Anti anti anti


New member
I was just wondering if there are people like me out there who feels alienated when bands infuse themes into their music that we don't agree with. (For example religious themes like Satanism and Christianity for example) I especially have a beef with the labels they tag themselves with. And they are good bands like blessthefall, Norma Jean and such. Yes I know I can just not listen to them, but its just gets on my nerves at times. I just feel they should all follow As I Lay Dying's example,like proud Christians who don't really espouse their beliefs through their songs. That's just my opinion though, sorry if I am rocking the boat here.
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Nathaniel said:
Just wondering if there are others like me who get really turned off when bands like to infuse into the music like christian themes and stuff... giving themselves titles like christian metalcore and blah blah... METAL has no place for goody evangelists!

I will have to close your thread as there is no positive results from it. It will just cause disharmony in SOFT.

Next time, be sensitive of the community.

* also note that your post could be used against you if someone wants to report to the police
Oki, indianstallion has volunteered to take responsibility for this thread. He will

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2. Make sure it does not break any Singapore law.
3. Contact any user who break the rules/law.
4. Liaise with the police if anyone makes a report

Please give him your full support.
I read your previous post and also read your apology in your other post.

As a Christian I found it a joy to hear my favorite hobbies in parallel with my faith. That is a metal song with Christian-theme.
I have to be honest, I don't really follow the lyrics that closely so haven't been affected by them. The only Christian metal(core) bands I have listened to are Underoath, Zao and Norma Jean.

But from a neutral point of view, I guess their lyrics are about something that they are passionate about and it's personal to them. And if that's religion, then why should we begrudge them that?

But I like this quote from Zao's guitarist when they were asked about the religious context in their music :

"We're not selling Christ. We're just following Him."
I agree and understand but I just feel that's its quite alienating to people with strong atheist/agnostic/alternative beliefs like mine. I can't help but feel people like us are being marginalized. Just look at TDWP's Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over. I was just thinking maybe they should move away from the more spiritual and otherworldly categories and perhaps focus on more universal themes like life's struggles ala bands like As I Lay Dying.
Well I do feel that bands should have lyrics that are most personal to them, rather than try to write what their audience can relate to. You might not agree with them , but as long as they are not trying to convert you with their music , shouldn't matter right. I think that's what the quote "We're not selling Christ. We're just following Him." means.

Also are the lyrics of the bands you mentioned very in your face? I don't know but the bands I mentioned, they are quite subtle, and not at all preachy. It's more about their personal experiences with respect to God. It's not like they are repeating "God is the greatest" over and over again. :)
music is an art, it is subjective.. No matter how much u don't like the music, we should respect how the artists wants to convey his/her/their message.. For example, u like a particular genre, but they address a certain theme or ideology which is out of ur comfort zone, so u shud take it in a way that respects their decision on how they convey their music..

It's for the open mind..
Religion is first and foremost a very personal thing, and for most people, songwriting tends to fall back into personal territory, so of course religious themes will come up in songs from time to time. I don't mind or judge when bands or musicians do it, and there are those who have done it rather gracefully and actually made me think and ponder for a while about it. (sufjan stevens comes to mind.)

Still I can relate to what you're trying to say. I'd prefer to have any religious overtones to be done subtly, since I don't have particularly strong religious convictions, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to listen to something just because it is spiritual or religious in nature or form. Battlestar Galactica is one of my favorite tv shows even though it has really strong religious overtones and central figures. The hindu mantric music on the show is amazing as well. I think when it comes down to it, I'm mainly interested in how it is actually presented.
I agree and understand but I just feel that's its quite alienating to people with strong atheist/agnostic/alternative beliefs like mine. I can't help but feel people like us are being marginalized. Just look at TDWP's Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over. I was just thinking maybe they should move away from the more spiritual and otherworldly categories and perhaps focus on more universal themes like life's struggles ala bands like As I Lay Dying.

Alienating? If anything, metal is alienating to christians. Not that it even matters, since the last time I checked you could choose whatever music you want to listen to, you are essentially saying "I don't like what their singing about, they should sing about what I want to hear." which is pretty ridiculous. If you were in the band, then maybe you can argue with them, and probably end up leaving the band, but you aren't.
I don't follow metal, but I'm pretty sure there are alot more non-christian metal bands than christian ones.

