3rd Drum Meetup 26th May-Clinic By Kevin Corey Of Heritage !

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Hahahaha ! I would love to too seeing them kiss each other on the cheeks -but if I could witness them giving each other a brotherly hug - I would really be very well pleased and happy for the both of them... Well who knows - anything can happen here in Soft

Cheers my bro !
actually i think stewardbass is who he is n should remain the way he is..im sure he is a nice guy ,its just that maybe sometimes words get taken out of context especially online.

Stewardbass for president!


During this clinic sessions, will there be a backing band(i.e guitars, keys, bass, etc)?

Or is it strictly a drum clinic for drummers only?
Latest Update As At 2.5.2007

Those Attending this Clinic & 3rd Meetup
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) rla
(4) Reuben
(5) danial
(6) blissuicide
(7) plainsman
(8 )l kenny_guy
(9) Rustee
(10) Frummer
(11) Paradidz
(12) pablo
(13) drum_hobbyist
(14) Tetragrammaton
(15) mel80
(16) danial's friend ( no soft acc )
Re-Cap Of What This Is All About:-

3RD Drumming Meet-up – Drum Clinic/Talk Show By Kevin Corey

Kevin Corey
(Drummer from the reknown Band – Heritage) will be conducting a Drum Clinic/Talk Show together with our 3rd Drumming Meetup as per stipulated below

Venue: - JJ Alante (a pub)

Address: - 39 Duxton Road (near L Cube )

Date/Day: - 26th May (Saturday)

Time: - 2pm to 5pm (inclusive of Q&A Session)

Entrance Fees: - S$10 (Inclusive of one Free Soft Drink – Coke)

Additional Drinks: - Any additional drinks ordered will be on your own account (I think it’s very fair) and no drinks are allowed to be brought into the Venue (that is understood as Alante is a business enterprise)…

What this Drum Clinic / Talk Show is all about (a brief) =It has special guest drummers invited by Corey eg

Guest Drummer = Kenny Hogan

& Other Guest Drummers

It's basically a Drum Clinic & A Talk Show like eg David Letterman Show

After The Show: Those of you who is interested to sign up for adrumming lesson with Corey can do so and you will get a Free DVD of this talk show plus Drumsticks sponsor by Skywalker Drums Academy.
Hi All,

Since I am now with the committee, I wish to clear another remaining "rumour". For years I have heard and just recently from another new student of mine that he and many others thought that my drum lessons are $80 per session.

Once again, drum teachers out there (esp those spreading the false remarks) don't worry, if you are good and teach your students well and honest in their improvement, they will stick to you and more will come to you as well. Students nowadays are not unintellectual and they know who are the real teachers or the ones after their $$$$.

For the record, I chose not to teach in many schools as the system was slow and I felt students can't learn much and they were being ripped off by such establishments!

This is my strong principle in teaching values and what I have inculcated from my teachers.

Very impt tip...If you want to "screen" a teacher check his/her background 100% well and even ask him questions on drumming issues or better still ask him to do a demo or give you his demo. In S'pore teachers may feel insulted if students ask this but trust me, overseas students have all the right to do it!

My so called "expensive" fees are in my website under drum lessons.

PS: Ive been ripped big time when I was young learning from a famous school here and I promised myself never again this will happen in my guidance.

Kenny Hogan
First I would like to apologise to Corey (This is your Thread) -

but I have to side track here a little - Just A Reminder To Everyone Here In This Forum (whether you are a committee member, professional or jsut a beginner drummer) - Take Note: -


Main Objective Of Soft Forum (Drum Section) & All It’s Meetup/Exchange

To create, build and enhance “A Closely Knitted Community Of Drummers Here In Singapore” so as to Share, Gather and Have Fun while sharing the common Passion towards Drumming through cyberspace communication within “Soft Forum” & creating an environment for physical meetup through “Monthly Meetup/Exchanges Programs”.

The above simple & clear objective will be the basis to set and determine the “Do’s & Don’ts” here within soft.

So, why the need to have certain rules & regulation within here: - We live in a world govern by plenty of Rules & Regulation don’t we. A country has it’s own “Do & Don’t”, A Workplace has this too, even individual home has it’s own house-rules…It’s nothing new in fact. Likewise Soft Forum needed it’s own to make this a better & healthier place for each and everyone of us – the only difference here is – we have one major rule. Anything that is in contrary or working as against the above set objective is not acceptable here.


