not COMPULSORY membership...for goodness' sake. you understand english?
doing a good deed

i'm just doing a good deed to let people know
softie ice-cream man's motive. look at him! a
spastic and rather retard!? begging people to buy
t-shirt? dun get FOOLed! you all youngsters should
spend more time on your school work than wasting
time playing music. no music industry in Singapore.
PAP wants you to work, work and work. No nonsense
in Singapore. Work all your life and pay your money
back to the government - pay house, pay car, raise
the kids, all your money gone! Still want to donate
money to a website? to a spastic? a retard? i bet he
takes the money and go geylang to fuck prostitues!
i'm just doing a good deed....go geylang to fuck prostitues!

pun intended. and please...stop all these nonsense... someone teach this guy manners? o_O and since you are doing a good deed...please do cut down on your f-s? and your spelling's horrible?

you all youngsters should
spend more time on your school work than wasting
time playing music.

and since you know that there are school kids here...why are you f-ing in this bloody forum? who's doing the damage man?...damn.... and get back to your ass wadevayoudoing..stop messing about and peeing in other ppl's backyard will ya? come on. anyway..i think i shan't be sucked into this pile of excretory product which unfortunately is around. get a life. bye mfkr
Re: doing a good deed

stevearson said:
i'm just doing a good deed to let people know
softie ice-cream man's motive. look at him! a
spastic and rather retard!? begging people to buy
t-shirt? dun get FOOLed! you all youngsters should
spend more time on your school work than wasting
time playing music. no music industry in Singapore.
PAP wants you to work, work and work. No nonsense
in Singapore. Work all your life and pay your money
back to the government - pay house, pay car, raise
the kids, all your money gone! Still want to donate
money to a website? to a spastic? a retard? i bet he
takes the money and go geylang to fuck prostitues!

Sorry Mr Steve. I'm not exactly a kid. And I've probably travelled to more places than you would probably have. So, keep your crap to yourself. You want to go whine, you can go HWZ EDMW or talking cock forum. Stop making yourself look like a good samaritan. I hope you be the first person to be ban from Soft. Good luck.
Re: doing a good deed

stevearson said:
i'm just doing a good deed to let people know
softie ice-cream man's motive. look at him! a
spastic and rather retard!? begging people to buy
t-shirt? dun get FOOLed! you all youngsters should
spend more time on your school work than wasting
time playing music. no music industry in Singapore.
PAP wants you to work, work and work. No nonsense
in Singapore. Work all your life and pay your money
back to the government - pay house, pay car, raise
the kids, all your money gone! Still want to donate
money to a website? to a spastic? a retard? i bet he
takes the money and go geylang to fuck prostitues!

I rather vent my anger on fraustration on my guitar and learn how to play guitar and share my knowledge in the future to those who are interested than be a useless chap like you and do nothing everyday but come in here and vent your daily dose of anger here.

stevearson said:
pay house, pay car, raise
the kids, all your money gone! Still want to donate
money to a website? to a spastic? a retard?

Get a life la....i rather donate money to this site to keep it running and share knowledge with the younger generations 10 years down the road than waste my time listening to yr senseless talk. You ain't the only one paying for house , car and kids...everyone else is going through it without complaining.
just dun care abt tat f@#ker, guys........

since we got so many softies here, how abt we give $1 each?...... every mth?......

a bit...... a bit...... can becum 1 BIG mountian......

HeartRockSingapore said:
HeartRock Singapore also needs donation. $1/- a month from each SOFTY will do. Thank you very much.

sure, man..... no problem over my side.......

so how 2 get things done?...... like pass u $...... who collect...... or got mthly gathering?.......

i think it's time 2 do my part 4 S'pore Music.......


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