heh, even openly declaration for favourite_______(fill in blank with your choice of things, people or toys) also must think deep deep before shooting off. Break down into points if necessary and most importantly, having an open mind between different style of music and not just geetar, geetar and more geetarsss.
ever thought why would we like something so much but yet when being ask why we like, all that we can give, are all vague answers(feel, mood, emotions) that might not have any meaning to others who dont understand, trying to understand or simply too weak to convinced non believer why we like.
its the same as saying "i love you". Simple as piak, but whats the meaning behind other then "cos i like you", "coz you are nice", "coz we click", "coz you give good love" whatso ever
if theres something that we like, then better prepared before hand, the breakdown on why we like, how it affect us, how it influence our thinking, our behaviour, whats the pros, whats the cons as well.
Its really not, easy to say what we like, if we dont even know why we like and able to tell those who dont understand.
heh, anyway, the above was half serious and half talk kok, so read it with pinch of salt