There should be no flaming, bashing or sensitive issues as to eg politics, religion etc allowed here. Every forumer here is very different and unique and valuable. If you disagree with someone else's opinion, show your intelligence by arguing your case wisely and respectfully meaning constructive criticism is well accepted here as we remain as open as possible. However, any fighting/bashing/flaming will be monitored and then moderated.

Soft reserve the right to delete any thread or post that is deemed to be working against or materials perceived as detrimental to the set objective without prior notice nor explanations given (especially very sensitive issues) to any thread or post being deleted. The prerogative lies with the Admin.

Repeat offenders will be warned and may be banned from this forum, till “Soft” so decides to lift up the “Banned”.

Existing forumers wo knows the rules here can help prevent all this by 1st,informing/getting to these people/forumers in your own ways) that theses-call actions are not condoned and will not be tolerated in this environment and action will be taken. Through time, it automatically make people realize that this is the Healthy Soft Culture here and if you are not sharing the same beliefs and objective as everyone of us here – then this is no place for you.

This forum is open to us all for FREE. so lets remember the following: The Admin here does not get paid to do the job but wants to see everybody here to have fun sharing, enjoying and learning from one another who share the similar passion towards drumming and in order to achieve above mentioned core objective – we try our best to create motivation, inspiration involvement & participation into driving that very passion in Drumming & Music. Developing a healthy culture here within Soft (which is not just about drumming but also having the right attitude & the very ethical part of drumming too) if we are to see “A Closely Knitted Community Of Drummers Here In Singapore” materialized oneday.

As such, we thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this area. Let’s all work towards making Soft yours, mine and our beautiful cyberhome. A place we really call home.

Thank You All.

PS: - Please relook at your post (you know who you are)
Yes of course I know who I am but I am just clearing these uncalled rumours which are starting to come up again.

I am sure if anyone of you was bombarded by these remarks all these years you would have done something to clear yourself long ago am I right? Anyway I personally called Cory as a respect that I am little biit sidetracking.

My final note... if anyone is still unhappy about me pls DO NOT use this forum but email me directly at mmmk@pacific.net.sg or call me directly on my mobile's on my website.

I will deal anything diplomatically & professionally.Sp PLEASE stop hiding in your umprotected shells.

To all my new soft friends... I truly apologize for the sidetrack & thanks Cory Bro!

Kenny Hogan
this is not a post to spite anyone else or to tear the very fragile fabric of all the drumming community's psyche.

firstly, i have never at all insulted kenny hogan in any way.
i described him as 'VENERABLE'.
i was quite surprised that lucifersatan jumped and pointed 'venerable' is a bad word. i am NOT anyway surprised that lucifersatan does not own a dictionary.
let's all see/read the facts here-
why would anyone hide behind a nick like 'lucifersatan' think that their posts are valid all the time.
i, on the other hand have the testicular fortitude to use my real name and not hide behind a ridiculous nick.
why would anyone (softies like yourselves) want to attend a 'drum clinic' by someone who really cannot spell and therefore i am sure will not be able to enunciate correctly during the clinic and charge ten dollars at the door which you fellas are so eager to pay. your money and time is at stake here.
lucifersatan is the said drummer's manager or the drummer himself, who's written english is as ridiculous.
i was challenged 6 times by lucifersatan and the said drummer, the last occurance was that we could 'swing' at JJ alante.
its scary to note that the perverse use of the sacred word 'swing' when i am sure both of them cannot 'swing' to save their lives.
maybe they (lucifersatan and corey) can only 'sway' and thats a new technique that i am sure all those attendees will learn.

i really hope u guys see the picture here.
cheers and hope your 10 dollars is well spent.
The below remarks/posting made by you is not acceptable here as it is VERY OFFENSIVE (the way I see it), I see this as a CHALLENGE too in a way. This is something you are making yourself very vunerable for flaming and bashing to intitiate from here…

As you mentioned, today’s students are very discerning – they do not need you to teach them how to screen their drumming instructors…..they have their ways. though I've to agree in the States - Instructors does Demo however they are many that does that too here.

I understand how ones feel (if they are being ripp-off) by a school, but then again, we cannot deduced from here that ALL DRUMMING INSTRUCTORS or SCHOOLS are like that. you are making a general remarks that hurts alot of people here. - the drumming community especially the Instructors.

