8th Soft's Drum Xchange/Meetup - 17th Nov 2007 ! DXS Group Photo-Taking at 3pm


The 8th Soft Drum Xchange was indeed Very Very Inspiring not only for DES Members who attended the meetup, but also to Non-Drummers.

Look at the Group of Girls near the end of the Session (before this Page Pics) - they are from the Youth Something Club at Ulu Pandan CC - They opened the door came in large crowd (actually more than the pics taken) - but was stopped by Bernard as they are non-DES Members.......still recall the look on Bernard face when he look at me with eyes wide opened 'Wow..are these also DES Members ? - I said NO Bernard .. and he immediately walk towards them and stop them from comming in....(I remember clearly this was the time - Drummeright (Stephanie) & Jiv was drumming....The girls there look at Stephanie with amazement & delight and I can tell from their facial expression. Admiration for this Female Drummer of Ours.

Also one-guy managed to slip in and approached James saying "Can I Drum, I dont want them to know or else they will ask me to get out "...he was amused by you all - (his pics is here the unfamilar guy also one page before this) - again you guys were simply Inspiring....

As our Slogan says for DES - Inspired To Drum - DRUMMING TO INPIRE- Well, so true, It has been put into Action and was Justified - and I'm real Proud Of You All..........from my heart and is so.oooooooo Happy for you all.

The Chairman of the Orchestra there asked me a question - Why Are You Guys Not Performing Outside? Can Get Some $$$$$$$$$ you Know and such a large and nice group?......Well I told him "Some of you Drummers are Professional - have your own Band and some are Instructors"...Well he said "They will want to talk to me"...about what? - I dunno besides the Rental Fees, but I am sure they are Happy with our small little Drumming Community - cause We are An Inspiring Group.


Dear Commitee & fellow DES Members - seems like we will be having more work & things comming up after this - - - and I strongly believed that by 2008 (now that we drummers have greatly inspire one another through the Xchange to a certain degree) - It's time comes next year - for us to go out and INSPIRE OTHERS (non-drummers) into picking up Drumming as a Hobby/Passion. It takes alot of HardWork, but TOGETHER - We will Make This Dream Come True !

Without You All - There Is No Drum Xchange Singapore - yes.sss WE Are Drum Xchange Singapore and lets grow this Community Altogether.

PS: - I am 100% Positive Sure - That If DES Were To Have What We Just Did This Past Saturday (repeat It Outside At An Open Area Free For All To Just Watch) - It will Inspire Many More Non-Drummers With A Passion To Learn To Drum.........Youth Park har - Next Year ....

Cheers !

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sorry that i had to go off early...haha!
anyway, next time i go, i'll just watch by the sides...
i'll only play infront of you all when i get better ... =x
i guess if there's any damage to the cymbals, the person who did the damage should own up and be responsible lah. hitting cymbals have techniques and if not hit properly it could sustain dents and cracks at the edges or cracks around the hole area.

especially when the cymbal is worth more than 1k.... unless bro D_H doesn't mind.

just a taught coz i know how it feels when someone else bash ur precious and it's damaged. - which's probably why i didn't bring the ride im suppose to - and not to say im stingy but the feeling is really heartfelt. esp when u worked hard to get it.

our bro D_H bought his cymbals in his own will and definately it's a privaledge that he still shares he's precious but do take care of it when u hit it as the bottom line it's not yours.

my suggestion to the commitee is that the money raised on getting the drumset to spend it on cymbals? or if we could a sponsorship for it that'll be great too. we can't always have to be dependant on bro D_H. hope all of us drummers understand.

cheers people! :D

just for the record, i'm not too sure what really really happened. it sounds pretty bad though.

i left early with fuman, had a little chat before we went our separate ways. the mb10s, though bought second hand, were brand new. BRAND NEW!

but cymbals are cymbals man, whether low end or high end, if they get broken or cracked, still bloody heart pain! plus the cymbals were mb10s!

marc, you're not being stingy. you're not obliged to bring cymbals, really. you offered to bring it cos you were being nice. but i wouldn't offer to bring my gear if i see them being mistreated as well.