I'm thinking that you might enjoy certain christian metal bands, but get put off by their lyrics, am I right? If that's the case, then to put it bluntly, too bad. They can sing about jacking off to dead bodies, eating chicken wings or whatever they please.
Well the idealist in me would prefer them to angle their lyrics in a more subtle way to make it more accessible to the secular crowd. But you can't have your cake and eat it I suppose. I just feel its a shame that my strong inner convictions wouldn't let me enjoy their music the way it is supposed to. And yes I suppose that's a problem with me, not with the bands. But is there anyone out there like yours truly who would like to share their opinions and balance this discussion?
The thread seems pretty balanced to me.

But your views do seem rather odd. Seems like to are very pro censorship. Can only sing about what you approve. I think Blank had it about right. Bands can sing about whatever they want to.

I guess you could say i am on the opposite side of the fence from you because I am a Christian and listen to music by bands with anti Christian messages (e.g. punk rock band Propaghandi). I don't agree with their religious (or political) views, but i can still appreciate the music and that they are actually singing about something that is important to them, and it makes you think.

We can't be so narrow minded as to only listen to those whose views match ours. That is the path that leads to bigotry and conflicts. We need to listen to what others have to say and be ready to accept what they offer/present even if it doesn't fit what we are comfortable.
I don't like MANY songs but I don't tell the song writers to write it in a way I like. It's their song. If I don't like them, I simply don't listen to them. You don't find genres/songs that EVERYBODY likes.

If this argument is taken to further extreme, I should say lets just stop all metal songs once and for all since I don't like them. They destroy my ears and hearing. They should stop playing and writing metal songs - full-stop. But as it is, it's somebody elses preference and not mine. So while I have my preference of songs/genres, others have theirs. And this is how it will always be. Songs are written songwriters appeal to a certain group of people, and are not meant for everybody. Nobody owns one genre such that one can claim that others should not use it/interpret it their way.
Hey cheez when i first saw your avartar i really thought there was a bug crawling on my screen hahahas..

Yea agree with what most softies are saying here... Music is v individual isnt it.. I mean isnt it like choosing guitars? Some people like Gibson's tones whereas some prefer PRS or others..

There are so many different genre's for music.. Some can't appreciate mainstream like me others think metal is senseless screaming..some of my friends think rapping is just talking with beats in the background etc etc..The lyrics promoting whatever is entirely up to the band/song writer. If we cant appreciate them then we should just stay away from listening to 'em..
hahah well if the tune is awesome but the lyrics are religious you can't blame the performer/songwriter right? must be the Godz workin thru em hahaha..........unless u heard such songs and felt scared 'cause u ended up singin along in yr sleep.......
ok, my reply will have nothing to do with religion

there are alot of morons in this world. tension

there are also people who cannot accept the fact that there are alot of morons in the world and take offence. stress

we cannot do anything about the number of morons who infest media. what we can do is to be the bigger man and accept their stupidity. because if it's indeed nonsense, there is no need to take offence or weight in whatever these morons do.

at most, you can show your dissent towards these groups, and end up glorifying them. in other words, sometimes these people need a negative reaction for their gimmick to succeed

whatever your beef is, why allow the possibility for them to gain any satisfaction? just let it slide
I guess we all made our pov's known =). Its been a fantastic discussion and everyone deserves a pat on the back for participating in such a civilized manner lol. I was expecting hxc flaming hahaha
Well, since TS requested for my opinion on this subject I am happy to oblige.

There are many ways to spread the message of "good", as there are many ways to spread the message of "evil". Metal has always been associated with "evil", cos it sounds angry, loud and destructive, so that stigma is something that is basically hard to get rid of. On the contrary, Faith itself is seen as something associated with "good" cos it suppose to promote calm, peace and constructiveness.

I understand the TS's point of view. That paradox seems to contradict each other; faith and religion is sacred. To have it associated to anything that is remotely "evil" is wrong, sacrilegious and taboo.

But doesn't God (if you believe in Him/Her) have an angry, loud and destructive side too? We see don't see it as a negativity, rather as a necessity. So if such aggression can be seen as a necessity, I do not think there is anything wrong in spreading the faith by embracing the natural aspect and facet that exist in all. Perhaps it is a necessity cos it speaks more to the people who can ASSOCIATE to that kind of sound.

What should be your concern instead, is not HOW the message is conveyed, but WHAT message is conveyed. A good example is how the JI movement established itself. Was the message of hate spread via Islamic metal songs that speaks highly of teh faith? No. It is spread through simple discussions and communications via context and situations that is seen as "holy" and "religious".
34 Unblack Metal Bands

Bands list:

Armageddon Holocaust
Fire Throne
Dark Endless
Shadows Of Paragon
Crimson Moonlight
Arch Of Thorns

and many more....
no hard feelings to all alright. im here to share my interest of genre and concepts. hope all mheads here got something to bring home.
say cheeze...