9-5 life anyone?

haha, but you make sense dude. it's all good and point worth pondering. and I'm sure this topic plays a huge part in every SOFTie's life here.
in singapore. somehow i feel like wanting to pursue what i love is kinda restricted.

anyhow, tomorrow my school timetable is 8-5pm

JC students, can go from 8-8pm or even later if they have CCAs

so, i guess even students have more than 9-5.
well students. don't get your studies affected cos of music passion. end of the day the job that puts food on your (even your family) plate counts. remember that.
In fact school also help to hone your music skills in the provision of easily available gigs for school functions, clubs and cca (free jamming studios), etc. Campus gigs provide a good learning platform for future performances elsewhere.
i agree with blueprintstudios

at the end of the day, it's putting food on the table

well, only some lucky people are blessed to be able to do what they like and still earn enough money
in singapore. somehow i feel like wanting to pursue what i love is kinda restricted.
i hear this so often.
in fact too often.
if you really love what you are doing, why not go pursue it overseas if singapore is not the place for it? no guarantee that you will succeed, but at least you know you have tried. at the end of the day its about having the guts to leave you comfort zone and doing it.
to me.....my day job salary provides me the $$ for my piano lessons and the bonus for equipment upgrade leh....so, I need to love what I do. heehhee....
got work less than 3 hours with pay of 100+ per day?
Man i'm so lazy... is life all about working?
IMO, other countries are able to be more "relaxed" because they have good welfare provided by the government (E.g. pension schemes).

We don't exactly get it here eh. I guess that means we have to slog our asses off :???:
my dad heads off to work at 9 comes back 1-2-3 in the morning .. HAHA come back watch TV sleep wake up and go work again ... and yes his temper is rather bad ... i think that 9-5 isnt half bad ...
9-5 is really not that bad, there is this particular job that i will be doing next time that starts before 7am ends at 7pm and everyday listen to people complain, then so stressful work, highly technical and brain consuming, and full of idiotic responsibilities.

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