D_H brings a variety of cymbals each month out of good will, to provide us with the opportunity of experiencing different lines and brands of cymbals. even after whatever has happened, he's still gonna bring cymbals for the next meetup. if i were him, i'd demand compensation for whatever damage done, and prolly wouldnt bring cymbals to the meetup ever again. but then again, that's me. fuman's an absolutely angel if compared to me. heh.

"Do to others what you want others do unto you."
Our slogan is really good. Fit so well. Outsiders are being influenced by us. I do hope we can do this outdoors one day.

Thanks to everyone who came down to make this happen. You guys were wonderful. Nigel told me that he's always busy on Saturday. But he came down this meet up too!

D_H, were your cymbals damaged? Like what Jeepers said, D_H brought the cymbals out of good will and everyone is responsible for taking care of them.

Should the cymbals be really damaged, I think it would be good to settle it outside the forum. There's no point ranting on.

Marc, our initial intention of letting D_H share his cymbals is because he is the only man in Singapore(probably) that own this many cymbals. Part of the meet-up was to allow everyone to share and experience different cymbals monthly.
marcdadrummer said:
i guess if there's any damage to the cymbals, the person who did the damage should own up and be responsible lah. hitting cymbals have techniques and if not hit properly it could sustain dents and cracks at the edges or cracks around the hole area.

Honestly, I think whoever played till the cymbals cracked (I'm sure that's what happened, after reading previous posts) didn't know he cracked them either, especially after so many people played. No one was there to constantly check on the cymbals after someone else played on them. Maybe the cymbal was already cracked a short while after they were first played on, who knows...I think there's no point going after who cracked it now, the only thing we can do is either come up with some cash each to pay, or reassure d_h that this will not happen again.

marcdadrummer said:
my suggestion to the commitee is that the money raised on getting the drumset to spend it on cymbals?
It's possible, but of course, that means less exposure to different cymbals for us. But if we are not able to take care of d_h's cymbals, this is the only way out...
Thanks for the pics RD bro. The DXS logo on the reso heads looks killer! The yellow wordings are like illuminating man! :D
Marc - as stipulated by you here - DH's Cymbals were Damaged during the Xchange - Was it so? - Please specify very clearly in case you cause any misunderstanding here for no good reasons among the community of Drummers attending this 8th Drum Xchange.

I called you but you did not pick up the call?......What is it all about here.

Nevertheless , this is a very good point that you've bought up - and it is everybody's responsibility to take care of our Bro's property (Treat it with extra care) - so I suggest someone can take turn to look after (check the cymbals) each time a drummer finished his playing - rather be safe then sorry here.


As regards to Cymbal Purchasing for DXS itself from contribution - it's a great idea - but dont need to get the best ones - get those cheap ones will do - afterall it mean't to be bash here...we wont know when it will pitcha. You have the Priviledge - to be the 1st one to start a thread on this here at Soft (Thank You)

Regarding Sponsorship - Marc it is not as easy as you deem so. The committee here put in lots of HardWork & Personal Time and $$$$$ - to get this going and we are now at our 8th Drum Xchange - Nevertheless, we will look into this matter and thanks..


Responsibilities AT The Xchange

Responsibilty comes in many form from everyone at the Xchange - treat it like your own club house & home - Eveytime when Xchange Ended - myself and some of the Brothers have to collect empty Tin Cans, water bottles and throw them away (we will bring a Plastic Bag next time - please throw them in the Bag when finished or take the courtesy to throw away the empty drinks yourself) - Be Responsible here. This 8th Meetup - The committee of Ulu Pandan CC (Bernard himself) came out and point to us all the Rubbish and ask us to throw them away (rather shy here) - as their Chairman is having a meeting with them in the room

Treat it like your own Drummer's Club House please - If the Ulu Pandan CC Committee get very annoyed with all these (leaving your drinks for them to clear - they are not your Slave so are we not) - - - We will loose the Venue for all future Drum Xchange at Ulu Pandan that we - the committee is trying so hard to build and foster better relationship with them - so that we can have more days to gather there - should there be the neccessity oneday.

