OK. Last post in this thread.
There is absolute no way you can prove spiritual matters (existence of God etc) using any scientific methods. I've read a book many years ago trying to do that using quantum physics - it was an interesting book, but falls short in my opinion. So I think we can stop trying to prove it. Reason is simple. Human is bound by the laws of physics and certain laws of nature. We exist in 3 dimensions (and 4 if you want to count time, but on earth we are still locked into a progressive linear time dimension). Our minds comprehend the same 3 dimensions - how we see, how we feel, etc. Our scientific laws are bound by that because our understanding is locked by that. However, when something goes beyond the 3 dimension (multi-dimension?), we will be stumped. We cannot comprehend totally.
Take for example that there's a place called "Flat Land". In Flat Land, everything exist in 2 dimensions. I'm going to use a flat coin as an example, although a coin is still 3 dimensional (but just for the sake of argument). In Flat Land, everything the coin sees is a straight line. They are either long lines, or short lines. One day, a pencil comes along (could be anything - pencil just for the sake of argument).
Pencil: "Hi Coin".
Coin: "Hi, but where are you?"
Pencil: "I'm above you."
Coin: "Above? What are you talking about?" (remember 2 dimension has no height).
Pencil: "OK. I'm going to touch down on Flat Land to show you".
Pencil tip touches Flat Land in front of coin.
Coin: "Oh. Hi Pencil, you look pretty small to me. Just one point" (Remember 2 dimension).
Pencil: "No I'm not small. I'm tall. Much bigger than you."
Coin: "Tall? What's tall?"
Not a fool-proof example, but you get the idea. You cannot explain 3D to a 2D person. Similarly, our minds are locked into 3 dimensions. For the sake of argument, IF there's a spiritual dimension, it may be multi-dimensional (4,5,6,7, who knows). The point is that if that exist, our scientific laws falls apart. We cannot prove it, nor can we fully comprehend it. We can only understand in part, but will miss a whole lot.
We are quick to judge matters by what we see. We say there's no God because of the suffering around. Well, perhaps we shouldn't be too quick. Because IF there's a God, and IF there's something after death, then brushing it aside too quickly will be the our own foolishness. IF it's true, then it should be the most important thing in our lives. Everything else becomes a shadow to that. To many, it's still an IF - but it's an important IF. We can have our own conclusions, but don't come to that conclusion too easily.
The argument about suffering works both ways. If there's no God, then we evolved from apes. And since apes rape one another (including their siblings), then we don't have to talk about justice and right and wrong. Why are we feeling unfairness and the lack of justice? Everything becomes subjective, and the uncomfortable feeling of injustice in the world becomes a moot point. We shouldn't even be feeling that way.
OK. My second and last post to this thread.