9-5 life anyone?

9-5 is really not that bad, there is this particular job that i will be doing next time that starts before 7am ends at 7pm and everyday listen to people complain, then so stressful work, highly technical and brain consuming, and full of idiotic responsibilities.


You sure don't sound like you're about to be an English teacher.
Break the vicious 'trading time for money' cycle

Our Active Income is derived from the investment of our time. Some term active income as dependent income. Basically, it means the income is dependent on the individual's presence.

For example, if the individual is not in the office, he won't be able to derive an income, thus this sort of income is labelled as dependent.

To attain financial freedom, one needs to build or create what we call, Independent Income or some say passive income. Independent income means the opposite of dependent income. That means, an income source that is continuously operating with or without your presence.

Some examples of Independent Income sources include Internet Marketing, Network Marketing and investments, etc.

As mentioned by Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, financial freedom is attained when your passive income is higher than your expenditure. Which also means you are in a state whereby, you need not work and yet you can settle your living expenses and debts.

Hence, I believe that in order to attain financial freedom, it is inevitable that you need to set out to create your own independent income.

When you manage to create one independent income source, you should then aim towards multiple streams of independent income.

Never had any intention on publicizing here or what not but since someone raised the topic of 9to5 so here goes.I'm currently working in a company called Sunshine-Empire (been on the straits times on 24thOct) where people do not work 9 to 5 and still earn money.There are many testimonies i can name but here's one. My Sis bf works with me and he's getting an income of 35k a month while pursuing his diploma at the age of 18 and im on my way to his level of success as well. So basically guys with the right opportunity and network you can work your way to attain financial freedom.
i think singaporeans are too aggressive. dunno how to relax and no sense of humour. why? because our society has zero-tolerance for mistakes and will hantam those who don't succeed


9 - 5 Pet hates: F****** Drivers who stop at red lights half way acrooss the road making it difficult for pedestrians to cross! No bloody patience at all. Same with riders & drivers who zip by "green man" at pedestrian crossings. Wont be long befoer a serious accident happens.

The government should start a programme whereby pedestrians can snap photos of such errant drivers & rider and report them to LTA for some nice fines..... Only way to teach these ppl!
It's the same for pedestrians. The sign clearly says when green man is flashing, do not cross. But it seems like most pedestrians do not have enough patience to wait for the next green man. It slows down traffic, which results in impatient drivers, and they become the nasty drivers that bro fgl bro have brought up.

It's a cycle. So let's all do our little part. Let's cross and drive like we should.
if u all dunwan 9-5 live then just JOIN GOOGLE.

seriously, google google. and check out what the people do during work. my goodness the food there is free, free drinks.
Post on STOMP, the unofficial singapore complaint site.

As for 9-5, not bad if u can get one, most people have to work beyond tat. As for other countries being able to live off the gov pensions, thnk abt it, where does the pension comes from? from the heavy taxes that their gov impose on their citizens.
Thats why im a combat medic.lol

just as when you find the 8-5 life in the medical centre is mundane,the detail in charge decides to throw you to some some field camp and sadly,i will be in TWO consecutive field camps in one week.bye bye civilian world :(
I have a Diploma in Mass Communication from Ngee Ann Poly. After national service, I have gone through several office hours type job that left me feeling utterly disatisfied, drained and depressed. Doesn't help that my personal life was in turmoil.

But I have been dabbling in music since 2001, and as the years go on, I find myself loving it more. In the end, I decided to basically stop trying to live up to qualifications, and just work for the sake of money to invest in doing something that I love (which I hope to get me further).

Went through several blue collared jobs; from cleaner, to service crew, to warehouse assistant. Now I am a mover. Yup, with a diploma (though my collegues don't know about it).

That decision came in pretty late in my life. It was a huge one. But the only regret that I have is that I didn't do it earlier.

I think I learned more about life than I could have ever hoped for in my 20 odd-years of living before. It also helped open my eyes towards people who thinks that such a mundane, thankless job is a blessing. I am working with ex-convicts and druggies who really wants to have a better life. I am working with people who are less educated. I am working with people who just wanna have a simple life and be happy about it.

Low pay, but a lot of freedom. And the experience is more valuable than what I could get. And I get to do my music. Simply put, I can never be happeier with what I am doing right now.

I am not saying that you should quit your 9-5 jobs and do what I did. I'm saying that, sometimes, it might take a complete change of direction to actually discover what you are most happy with.

2 cents.
^had similar experiences.. WOrked in those warehouse type of jobs during my sch hols last time..u really get to be in touched with people u wont usually mix with.. worked with ex gangsters, uncles who always go chiong batam/bintan, drug peddlers who worked in a warehouse to cover his "part time night job".. I worked a few months there but get to see and exp alot more stuff than i would in years. Esp the "pearls of wisdom" that those uncles dished out, priceless...
It's the same for pedestrians.

agreed ... have especially seen many elderly ppl do this and also many "foreign imports" jay walking... after kana knock down then regret but too late liao.... drivers who drive by the green men flashing or park over the peedestrian crossing lines have "less to lose" when compared to pedestrians, especially young kids & old folks.

I say put more cameras and fine, fine fine all these drivers
i work part-time at shangri-la hotel and i love it, it's hard work but it's really fun to work with all the other staff, to make customers' day with good service and to feel the satisfaction when you get your pay check

do something you enjoy, and you will not see it as work.

by the way, what the sunshine empire guy said was right, although there are many forms of independent income apart from multi-level marketing. You need the discipline to invest/save your money, and a stable, rational mind to sort things out.
i work part-time at shangri-la hotel and i love it, it's hard work but it's really fun to work with all the other staff, to make customers' day with good service and to feel the satisfaction when you get your pay check...

Work in Shangri-La as what?

Banquet staff ah?

Wah, speaking of Shangri-La, I suddenly remembered how much I love the rice at Nadaman.


It's not the clocked hours of work that makes a person unhappy with the job. It goes deeper than that. It's the person - whether he/she:

1. Enjoys the work or not
2. Has a healthy/good attitude towards work in general (or not)
3. Has healthy relationships with colleagues

Otherwise, he/she can be working 9am to 1 pm and can still be having a bad day. 10 years ago, my maximum work hours clocked was 136 hours a week. That didn't give me a bad temper. Sure, I complain. But I enjoyed it anyway, and was in no way unhappy.

The question I usually ask people: "Why do you work?" The answer to that question determines your attitude and outlook towards work - and that in turn influences your contentment or lack of it.
over the weekend I recorded from 2pm to 1am for band 1.. then slept at 2am.. woke up 1pm.. recorded 3pm to 10pm for band 2.. slept at midnight. so I can wake up at 8am to get to work on monday 9-6 for my day job..

result? tired as hell, but pure satisfaction.
it doesnt really matter how long you work each day, what matter most is whether you like what you do and whether you like the people you work with.
there's no such thing as a perfect job really. Just make sure that u have more happiness than unhappiness in ur current job, then tat will be a good job . And have good colleagues, they are the ones who pull u through during tough times.

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