3rd Drum Meetup 26th May-Clinic By Kevin Corey Of Heritage !

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update on the drum clinic rudimentaldrummer

drum clinic on the 26th may 2pm at jj alante also there will be a double celebration on heritage anniversary at night starts at 10pm
just a little humour to cheer everybody :D
Ok guys we had our fun, and now back to Original Topic - - - Here goes: -

Latest Update (10.5.2007) - The Show Must Go On

Those Attending this 26th May 2007 Clinic/Talk Show & 3rd Meetup
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) rla
(4) Reuben
(5) danial
(6) blissuicide
(7) plainsman
(8 )l kenny_guy
(9) Rustee
(10) Frummer
(11) Paradidz
(12) pablo
(13) drum_hobbyist
(14) Tetragrammaton
(15) mel80
(16) danial's friend ( no soft acc )
(17) caijunlong
(18) ?????????
Wah Bro fgl na-bei eh, like that talk to MOD one meh - want to die faster izzit har :smt075 ? ...Kekekekekekeke :smt040

Bliss : - you see, you lah :smt021
NO MOD is just a simple but charming & awesome looking 46 year old man :lol: (not I say one - the :smt061 say one)..Kekekeke :smt040 and when he sings - the girls will look into his eyes with the greatest desire.eee (until saliver can drop one..really one lah) - hehehe ! you ask Anthony Fong lah.
Hi All,

I am writing to hopefully persuade more pple to come to Cory's clinics. I am going to be straight forward abt this so lets lay it out and cut the crap Im hearing from Cory's clinic.

I have been hearing alot of comments reg Cory's clinic that some are feeling "skeptical" since its a talk show clinic. I know its never been done here in the S'pore & pple normally are used to the usual clinic where an artiste just plays.

This is the thing I am getting at all these years. If we locals want to be different, we must support each other in doing so. Look at the westerners & how diffferent they dare to be but yet still have supporters but end up we copycat and follow them & don't have our unique style!

I have spoken to cory & gave him my encouragement & told him it doesn't matter whether 1 or 100 pple come but the most impt thing is that he dares to take the challenge where not many pple here will dare to do as they fear of "loosing face" & tarnishing ones reputation!!! My my, how common here.

I am saying this to everyone bcoz during my very 1st clinics 7 years ago in S'pore many (I mean many REALLY) musicians again especially drummers said that my clinics are a joke and it will not work.WHY...bcoz only westerners are good at doing clinics and its not the norm for a local to do it! I don't have to say much coz the rest is history & many now have to eat their words.

If we don't take risk and try to be different then whats the point of copying like an idiot and be happy about it? I recalled a renowned psycologist said that pple have always been afraid of change and take a different or weird leap bcoz the human mind is not used to that CHANGE. But if there is positive support from their peers and mentors or anybody that weil change that brave individual to go further & make a difference.

Frankly, i only had little support when I started my clinics bcoz I know how the mentality of S'poreans wld be when we say we are gonna do a clinic as many expect a drummer to keep quiet and support the artiste & let the singers tell them what to play!

Simply to make a long story short & make it more easier for us to comprehend is that a clinic, be it drums, guitar,bass u name it.... DOES NOT have to be super advanced or super complex. It can also be for intermediate or just for beginners.

Everyone has different levels of doing a clinic & its up to the clinician what he/she chooses.

So soft dudes,if we want this struggling music & drum scene to survive the heavy progressive shit and advanced music scene outside of S'pore, we have to start srpporting our own pple right here! But if we are happy or play safe shit individuals then we might as well play safe and stick to our comfort zones.

I most certainly will not allow that for me & I m sure I am speaking for Cory & other individuals who want to make a difference as well.

PS: Just curious, if the clinician was a westerner doing a clinic talk show thing...would you all come or still be skeptical? I guess we all know the answers!

Kenny Hogan

I know Cory for many years and I clearly know where he stands as his drumming is concerned. I ve seen him from the small boy with his sticks where I used to often bring him to the clubs when I was active performing in the club circuit & encouraged my group to even let him jam eventhough he was still a somewhat beginner.

One time I got scolded from my leader as Cory was goofing around at the set but we (my band memberes and I) were an understanding bunch coz we know where we all came from when we started.

From this young man, I now see him as someone who dares to take many challenges coz he believes in himself! Whether one's ideas of concepts will work its up to the individual.

Lastly,sitting talking with him on some occasions I realized he has a desire to try out something even if there are many "skeptics"!

My last words to you by an anonymous quote..........


People of soft....if we don't make mistakes, how are we gonna improve.? I think you've heard the ones who never make mistakes are the ones whom never improved but end up mediocre.

Choice is Yours!


kenny i support you in what your encouragement for surpporting kevin.
i understand for for many years.i do know that you have tried many times in bringing local professional musician to perform for major international festival in overseas and many have turn you down. i do know that you have a very strong desire to make a name and to promote singapore musician abroad.
And you have lost faith in many of the local musician here which resulted in you working with international artists overseas.
We hope that the local musician in their music no matter how different they want to be
hey kenny,
i dun think anybody bad mouthed corey concerning the matters u brought up. chill out dude. the list of people going isn't a small number i reckon, seeing as it's his first clinic and all i reckon it's pretty decent.
Rudimental drummer,

If its cory's clinic than you should as a moderator try to get more pple to come to his clinic lah. I mean how low is $10 plus free drink some more.

It seems that I noticed the pple who signed for his clinic still remains the SAME.

Where's the support SINGAPOREANS! Don't just taalk about it but have some action to come lah. Maybe this way there will be more clinics like bass, guitar keybnoard etc.

Thats how the pple overseas keep their music community sh...t alive man!!!! They do the ACTION & not just talk & talk ('8O')


Were u there when I heard this comments? Or perhaps you have bionic ears? You will be surprised to know who said those stuff and even Cory know's it himself. You and some others should find out your facts first Blurred. You need to chill Bro.

Stick to Cory's clinic now.

My turn to say something....haha.

Firstly, I would just let people say whatever they want! I've had my fair share of lousy comments and backstabs....but I truly believed in myself and in my ethics, so eventually, provided my ethics are right, the lousy comments and backstabs would bury itself slowly. So, if you and cory's ethics are on the right track, then just continue doing what you do. The truth will speak for itself eventually.

Secondly, WHERE is cory on this forum?? If you want us to support you, then stop hiding behind a nick! Come out and be the REAL you! If you want skeptics to go, then you must first show the real you....if you can't even do that in a forum....then how do you expect others to put trust in you face to face?

Thirdly, PLEASE stick to the thread topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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