Anti-Christ bands.

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zzz. anti christ or christians, i hate them all.
so much for your heaven or hell or sugar plum fairies.

Best to be an atheist like me, we sit on the fence and we don't fear death :)
Well my stand on this really simple. i call this hypocritical bullshit. sorry for my vague expression but why bring all these into the world of music in the first place. music is about feelings. how do one feel being on earth, doing everyday stuffs. its not about another method to bring people to god. we are free to belief in what we belief in. be it satanic music or christian musics. they are crap to me.
Dark and light

When there is light, there will be dark. A paper can only has 2 sides. When theres life, there is death.

There's two sides to most things, but not evil and good; life and death; Christian and Atheist. I don't think we should use the 'balancing' perspective to look at such things, just like how we balance off chemical equations. Death not the opposite of life, it is the absence of the latter. Cold is not the opposite of heat, it is the absence of the latter. Likewise for good and evil.

I am Christian and I believe in a God who came down to die for our sins. There is no Christian or Satanic music genre. I believe music was created by the God I know, and the only difference between the genres are only in the lyrics. I can uses the style of blues on Christian music, and non-Christian ones, can I? Likewise, I can write a heavy metal song, with Christian lyrics! There's no Christian music as a genre, a song is only Christian because the lyrics are, well, Christian.

Is death metal, heavy metal, speed metal, or whatever that is associated with Satanism/Atheism bad?

If we look into the Bible, God is the creator of all things, and the serpent is the corruptor. The devil did not create music: he corrupted it.

For example, in the ancient Roman days, the flute was considered an 'evil' instrument because it was always associated with orgies and other nonsense. Today, it is known to be one of the most beautiful and graceful instrument.

Fellow Christians brothers and sisters, if you are reading my post, our job here is not the stay away from 'evil' music and criticise it, because there's no 'evil' music. Music in essence is created by God, and some corrupted by the evil one. There's no bad music; all created things are for the good. Our job here is not to discuss what's good and what's bad, it is to redeem whatever that has been corrupted.
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interestingly, to me, the line that divide us, caused misunderstanding whatsoever, has more to do with the flaws we have as human(with emotions) and not the teaching of religion or having no belief

i believe, we are screwed, if we go on being the way we can be, in this thread
Fellow Christians brothers and sisters, if you are reading my post, our job here is not the stay away from 'evil' music and criticise it, because there's no 'evil' music. Music in essence is created by God, and some corrupted by the evil one. There's no bad music; all created things are for the good. Our job here is not to discuss what's good and what's bad, it is to redeem[/] whatever that has been corrupted.

sorry if the following question seems offensive:

but how do you deem something "corrupted"? is there a standard to it?
Tame your tongue

Good luck to all supporters of Anti-christ bands and Satanic nerds ! Keep a fire blanket handy as it will protect to some extend in hell.

Brother, this is an example of not speaking in love. Christ did not come just to tell us Satanists are going to hell. He also mentioned not all who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will be saved. Calling yourself a Christian does not mean you'll be saved as well. His salvation message is for all, and he looks at your heart.

Bro, remove the plank in your eyes before you talk about the sawdust in your brothers' eyes. Tame your tongue because it is like a serpent seeking to burn and destroy that which is good.

sorry if the following question seems offensive:

but how do you deem something "corrupted"? is there a standard to it?

Nope no offence at all bro. Corrupt is got no standard to it. The essence of the word corrupt is to use something meant for good, and turn it around to become something bad.

Take this for example, the dynamite was initially invented to help in building and blasting tunnels. Humans corrupted it but using it in war to kill one another.

Likewise, to Christians, music was created by God himself for humans to praise and worship God as well as to minister to one another. It is also created for humans' enjoyment. It is corrupted when it is used to propagate hate and death, and instill suicidal notions, etc etc.

The word 'Corruption' is usually associated by the masses to Satanism and what-not. In fact, it is above and beyond.

PM me if you wanna know more. =) I'll be glad to explain, apart from all this crossfire.
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Take this for example, the dynamite was initially invented to help in building and blasting tunnels. Humans corrupted it but using it in war to kill one another.

hmm ok i guess i get what you mean.

but this kinda topic will never have an end, cos music may mean differently to different people. to me music is all about entertainment so whether it portrays hate, death, satanism and what-not or love and such doesnt really matter as long as it is good music. but perhaps to other listeners (or bands like Gorgoroth), their lyrical contents are taken more seriously.

(btw, im atheist haha.) which perhaps explain why lyrical contents do not mean much to me.
proponents of music sometimes manifest it according to their slant. music is also a tool for delivery- politics, love, etc. the way it is (& has always been), it's not exclusive to a particular principle so we cannot make it righteous, more for a certain concern than others because if we do so, we simply fail to understand music. so much for education.
One of the most powerful and beautiful rock songs to me was ''Sympathy for the Devil'' by the Rolling Stones. This song has been roundly condemned and the Rolling Stones were even accused of being Devil Worshipers (something they flatly denied). If you listen to the lyrics carefully most of the atrocities mentioned are actually caused by humans and religion, but still it was seen as glorifying the Devil etc etc.

Listened to that song since I was about five onwards and not once did I start to worship Satan or feel the need to sacrifice people. In fact the teachings of Hell during my time at Church did more damage to my young mind than that song ever did.

I am not here to argue about religion and it's influence though. I am simply here to say that music is what you make of it and what you take from it. I do not believe a song can cause people to do something evil on it's own, more often than not it is humanity that does this. People are too quick to blame rather than take a long hard look at themselves and accept their own misgivings, too quick to cry wolf and blame something else.

Music is music, it causes a whole world of emotions and feelings, but it is the person you are and what you take from it that matters. Satanic bands can glorify Satan all they want, and they have as much right to spread that message as a Christian band do to spread the word of God, whatever the influence and whatever the message.
haha i guess. when i mention to some christian friends of mine that i am atheist, they try to convince me that there exists a "higher being" and try to get me to start believing in christianity.

actually, i have a religion. my god's name starts with the big letter M.

Righteousness in music

it's not exclusive to a particular principle so we cannot make it righteous, more for a certain concern than others because if we do so, we simply fail to understand music. so much for education.

You are not wrong. I am not saying that my kind of music is more righteous per say. I already mentioned that there's no good or bad music.

Let's put God out of the picture. Lets say humans are the creators of music, do you think that the initial intention of it to spread hate and death? If yes, then we do have alot of 'corrupted' good music here.

We all have our opinions, and I do not have the right to disprove your right of opinion.

I do not claim to understand music, because maybe I do not. But I have my opinions as well and I share it. Whoever listens can agree or disagree.

But I understand one thing: I know what I believe in. =)
Lets say humans are the creators of music, do you think that the initial intention of it to spread hate and death? If yes, then we do have alot of 'corrupted' good music here.

i believe that most creators of music create music for the love of the music itself and perhaps for entertainment, with the minority having ill intentions.

good or bad music is judged by the listener imo. one man's meat is another man's poison.
Good and Bad music

good or bad music is judged by the listener imo. one man's meat is another man's poison.

There is good and bad music, you're right if you're talking about how it sounds. There's only the different messages each song propagates that makes things alot more controversial.
then this will depend on how you define music already.

an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

if we follow strictly the definition of music, then we cant judge the music on the lyrical contents per se, unless we include lyrical content to the definition to music as well.

I suppose you're right regarding that as well. I look beyond the tow-gay and how it sounds. Lyrics are important to me too. Basically, no matter how good it sounds, if the lyrics aren't meaningful, its a wasted song to me.

To each his own. =)
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