Please Help Us and we appreciate your understanding here.
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Being nice is a risk that one has to take and people may take it for granted and I guess all of us have experienced this one way or the other. I have not seen the cymbals yet as it is still in the safe hands of Eric.

From what i read from the posts, there was no implication that the cymbals were damaged. We will see what steps to take to prevent such an incident from happening... maybe the Mapex drum kit will be specially for the hard hitters. I will still bring the Bosphorus cymbals for the next meeting and can be set up at the tama kit as it is a jazz kit.

Jasper... the Mb10 is a brand new set but bought at the good price.
Thanks for the pics RD bro. The DXS logo on the reso heads looks killer! The yellow wordings are like illuminating man! :D

hey lets not forget Augustine for doing the excellent workmanship on the heads. and doing them for no charge as well.
Just a little suggestion, I feel that it might be better if a lesson on proper handling and care of cymbals is conducted. This will help fellow drummers build up their awareness on cymbals handling, what to do and what not to do etc.

Or this has already been conducted before ? Probably now that the turn up is much more than the usual, it'd be a good time to conduct it again and reach out to more drummers or something..
ay u guys...this is like "broken telephone". subsequent posts add on and make a simple statement sound so serious.

anyway if u read carefully, u'll notice marc's 1st sentence had an "if", which is the key here. his post was based on the "IF" being real (note: this does not mean he's saying that there WAS damage done). i believe some of you might have picked up the solemness in his tone and misunderstood as a result.

hopefully everyone will take this as a learning point and clarify their messages since, without aural and visual aids, it can easily be misinterpreted. i myself have much room for improvement in this area, so let's all try and work together and lessen misunderstandings, yeah? :mrgreen:
thanks snow for clearing up the misunderstanding..

i myself wouldn't know if theres any damage to it since i didn't even try out the cymbals. was just sitting back and enjoying the fun.

well yeah i did say If it was damaged, not damaged than good la but bro D_h did mention that it went through some bashing and a thought might came that it was damaged. again just a thought - since cymbals aren't cheap to start with.

anyways it'll be great to show proper technique on the next meetup on how to hit cymbals properly and cymbal care. the swinging motion, the use of protective sleeves/cymbal springs and all that...

i will help bring a 18" wuhan china and a cymbal spring to show for y'all... BUT, what does a china play as a role in jazz????

early days of the american beats and early drumsets use chinese cymbals that they ride on it. maybe that can be utilized too. :D

cheers everyone and i hope this clears any misunderstandings...
eh guys, sorry for the delay, I'll be starting to upload the footage/mp3s from tomorrow night on. there were some audio>video sync problems + drop frames when I combined the recorded mike up. so I had to re-do the template all over. got it all fixed now hehe. now encoding/compressing the videos in divx format so it's in high quality yet download friendly size (hopefully)

will update!

hey if i'm not wrong, most of the cymbals used in the early days of the "trap" set were turkish. the toms however were chinese. u know those red ones with the pig skin on it.
yeah man... the early drumsets used chinese toms... and didn't know that turkish cymbals we're used... i saw steve smith videos and he used the chinese to ride on it...

also saw bernard sweet purdie using chinese cymbal as a ride....

add me at msn!!! hehehe
The rule communicating and to be understood...

When one types, one has to reread what has been typed so as to make the necessary changes in word and sentence structure so to eliminate the possibility of people misreading it.

When one reads, one has to reread what has been read so as to try to understand what has been read as one usually doesn't really get the gist in the initial reading.

Well... had a good time talking with Eric at his place about the future of the local drum scene as I went to collect my precious and they were found to be in good condition.