3rd Drum Meetup 26th May-Clinic By Kevin Corey Of Heritage !

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it seems that stewart bass can't get enough of the bullying stuff.
CAN YOU PLEASE TRY to learn how to respect,instead of bad mouthing people..
I am writing in english here..or maybe if you can't read english or worst failed it,i can send you a link to a merriam webster website to improve your english.

You don't have to show off how good your spelling or pronounciation is okay?
Yeah i was kinda spooked out with your ENGLISH skills that i felt like sending my both nephews to your english class,but i gotta think twice cos first,i scared they are going to inherit your bad motor mouth attitude and second i want them to learn something by brain not by their knuckles,like threatening someone and end up punching them.

damn.it's raining cats and dogs. 8O
'I think you, stewardbass owe everyone of us an apology here. We do not want to see anymore bashing, framing or whatever as we had spelled out very clearly to you all as above.

Stop all this and move on from here, or else we will not hesitate to banned you guys from comming here regardless of whoever you may be and we really mean it.'

ok.....i have had enough.

one more thing though...it's actually stewarTbass.

please have a good clinic.

Lucifer cool it. Hehehehe ! :lol: It's good that you now learn how to put it up your post in a Smarter Way I would say (not that offensive though this could be stir up something again), but try as far as possible not to do this ok and lets put everthing to rest here and move on from here. Thk u for your understanding.

Note one thing for sure nobody likes to be BANNED here (have that word below your nick).....and as I mentioned earlier, we will have to do it if really force to. We have repeated this again and again here - The choice is yours of course at end of the day

Everyone...lets move on and make peace and be merry...Make Soft A Nicer Place for everyone here...thk u.
Latest Update - The Show Must Go On

Those Attending this Clinic & 3rd Meetup
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) rla
(4) Reuben
(5) danial
(6) blissuicide
(7) plainsman
(8 )l kenny_guy
(9) Rustee
(10) Frummer
(11) Paradidz
(12) pablo
(13) drum_hobbyist
(14) Tetragrammaton
(15) mel80
(16) danial's friend ( no soft acc )
Woohooo.....! Wow!! This forum is really going up 'big'. One thing for sure, if we're into real discussion come whatever the topic maybe. We have to have a clear mind. Willing to accept facts from others or some may call it as criticism. I have since stop sharing my views in the 'open' as some may find my views inappropriate or offensive. I have learnt that it's always best to share what we have in common rather than our differences.

So, in another words you will never offend others in the process. Hehehehe.....!!! Well, as I've said earlier. I ain't no drummer and I'm definitely not going to learn much about the drumming clinic but I think I will learn to appreciate those who wishes to learn from this clinic and at the same time create more friends in the musical circles.

For RD and the rest of the committee, I'm glad you guys have this idea of creating more 'space' for musicians to be together. This time is drums the next time is musicians from all backgrounds. Who knows...Btw, I still owe you a drink RD. Hehehe....!!!

And for Kenny, I know what you've been through. Btw, when will we jamming? Hehehe....!!



Hi Tetragammaton,

I assumed we've met? I agree everyone has their views but I guess for me I shall stay low for now as some may take my positive remarks badly when I don't mean to.

PS: We can jam anytime Bro('8)')

Rock On Drummers!

Kenny Hogan
Oh no , I am sorry again for the double posting!

I guess its 3.30am and I am on my daily e-mail correspondence and halfway asleep heehee.

Btw, drummers Dom Famularo just email me a minute ago and asked me to link websites. I also asked when he will be coming again to S'pore and he said soon!

I hope some of you still remember him? He is now a master clinician and travelled in almost every part of the world! He was the first western drummer to do a clinic in China! I think I should tell him abt soft as I am sure he wants to know abt the drumming scene here.

Ok Bro's pls try to get more drummers to Cory's clinic coz we need to get the S'pore drum scene more hapening and pumping and we must try to also stay ahead of our neighbouring SE-Asian countries !!!!

