An Interesting Conversation

aiyo...... here we go again.

i see we are looking at faith and science things it seems. my comment? let's stop the flaming. or all of us goin to be burn ( dun play wif fire). Bout faith, it's very hard to explain. it's believing without seeing. most of us believe by sightlar. but sometimes, ur eyes can trick u.

Well, tat's all i wanna say. i think i will call fireman to come if this get's out of hand.
bros maman, cliff

don't worry guys I'm cool

its 1 thing to be inquisitive-that I don't mind
its another thing to be "kurang-ajar"

agreed i am not enlightened enough. I do not know much about others' faiths and beliefs.Thats is why I was taking a neutral POV till someone comes in and posts a thing or two about Islam.
At no point in time I was confrontational till my suggestions to get the questions rectified was dismissed nonchalantly.
Ah very well. I'll be putting a face to this nick on our monthly meeting on 2nd Feb
All of us here are keyboard warriors.If there is unhappiness among us,I for one would like to offer my apologies.
If this is still unresolved, there is a boxing ring at old PA. We can resolved it the old fashion way with rules and conduct to adhere to.

With all the postings we have so far, we can come out with our own conclusion.

to all the Bros--the lesson I learnt here is please use KY, the other new brand YY is quite rough and will give you a biting sensation.

bro soft, 2nd Feb meeting i'm still on.PM me on when,where and how to help.C YA
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Ye sure. Don't reply to me anymore.

But I'd have my last words (or perhaps not) on this thread.

To cliffburton, you seem chauvinistic. Age and gender doesn't tell much. It's the new millenium.

To fuzz, I apologize if I have insulted you in any way subconsciously. And if you may, please enlighten me on the abbreviation KY. The other new brand YY? You mean there's an old me? Amusing.

There you have it, I did not mean to be offensive or target any individual in my posts. It's all a learning process for me. Thank you.
I'll find the source for Allah's definition soon. Google doesn't seem to be working to my advantages. There was an apple. They ate it. And it is sin.

Internet warriors :-D

There has been a steep rise in young people seeking medical assistance (mental and physical) after reality takes a bite since their "god", the internet and the new found wisdom seems all but folly.

Hey can i ask some question? i'm not trying to flame here.. i bet u guys still rmb bout the riot in indonesia in 1996 rite? ok the question i wan to ask is.. While they killing and raping ppls they are praying.. they pray for god to forgive their sins? If god will forgive their sins by praying then everyone can do crimes d.. sry for my grammar and hope i didnt flaming here.. thx.. and the god i mention it doesnot mean jesus only..
DjKitz, there are 2 types of people. Good and Bad. It has nothing to do with religions.
Why not? then what they pray for? they pray while raping on the street.. i got forwarded emails last time..
DjKitz, will we only be a good person when our religion/god/believes tell us so? We should be a good person with or with religion/god/believes.

What you mentioned are bad things done by human, nothing to do with religion/god/believes at all.
= yo DJkitz

the indonesian riots occured during the Asian Financial Crisis, Suharto-era 97.
the inhumane acts were believed to be done by elements of the military. I shouldn't indulge in the details much. If you are very interested about this, can PM me and we'll meet.

2nd Feb is a good day, don't you think?
OK. Last post in this thread.

There is absolute no way you can prove spiritual matters (existence of God etc) using any scientific methods. I've read a book many years ago trying to do that using quantum physics - it was an interesting book, but falls short in my opinion. So I think we can stop trying to prove it. Reason is simple. Human is bound by the laws of physics and certain laws of nature. We exist in 3 dimensions (and 4 if you want to count time, but on earth we are still locked into a progressive linear time dimension). Our minds comprehend the same 3 dimensions - how we see, how we feel, etc. Our scientific laws are bound by that because our understanding is locked by that. However, when something goes beyond the 3 dimension (multi-dimension?), we will be stumped. We cannot comprehend totally.

Take for example that there's a place called "Flat Land". In Flat Land, everything exist in 2 dimensions. I'm going to use a flat coin as an example, although a coin is still 3 dimensional (but just for the sake of argument). In Flat Land, everything the coin sees is a straight line. They are either long lines, or short lines. One day, a pencil comes along (could be anything - pencil just for the sake of argument).