Please..I do understand you are trying to do something for a good cause, but words wrongly being made can lead to alot of misunderstanding and conflict here....depending on how ones view your post but it's subjective to individual.

You quote: -

Once again, drum teachers out there (esp those spreading the false remarks) don't worry, if you are good and teach your students well and honest in their improvement, they will stick to you and more will come to you as well. Students nowadays are not unintellectual and they know who are the real teachers or the ones after their $$$$.

Very impt tip...If you want to "screen" a teacher check his/her background 100% well and even ask him questions on drumming issues or better still ask him to do a demo or give you his demo. In S'pore teachers may feel insulted if students ask this but trust me, overseas students have all the right to do it!

PS: Ive been ripped big time when I was young learning from a famous school here and I promised myself never again this will happen in my guidance.

Stewardbass: -

To answer your “Why” – because they feels like it, they can afford to pay for it to get a 1st hand experience of whatever is install for them. But it is not for you to bad-mouth and brings down the reputation/image of a fellow Musician or Drummer - Kelvin here at Soft. It is for those attending to judge for themselves ( I believe they will not) – though the purpose of this is to share and not judge another brother here

What you have stipulated is also VERY OFFENSIVE and an act that demoralizes the drummers and forumers here. Instead of encouraging you did otherwise.

You Quote: -

why would anyone (softies like yourselves) want to attend a 'drum clinic' by someone who really cannot spell and therefore i am sure will not be able to enunciate correctly during the clinic and charge ten dollars at the door which you fellas are so eager to pay. your money and time is at stake here.

maybe they (lucifersatan and corey) can only 'sway' and thats a new technique that i am sure all those attendees will learn.

i really hope u guys see the picture here.
cheers and hope your 10 dollars is well spent

Just came back from my lunch - wow...you guys are serious aren't you, so are we dead serious when we say we accept no nonsense here, and don't try to challenge Soft here.

I think you both Kenny & stewardbass owe everyone of us an apology here. We do not want to see anymore bashing, framing or whatever as we had spelled out very clearly to you all as above.

Stop all this and move on from here, or else we will not hesitate to banned you guys from comming here regardless of whoever you may be and we really mean it.
Steady lah Bros!!!

My wife and myself as usual also laughing now (':D')

Ok lah, at least there is humour & no hatred or "cialat" insults why not but as long we keep the Singapore Drum and Music Scene healthy! I mean c'mon man what is life without humour and laughter is indeed the best medicine (':P')

Btw, Steward Bass my man I have always admired your playing and I've put your pics up in my web on the very first day it was officially opened. Thanks for joining me in my numerous clinics in S'pore and as I've said ,to you that you are a talented bassist to improvise with!

Rock On Bros!

on that note i'd like to add

please do not use rude strokes when playing drums, and dun try to play songs that will offend the original composer if you cannot do it perfectly.

or else you will be banned until a nuclear explosion selectively liquidates only ALL the drummers in singapore.

sorry lah RD, Just injecting a bit of fun man...

Ok let me now very serious and straight to you or anyone else.

I don't think I owe anyone any apology.

Why....because people here in S'pore can't accept the truth. I have alway spoken the truth and been very honest to everyone.

Rudemental drummer, I am very surprised coz you and I spoke for more than an hour and did i not speak the truth about the some of the teaching system here in S'pore? I told you I am not like some others who pretend or beat around the bush to teach the wrong stuff or just simply make money.

You need to know me more than that hour my friend.What i have spoken is not a secret and you seemed to "go along" and agree very well when we were talking.

If you disgree I suggest you call me as I don't want to waste others or my time as this is still Cory's thread!

If other schoolds or instructors are 100% confident of themselves then why do they need to fear any insults. I most certainly did not fear any of the years of insults and did what I set out to do!

PS: If the committee thinks I am shall I say "causing problems" for being HONEST & SINCERE from my heart than PLEASE take my name off. I seriously have no heart feelings and will still continue to give my drumming comments and if some of you don't need it.....its really fine with me.

Life Goes On Brothers and Sisters!

It's ok, but we really should not on one hand wants a closer drumming community within here, but on the other hand we do things that is contradictory to it........