PS:More drum/basss/guitar clinicians etc the Merrier! Don't shy.....shy!

Kenny Hogan
you should try to reach out to SDC- S'pore Drummers Curcle forum site where many drummers actually chill at.... ex syne of tyme skinman Bizz2020 moderates there
HI Bro fgl

I understand and I have heard alot of those things in Drum Circle from Bros here in our 2nd Meetup. They mentioned some of those people. I know one of them in particular, being a long time personal friend with me for 20 over years, I go to his home last year too. I personally do not know this forum and had never being there before just hearsay.

I certainly hope Soft would be a nicer place for everyone here - nobody likes to go into a forum and start bashing or get bash , frame each other up, divide themselve into different groups - that's really not healthy and the truth is Soft nor any forum in the world all manage it's own forum in it's own way - no 2 forum are exactly alike eg in the way the accept "Limits" the degree of openess is there but all to different extend. It is true also many drumming forums do not bother about all this - they are very lax- let the forumers say what they want to say even if it becomes so heated up...there are some forumers who really enjoys this kind of happenings - they go in add pepper & salt, spark the little fire to a huge one till it explode - then thread get lock after that or worst they let it carry on.....but this really doesn't brings a closer community among it's forumers....It's good to have friends rather than foes.

Within DrummerWorld (I'm a pioneer member there)...there are such people - they get banned and thus join a more relax forum where they can do anything they pleased. To the Owner Benhard and Moderators (Nutha & Dog) there - it's simple - since DrummerWorld do not condon Bashing or openess as to the fullest - forumer who do not find a match between themselves & the forum have to go - cause it doesn't gel - They can leave the forum and go to another forum where all this is permitted - so that both are happy. A forum cannot pleased everybody as much as they would want to, but the perogrative lies with the owner of course who set the do's and don't and there is nothing wrong with that.

Everything change, Things change. Singapore as an example - for the better why not that's being rational as long as it good and healthy for the community at large here too.

It's hard for me (as a Moderator) likewise to pleased everyone here too - I need a balance be neutral and just try and hope that things don't go out of hand till a point where it is unmanageable - this of course require everyones kind understanding that we hope to build a better place here for us all.....nothing personal, no sides-taken - everyone here is a Bro.
Rudimental Drummer:

yes I dig what you are saying... However sometimes all forumites must learn to joke and have fun - like my EPL football thread - where we tekan other teams, joke alot and talk cock... its all in good fun with nothing malicious. When we learn to laff at ourselves, we learn to laff with others.

Of course the serious flaming & name calling thiny is a no go for me too. Normally I ignore such trouble makers coz after all forums and reality are twop seperate issues altogether.

True that in SDC & Bass forum - chalat - major horible flamming but a lot of good pro / semi pro drummers there to "recruit"?

I agree with you and that's the reason why we hope drummers here can attend the meetup - where they can actually meet each other in person and get to know each other better. As in most cases - one usually after talking to a fellow brother in a face to face situationfinds the other party to be a nice person actually and as opposed to what we initially perceived them to be as in the forum without face to face personal touch....this builds better relationship among bros here - as we understand and learn to accept each other weaknessess and strength (as what the person is - this takes time to developed)....Cheers !

Jokes and plainly teasing a brother is definetely ok and fun (if not this place also become very boring) - so getting to know bros better in meetup is good - so when I know them personally as a friend and I tease them later on they won't wallop me of course :lol: ...that's why I neber tease you here..Hahahahaha ! :smt040
I'll have to agree with fgl, you may be new to this forum, but soft has been a place to basically unwind and relax and have fun, an escape of sorts from the harsh realities of having a day job or school or what not.

There have been instances when fgl himself used to get "flamed" and made fun of but after a while , even i start to realise that there is no point to be too opiniated here or to take criticisms to heart, as everybody's reality is different and everyone is entitled to their own opinion..