Pencil: "Hi Coin".
Coin: "Hi, but where are you?"
Pencil: "I'm above you."
Coin: "Above? What are you talking about?" (remember 2 dimension has no height).
Pencil: "OK. I'm going to touch down on Flat Land to show you".
Pencil tip touches Flat Land in front of coin.
Coin: "Oh. Hi Pencil, you look pretty small to me. Just one point" (Remember 2 dimension).
Pencil: "No I'm not small. I'm tall. Much bigger than you."
Coin: "Tall? What's tall?"

Not a fool-proof example, but you get the idea. You cannot explain 3D to a 2D person. Similarly, our minds are locked into 3 dimensions. For the sake of argument, IF there's a spiritual dimension, it may be multi-dimensional (4,5,6,7, who knows). The point is that if that exist, our scientific laws falls apart. We cannot prove it, nor can we fully comprehend it. We can only understand in part, but will miss a whole lot.

We are quick to judge matters by what we see. We say there's no God because of the suffering around. Well, perhaps we shouldn't be too quick. Because IF there's a God, and IF there's something after death, then brushing it aside too quickly will be the our own foolishness. IF it's true, then it should be the most important thing in our lives. Everything else becomes a shadow to that. To many, it's still an IF - but it's an important IF. We can have our own conclusions, but don't come to that conclusion too easily.

The argument about suffering works both ways. If there's no God, then we evolved from apes. And since apes rape one another (including their siblings), then we don't have to talk about justice and right and wrong. Why are we feeling unfairness and the lack of justice? Everything becomes subjective, and the uncomfortable feeling of injustice in the world becomes a moot point. We shouldn't even be feeling that way.

OK. My second and last post to this thread.
Actually quantum level physics have been kind of superceded by string theory. The most interesting part of string theory being that we have as many as 26 different dimensions though i think that's been whittled down to 11.

The interesting thing about the analogy with the flatland, is that it can be taken to mean the complete opposite as well - the presence of love and altruism doesn't necessarily mean the presence of god or a pantheistic god.

The usual second part of using that big IF, is the use of pascal's wager. It's better to bet that there is a god than if there is none, because it doesn't take much to believe in one and if that were true, you'd be going to heaven rather than going to hell with all the other disbelievers. But personally i would rather believe that not believing in god and doing good would be many times better than a person who believes in god and going through the motion just because they are afraid.

One thing about evolution though that riles some christians up, is the concept of darwinism, that we have evolved from apes. And the only apes we see are chimps, orang utans, and other whatnot in the zoo. But in reality, that is far from the truth. Though these great great ancestors might seem like apes, they are not apes. The use of the word is just something easier than saying we're from homo sittus in cavus butnotto enuf beerus.

And that's the thing about logic, reasoning and scientific exploration. If there is proof of a god, you can bet every scientist out there will rush to tell you so. But anytime someone comes up with an alternate theory that is not in line with any religious teachings, you can bet someone will try to put a stop to it, and that's only thanks to religion.

The atrocities perpetrated in indonesia and quite unfortunately every other part of the world is down to one reason - power. It may look like it's sheathed under the flags of religion, liberation or self preservation, but it's all about power and how if you're different from everyone else, then you are a target.
Explain, ac. Enlighten me. In reference to the first 4 paragraphs.

To SOFT, to quote you, you said "there are 2 types of people. Good and Bad."

I'd like to oppose that opinion. There happens to be no absolutes. Good and bad fall under morality, which is what us, human beings make them to be, hence is subjective in nature and cannot be measured.

Just my 2 cents worth. I find Nietzsche's theories regarding religion and morality extremely reliable.
poetry haha nice one
hopefully its not taken on the web...
dun bother me its jus a silly remark
no offence guys
happy soft-ing
Oh. You read those. Those were really horrible poetry. I should go delete them. And now I set foot upon this quest. Don't sidetrack. Keep to the debate topic please.

EDIT: How to delete previous posts, SOFT?
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