3rd Drum Meetup 26th May-Clinic By Kevin Corey Of Heritage !

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Hi fgl.

The indonesian guitarist happens to be a friend of mine. I did a clinic 2 yrs ago at that college & he invited me there as he was the Dir of Music in that establishment. I am actually planning to do a drum instructional in Jakarta with him but than again it was suppose to be earlier but been too busy travelling so my drum DVD on hold lah.

Kenny Hogan

Teruk lah....Now bashing also got.This is stupidity coz its just a forum but end up like this.Really paiseh lah if outsiders read & what they will think of this local forum. Alamak,lucky I didn't give Dom Famularo & David Jones soft website or those poor fellas also kena bash.....haahaahaa.

Moderator, if this basher goes out of hand guess you guys need to do sumthing. Who knows probably he doesn't like professional musicians so Fgl,Alvin,Cory & myself all jaga-jaga our behinds ('8O')

Then again Basher or no Bansher we still KEEP ON DRUMMING & ROCKING BROTHERS & SISTERS, YEAH MAN!

who is this basher? some person named sam-seng?
i think its just another kid trying to be someone else hiding behind his nick. harmless i say.
well i hve been here long enough and read almost every post, negative or positive and what about your very own HAYDEN who used racial slurs like yahudi and threatened to uleash a hired killer on some sorry person, that LUCIFERSATAN who tries to be the sage of the drummers here but also challeneged to swing someone at a pub and that DRUMMERIGHT who is drummer-ing wrong, really.
why are these fellas still posting actively on the forums? don't they get a reprimand?
i am thinking now that the people running this do not understand what they are reading or sinmply biased.

whre is the big mouth :twisted: :twisted: stevarddass?
Yo Kenny bro - have a gd gig at esplanade man...

Speaking of auditions, I once heard a very intersting story about the Rolling Stones. When Bill Wyman left the group, they actually had a closed door audition to get his replacement. A host of big name bass players actually were invited by te Stones Management including one Mr Pino Palladino. Apparently the Stones were quite please with Pino UNTIL after the audition, he promptly presented MicK Jagger with an invoice for GBP5000- saying..."I'm a sessionist, I dont do auditions". Apparently Mick wasnt too pleased and ..hahaha...eventually the bass spot went to Daryl Jones who had previously played with Sting.

A few months later in an interview with bass player magazine, Daryl was asked if he missed playing Jazz / fusion since coming onboard the Rollng Stones to which we replied "I get paid 5 times as much in the Stones than in the jazz gigs so F*** that s*** man....

wonders never cease.... 8O

Forget about the coined Sam-Seng (fgl does not mean what he says and we know it) - I do not want things to get from bad to worst here anymore.

Generally - In any fight someone must have initiated it - then the other party retialate (that doesn't mean that it is justifiable/acceptable if the retialating party put it in a very harsh manner in defence of himself)...then comes many who will join in - situation can then get worst...In a situation like this. As a MOderator he has to stand Neutral, be fair - what to do to stop this.

The Moderator nor anyone in Soft will definetely not want to banned anyone as far as possible (It's really not nice to do it - and it doesn't make us feel any better or good - this is the worst thing and if possible we will not do this) - so we have to warn either party by telling them - make peace please stop it (cause they are many people who will view the forum too)....we don't want it to get worst, and we don't want relationship to sour even further between the both parties

If after repeated advice telling the parties to stop (and all this continues which the Moderator have to delete and delete unwanted unhealthy post now and then) - and SOFT still tells these people to stop and they continue - something has to be done then.....The final straw will be either - both get a banned or...If one particular party we find keeps on provoking the other party - based on our own judgement on what is being stipulated here on post and after discussing between SOFT what we do is - "To LOCK THE THREAD", or to "BANN both or a few person altogether", or "BANNED a person". Anyone is entitle to action taken by SOFT (including me - that goes for Committee Member of Meetups or Whoever They Are once they goes overboard or beyond limit).

Whatever has been done we cannot change it - we learn - we get better - we learn to adopt the culture of Making this a closer Community here as we have already said countless of times.....TO this, what is over is over, don't keep in the heart, afterall who is perfect? cause we believe human makes mistakes and everyone should be given a 2nd chance, Actually SOFT himself has been very very lenient (I should say many a times he close both eyes hoping that things will just cool down by itself here)...sometimes it doesn't if both hands claps - but if it doesn't claps - and there is no give & take - so action have to be taken - the fact is - The Perogative lies with Soft.....so whatever decision made is Final.

We wish we could pleased everyone here - but this can never happen in a real world (like any Government too - no rules do anything you want - what will happened then ?)...so we here have to come to a balance, or tradeoff - which decision are then being made which is soley based on - to the best interest for the majority at large here within Soft.

As stipulated - Soft owes no one an explaination actually in any decision made (based on rights) so it is not the perogative for anyone to question as stated clearly - but then again - we still put up an explaination here why we have to do it-

I say let's move on - let bygones be bygones and what has been done cannot be undone here...it's a part and parcel of learning and don't rake this up again everyone...thk you

PS: We will never be bais against anyone because we should not. and yaloh where is Bro Stewratbass? I don't know ley? Maybe he is busy or he and lucifer is now having picnic at some beach eating sandwiches n become the best of buddy now...that's good and that's what we want to see too.