As you can see, things are more mellowed down now, there is the occasional jibe directed at each other, but everything is taken in a good spirit. Now isn't that better than to moderate with an iron fist with threats of banning? we are all matured adults here, of course certain taboo topics such as religious intolerance and race related issues should be moderated, but general criticisms whether valid or not should not be ,as long as the person has his/her own standpoints and beliefs.thats where the forum comes in to either refute the claims or back it.

How can a forum function based on the sole morality of a singular individual whose ideals and perspective of contextual arguments may differ from the one offering his/her insight?

I agree sometimes things can get out of hand, and that it is not an easy job to be a moderator, but i feel that james has done a good job so far, even to the point of meeting up with disgruntled forumers in his own time to sort out issues, in the past.

There are impressionable youths amongst us, and maybe soft could be a better place if it plays a more active part in guiding the upcoming musicians rather than turning them away the moment they "make a mistake".

Cheers! Everyone just relax please. :D

ok make me president now.
Hey FGL what can I say man........ I totally 150% AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!

Then again S'pore is a "play safe" place where many (not all) can't take positive constructive critisicms in a professional and friendly way.

Till this day, when I perform with other foreign artiste we "bash' each other up on rehearsals for the sake of music NOT for hatred and all that negative BULLSHIT. But after rehearsals, we are like bros and sis hugging and poking fun at each other outside the studios.Those are tru freakin PRO's man!

Once again, its hard to do it in S'pore coz many I know and have worked with can't take it! Even now when I audition musicians here the word "audition" sometimes pisses them off coz some think they are already good so why the hell need an audition?

Vinnie Colaiuta had to be auditioned by STING before he joined him! NEED I SAY MORE? Case Close so lets stick to the "safer side" so no one will get hurt or stressed.

Those who have worked with me know that till this freakin day, I still take constructive critisicms on my drumming from anybody! But then again I have to make sure whether that person giving me comments is not talking cock lah.Or I'll kick his ass too.

But like I said, I will play along on the "safe side"but only in S'pore and hope one day S'poreans will be more open to positive remarks.

If someone comments you that you are not "blending" with the music in a very assertive way, it does not mean he is an asshole but he wants u to freakin IMPROVE!

Wah liow.....If I do that with some pple here, my many years of false remarks will be EXTENDED haahaahaa. But thats fine with me.

But we have to draw the line and I am noit saying we can say anything cos racicsm,vulgarity is way too much and overboard and I too don't wish to be involved in this heavy stuff.

Keep the community ALIVE & PEACE Bros and Sis!

Kenny Hogan
milan 3 - man u - suck 0.. but i think liverpool has a good chance in winning the CL this time.. Look at how they played with chelsea, astonishing!
heh fgl,

u're probably quite close to zain bro, but i haven't had the pleasure of meeting you... anyways, just some background info for some of the bros here:

SDC (singapore drummers circle) was established in 2003 as a informal drummer's group to promote communication and ideas/technique exchange between drummers.

when we first started, we had:

alvinthedrummer (yes our soft alvin :lol:)
luke chen
biz2020 (zain)
plainsman (myself)

and a couple of other cool bros (memory's hazy...)

because of the informal nature of the grouping, there was a hiatus for awhile for some of the guys had other priorities (family/career).

last year, most of us moved to soft.com.sg and restarted exchanges with softies - primarily pushed by myself, zain and ahpek bro. we were also able to get some of the other up-and-coming drummers to come and share and mentor the younger drummers... brandon khoo, wen (i call him super drummer - still owe luke a teh tarik for getting him down!!), mark (blurred), daniel "chewy" chew, and even jerry, an old-timer and one of the regular xchange mentors as well as studio owner dropped by! :lol:

well..... the xchanges have come and gone... but the spirit lives on. \m/

OK Moderatror bo-chap for now - that's the way you guys want it - this is the "fun thing or so called be open lah" to you all as you enjoy it - - I'll sit back and relax now - drink coffee....go ahead guys ! now you happy.
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