Advice on which pedals I should buy.

When i was 13 and just started playing the guitar,i used to do nth but hammer ons and pull offs.i didnt know what i was doing,jus dat it sounded cool and fast.i didnt bother to use my ears and my "fast picking" was horrible.

When i met Paul Gilbert on youtube,everything
Is it ok by the way to have you guys give me your age.I am especially interested in 900,teleplayer,mus,plastic,superpotao_30.Coz u guys give me such great advice,i am really curious howmold are you guys.i am 14 if u forgot

wah sounds very gay but lol.
im 19.never done any gigs before just play with a couple of friends.:mrgreen:
well, you can post and thank people for their advice, but what is apparent is the lack of you using it....

If you really want pedals, then just go to the shops and try them. no point buying without trying, Unless you have a whole load of cash, or you're buying on soft buy&sell.

Hey why dont you get an easy to use multi effects. I feel that it ll be a better investment. The me 70 is great. 1) easy to use. 2) makes a bad amp sound good 3) cheaper than buyin individual pedals 4) if you play live in future u can just use it. 5) i feel that digital has kinda caught up with analog on sound quality and i bet if u play in a band setting u cant really heard much diff. The multi effects cost 480 at sweelee if i m not wrong. Just some thoughts. :) have lots of fun :)
or u could invest in a btr amp and effects like the VOX valuetronix or LINE6 spyder Amps.
lol anw ts you say your 14, how the hell do you even practise so long dont you have school and stuff?

it was the june holiday. now sch reopen cannot pratice so long i try 3 to 4 hours if possible but sat and sanday i will still pratice at least 5 hours.I am kind of giving up my studies be coz of guitar even though i am 18 position in school about 18/450
dont be stupid seriously. u're 14

quite true but i not sure why,i am only interested in guitar and girls now. nth else.haha.but if u dont study,i can still make money by owning a guitar studio.i heard my bro sae guitar studio earn big bucks
quite true but i not sure why,i am only interested in guitar and girls now. nth else.haha.but if u dont study,i can still make money by owning a guitar studio.i heard my bro sae guitar studio earn big bucks

okay fine. lets say u want to start a "guitar studio". if u drop out of school and u have no knowledge on how to start a business or how a business even works, u'll see how far u can go.

give urself a few years. and u'll realise what a stupid comment u just made.
No offense, bro but without paper qualifications nowadays its hard to go far. Granted, there are successful businessmen out there who may not have the best of education, but can you guarantee you can follow in their footsteps?

Starting a business is no easy feat. Even if say, you have the capital to set up a studio, purchase equipment and renovate until sui sui, do you have the business knowledge to make it last? Apologies if I sound pessimistic, but you are at one of the early crossroads in life now. Study hard, get a wider view of the world, before making a decision that would affect the rest of your life.
You should study hard now. And get at least a good O level cert. then maybe go poly to get a diploma... and not stuck with a shitty o level cert(no offense) and PSLE cert. if your music studio business fails, you need to rely on the certs. This is Singapore. If you got good certs, you can still play guitar. And if you want to be a musician, you still have certs to rely on because it's very difficult to be a professional musician in singapore...

and don't listen to your bro too much. :rolleyes:
it was the june holiday. now sch reopen cannot pratice so long i try 3 to 4 hours if possible but sat and sanday i will still pratice at least 5 hours.I am kind of giving up my studies be coz of guitar even though i am 18 position in school about 18/450


I'm thinking of going overseas aftr NS cos singapore is a boring place to live in,seriously....
u sure abt that?My bro oni sae that having a guitar studio make big bucks,nth else. he did not tell me to drop my education.i wont anyway,just feel like doing it but wont.My bro is quite wise.he is 21 this year and is going to go to NTU soon. unlike me,my studies sux.
cant help it rite?is like a chio and cute girl ask u for stead,cant just reject her.feel so vulnerable to her.whats more,guitar got many design and colour so thats alot of chio bu.can slowly play one by one.(not toking abt my love life,just a example)i too tink Singapore is boring except for places like bras basar, peni sula,city music and standared value