Cheers !
RD- "Sam Seng" - a.k.a samsing - Malay word for gangster for those out there who dont know the meaning ...

I wasnt reffering to Mr Sam Seng of "Hoot the bugger Pte Ltd".... last I heard he changed his surname to Samuel Leong (Boy Inc)..
Latest Update (5.5.2007) - The Show Must Go On

Those Attending this Clinic/Talk Show & 3rd Meetup
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) rla
(4) Reuben
(5) danial
(6) blissuicide
(7) plainsman
(8 )l kenny_guy
(9) Rustee
(10) Frummer
(11) Paradidz
(12) pablo
(13) drum_hobbyist
(14) Tetragrammaton
(15) mel80
(16) danial's friend ( no soft acc )
(17) caijunlong
(18) ?????????

Note: - Let's Stay On The Subject Of This Thread !

Cheers ! & Thks !
anyone know the guest drummers? I think my drummer will be one of them since shes currently a student. You can put my name on it lah, but i get free entrance! hehe :lol:
qn: what does ur friend, a student, whom u think will be the guest drummer, will get u a free ticket in?

there's no justice to others if u we're to get that priveledge.

no offence or puns intended.
fgl and rudimentaldrummer

dont call the police over this matter.intead of calling 999
call 6 6 6
i be there to take their soul,brother :evil: :evil:
first person on my list
and you to rudimentaldrummer :evil:
heritage anniversary-rudimentaldrummer

just to let you and to fellow drummers know that on the 26th of may we have a double celebration
heritage anniversary on the 26th may at 10pm
the band is celebrating with all the ex-heritage players from the past are getting together. at jj alante at 10pm after kevin clinic on the same day too
it will be out in press release real soon.
rock on bro
have a good weekend
LUCIFER SATAN: heritage old boys reunion - sounds real good - is Gordon Jensen coming up from down under? I always like Gordon for his humbleness & whack sense of humour - never failed to make me laugh when ever we meet...would love to attend this gathering but will be outstaion sadly - send my regards to theband...

Also tell Corey that I have pix from my stag party .... he dont behave ...all will be revealed..heh heh heh ...get it... :twisted:
now go scare up some souls ...
HAHAHA... i set up booth nextto corey's ticket counter $10 per viewing ..kek kek kek..

Dear Soft Members:-

( A ) Kenny_Guy

Kenny_guy is unable to be a part of the Drum-Exchange Committee here in Soft due to certain personal & professional reasons (he spoke to me). The Committee respect Kenny_Guy decisions. As such the committee members now stands as: -

Committee Members: - Soft, RD, rla, drum_hobbyist, reuben, caijunlong, weckl, jimmyplaydrums, robsg, rustee, blissuicide, lucifersatan.

However Kenny will still contribute in his own way to Soft Drummers here through other means through his personal Clinics and such etc.

Here we would like to say – Thank You Kenny anyway.

PS: - In any case, a committee can at any time leaves the Committee (even a simple reasons as to _ I’m too busy nowadays), as no committee member here is binded by anything. We come together on accord as to help in organizing and bringing the Community together. Here Kenny has actually bother to give a very detail explaination to us as at why he is leaving the committee (which he need not actually) – for this that’s being responsible and our respect to Kenny……

( B ) Drum Meetups & All Future Drums Clinics effective JUNE 2007 onwards
The Committee had a meeting on past Friday Night 4th May 2007 and we had come to an agreement that ALL FUTURE …..Drum Meetup/Exchange will be held apart from ANY DRUM CLINICS……except for this particular one.

WE have our reasons for this:-

(1) All Drum Exchanges are FREE……. And it’s QUITE INFORMAL.
(2) All Drum Clinic ARE NOT FREE and FORMAL- Paid directly to the Clinician (the committee job here is to create brings the awareness of such Clinic or Clinics to the drum community here).

Thank You
on behalf of The Committee (Soft Drum Exchange)
Hi All,

Yes, Thank You Rudimental Brother for informing soft.

Well anyway make a long story short & very detailed and the reason why I cannot commit to contribute my expertise to meet ups is due to tha fact that my Manager in Australia does not allow me to do that. There are alot of restrictions as now I have to follow & abide by many clauses in my contract agreement.

Hope you will all understand but I would really be happy to share my expertise and knowledge to conducting clinics as rudimental drummer and I have clearly discussed today. Plans are underway (if I have sponsors) to bring down any drummer (in my web links) to do drum duets with me for the S'pore drummers and musicians. This not only applies to drumming but also very well known guitarist, bassist,keyboardist etc as well.

I just want to be clear so no "misunderstanding" as to WHY I suddenly pulled out. But I will still keep in touch with soft once in a while lah coz we drummers must co-operate together to make S'pore drumming scene more super powerful and respected around the region which is one of my reasons why I still travel and promote S'pore!!!Therefore, if there are more clinicians (not only drummers) I can invite you guys and we can kick some asses coz whatever the westerners do....we also can man!


Ok lets now stick to Cory's clinic thread & Thanks Bros & Sis!!!!


Kenny Hogan
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