:arrow: Donate to keep SOFT running

hee..hee.. got to collect at least $2000 to break even if we organise a gig. If we collect $2001, we will have $1.

A bit difficult. 8O
soft said:
hee..hee.. got to collect at least $2000 to break even if we organise a gig. If we collect $2001, we will have $1.

A bit difficult. 8O

hmm... 5000+ softies here. err... $1 each per month! eh... psst... fellow softies... ah-hem... :wink:
of course voluntary la! of course some can donate more la! :lol:
hehe mr soft, why don't we just start this? since this is voluntary, i don't think there should be any problem! LET'S START!!! :smt026
hi duskalways

okie, i will spend my holiday setting the donation section up.

Dear all, after much consideration, i have setup the Donation section. Thanks to all who have contacted me and give me their vote of confidence that www.SOFT.com.sg deserve all the support it can gather.


If you like what you have seen on SOFT and want to give your support, please click to http://soft.com.sg/new/modules.php?name=Donations

Your donation will help to maintain the running of SOFT and the projects that it will embark on.

James Woo
:smt023 yeah! we can now band together and help keep this site up!
anyway, i was just wondering.. we have quite a number of softies here who might not yet own a credit/debit card, i wonder if there is any other way they could donate, if they want to!
eh.. just wondering, because we would actually be able to raise more funds, from those who are not constrained to asking or borrowing another's credit or debit card!
eh.. if not feasible for practical reasons.. :oops:
for those who like to mail me the donation, you are welcome to send me a PM or email info@soft.com.sg and I will let you have my physical mailing address.

if you like to donate via Internet Banking, Phone Banking or ATM, please PM or email me and I will let you have the account number.

Once again, thank you all for the support!
local donors: please don't use paypal. they charge I think $1 for donations below $200. assuming the bulk of donors are local, use bank transfer or mail James a cheque.
AvonRellets said:
local donors: please don't use paypal. they charge I think $1 for donations below $200. assuming the bulk of donors are local, use bank transfer or mail James a cheque.

got it n thks 4 ur advise....... :wink:

and since you know that there are school kids here...why are you f-ing in this bloody forum? who's doing the damage man?

should other users of this forum also refrain from using f*** languages. They may sound manly, but maybe for the sake of those who are uncomfortable, keep such languages private.