Anyone interested in organising a Strat-fest?


New member
Just curious. How would a jam for SOFT's strat players sound? Perhaps we could work out something with one of the local live-pubs? To have a venue where we can all get together go a blues jam?

The only rule: Strats* ONLY.


*Note: Strat in this case, basically means bolt on construction and 3 single coils.
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Sounds enticing.

But I think another condition is that the shape of the guitar must be strat like la hor... haha
1 person 3min solo time, 10person means 30mins solo time!
now imagine your event's response is really good.. like 40pax or more...
Woah 3 single coils only? damn....

How about adding on to the rules, like say:

1)Must be a copies like Suhr, Tyler, Van Zandt and so on... cos only Fender is licensed to use the Stratocaster trademark?
2)The single coils must be real single hum cancelling sort.

Hehe, its the minor details that make a Strat fest one!
imho concentrate on the music...

never gonna end with the geetar gear limitations.

My 3 single coil strat can get 22 different settings on it and its still 3 single coil at it basic.. without any stack humbucker what so ever.
cool stuff! I can help with getting venue.

Steady! Lets see how things pan out ya? I'm more than happy to help out in this, just that I can't do it alone... If we can get some form of support from Swee Lee, we can make it a strictly Fender event!
but but but... Can you play?:mrgreen:

oh well, not much actually.

been doing sequencing and drawing midi notes nowadays to paint music then playing geetar to fit in whatever music in a long while.

its not the geetar, its me, i cant play the geetar to make it sound like a full piece of music, so i gave up.
whitestrat i am all for it.. i cant do anything but i will be thick skin if everyone is willing to showcase what they can do with their strats.
but i will see you play first la... if standard really so jialat then... i will just walk off without anyone knowing!
actually pathein i dont mind seeing you play something with your mega synth drone effects, i think it will bring a whole new perspective to the usage of strats too.