Advice on which pedals I should buy.

I'm just saying oh so you love playing guitar so much so you would neglect ur studies. What a joke. On the irony look at Brian May.
Wah at 14 i never though of giving up studies sia.:rolleyes:
You might whine and complain studies sucks but you still need it to move on.
Guitar is just a hobby.You can't live in singapore with just yur guitar skills.In realility,everything is real,to survive you need a proper job.
Even if you wanna get out of singapore becasue its small bla bla bla.Without any proper cert going abroad just with yur guitar,i doubt you can survive also.
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even if you go to US or western countries where more people appreciate music and it's bigger, the people there might discriminate you as you are an Asian.
Haha. I went to some places. That's why i said that. I experienced some ahem from the westerners. But maybe I'm unlucky or what. I don't know but that was a very bad experience.