hi softies
i have done setting the nuts and the custom trem from stavac...
holy fk*ng Sh*T
its daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmnnnn gooooooooooooooooddd
superb longlive sustain

and stabilize really really good... im amazed myself
it works well with my custom nut
hehehe for the nut i use customize composite material.. its silky smooth
when u play dive on the tremolo it goes back in tune perfectly !! dammnn im happy man
i got some tips to tune it with this material...
later on ill attach the pic and the tips.. ok
when u strung the string... the stavax bridge it self works well to stream the string's vibration flowing nicely into the guitar body...
when u strung it... u wont feel the vibration when u touch the stavac bridge... but u will feel the vibration when u touch the body..
if u have a trem that its tend to vibrate as the body vibrate too ... im sure.. its a bad tremolo... not rigid... cannot transfer the string vibration well to the guitar's body ..
if u dont believe me... try to touch the LES PAUL Tune'O'Matic bridge as u strung the strings

it wont vibrate, but the body's vibrating
... because its transfer the string vibration to the body well ..and u get superb sustain