How to have a nicer environment and have a closer community here if some start trashing others - it's like a never ending story then. Why allow that - Fun? or Funny? or you call that Humour?....by Bashing Others huh? Kekekeke :lol:
Bro Kenny

It’s not that people here does not or is not willing to accept the truth. As I mentioned earlier – you came here with a good cause by disseminating certain Techniques as in Drumming not taught here….that’s very good and I respect you for that.

Yes I heard you and I know (that’s why I say it’s for a good cause) – The thing is How To Put That Across To Everyone Here In The Right Manner.

There are many Drummers/People here who make a living out of Drumming too. Imagine how they would feel when they see what you’ve put up.

I am Neutral here, standing at the position of a Moderator (Soft has it's objective too by making this a nicer place for everyone). I see your point too but I also realize one truth is that – Many other Instructors are also doing their best to teach well. A good Instructor need not be the Best Drummer around, likewise a good Instructor need not knows all the Technical stuffs you know (eg Metric Modulation and such) – as long as they teach the students what they know best. Yes I do not know you well enough (but I guess you might be at a higher level than most drummers here)….either way – we respect all fellow drummers irregardless of what stage of drumming they are in, even if they are instructors.

Never did I mean you are causing problem, but it is true with statements like that being made – is very prone to framing by anyone here…why make yourself vunerable just because of the way you put it across. Should this spark off here - it going to be chai-lat, so I come in here to let known what could happens. Prevention is better than a cure.

To me, being a committee member here require us to be more careful in handling situations like that – we have to be more careful with our words….don’t get me wrong.

What I say is from a neutral ground for the good of everyone here.

PS; What is our objective? - To bring a Closely knitted community of drummers together within Soft..right?....So whatever we put up here - all we need to do is ask ourself - Does it contradict what we are trying to build here..that's all.
Hey no problem man. Just to clear the air as I want to guide students and not only drummers but other instrumentalist to be aware of getting the right teacher.

i guess I've been hearing alot of my students complaining over the years when they were with other establishments abt their unhappiness. So as a dedicated instructor or any true teacher, I believe its correct to guide students to get the right and proper teacher for the job or shall I say screening issue.

FYI, till this day, I still ask students to screen me freely or checkout what I can offer or they can either be prepared to ask me questions. I hope WE don't feel insulted or our professionalism questioned as they have a right to this. Anyway,Do u buy a car without testing it or do you just drive off without checking if everything is ok only to find out it has couple of faults in the middle of the road?

This is purely an advice from the heart thats all and not meant to destroy other peoples ricebowl as what rudimental drummer has mentioned in our earlier phone conversation.

Do look at other regional forums & RELAX Bros' lets not feel insulted or defensive in anyway when pple like me bring these points up.

I strongly feel WE all should look at what is happening as far as comments are concerned not only locally but overseas as well and you can see how straight to the point they can be without any musicians feeling offended when they are not suppose too.

Kenny Hogan
I think it's great if one has their own convictions which they strongly live by, yet, at the same time, if one is interested in coexisting peacefully with others around, sensitivity and restraint is needed when expressing yourself. An analogy would be religion.

I have my 'truth', everyone else has their 'truth'. To convince anyone that my 'truth' is 'truer' than their 'truth', the last thing i want to do is just attack their 'truth' and just say it's bullshit. No matter how honest and sincere I am about it, when I run people down, all it does is show that I'm self-righteous*.

*Definition: confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

If I'm confident about what I know to be 'truth', there is no need to attack other truths, I will simply practice what I preach and leave it up to people to discern for themselves, who's 'truth' they want to adopt.

With all due respect to everyone, the bad-mouthing that goes on from different parties just appears unprofessional and leaves a bad taste. I am sorry to see the 'bad blood' that still flows. It seems to be the reason that make any sort of local community impossible.

If we can't see the greater good in putting a cease to all this bad-mouthing, then yes, let's continue to throw mud at each other, that will be a really beneficial move for the local scene. I tend to see the scene as bigger and more important than any one of us. It is the scene that will be here, when we are long gone.

Just throwing my $.02.

Keep doing what you love.
In summary... let the mouth stop talking and let the hands and feet do the talking so that others can listen and decide... make an informed decision... 8)
On the contrary - take a look at DrummerWorld - The World No.1 Drum Forum and see how many they have banned due to framing, bashing etc. just to upkeep the place clean so that everyone can enjoy. These are well managed forums.
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