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and stupidity is top of their sin list.
When there is light, there will be dark. A paper can only has 2 sides. When theres life, there is death.
zzz. anti christ or christians, i hate them all.
so much for your heaven or hell or sugar plum fairies.
Best to be an atheist like me, we sit on the fence and we don't fear death![]()
Fellow Christians brothers and sisters, if you are reading my post, our job here is not the stay away from 'evil' music and criticise it, because there's no 'evil' music. Music in essence is created by God, and some corrupted by the evil one. There's no bad music; all created things are for the good. Our job here is not to discuss what's good and what's bad, it is to redeem[/] whatever that has been corrupted.
Good luck to all supporters of Anti-christ bands and Satanic nerds ! Keep a fire blanket handy as it will protect to some extend in hell.
sorry if the following question seems offensive:
but how do you deem something "corrupted"? is there a standard to it?
Take this for example, the dynamite was initially invented to help in building and blasting tunnels. Humans corrupted it but using it in war to kill one another.
it's not exclusive to a particular principle so we cannot make it righteous, more for a certain concern than others because if we do so, we simply fail to understand music. so much for education.
Lets say humans are the creators of music, do you think that the initial intention of it to spread hate and death? If yes, then we do have alot of 'corrupted' good music here.
good or bad music is judged by the listener imo. one man's meat is another man's poison.