$30 fine for eating sweet

I honestly am amazed at the Singaporean attitude. Things like 'just follow the law lor'.

So then, all private tutors should be punished for not declaring taxes. People here on SOFT who sell gear at a higher price that they got it for a few times a year should be punished for not declaring taxes as well. It's all the law what.:rolleyes:
the crappiest law... cant eat sweet... ok la...cant eat food like burger or sumtink like tat is ok is ok... but sweets...

wat if i am reli reli reli reli reli reli reli coughing n my throat is super dry and itchy. cant i take my mineral water out to take a sip?

wat if my niece or nephew is reli reli reli reli thirsty and wants to drink their water from their water bottle?

wat if sum1 who feels like vomiting and nids sweets?

eating sweets is a crime now. nice. damn
*rolls eyeballs*

and while they're being neow about train commuters, they let bus commuters get away with it scot free.
(Or maybe SBS seems less vigilant about it)
milk, maybe yes, depending on the age of the child, distance left to travel, whether the train is crowded and whether there are any anal people around. Obviously, less than a year old, no choice, have to give.

Water, oh come on. Plain water only what.

One thing I notice is that these people never scold people for bringing STRONG SMELLING FOOD onto the trains. I've smelled KFC, Macs, etc on the trains and no one does anything.
Yet they ban durians. Strange
C'mon, its rather fair,don't you think so? the law is clearly stated and repeated .And they also said its case-by-case basis,so why the fuss?

Think of it this way, If they'd allow sweets,don't you think singaporean will push their lucks and limits? I think we will ,who won't? Its all about self dicipline,too bad the mass majority don't have it(that explains rising cases due to limit testings) .

Here's a suggestion,why not we start a petition to start a new Transit similar to SMRT,called ISIWEI(TNVO)MRT or , 'I Swear I Won't Eat In (This New Version Of) Mass Rapid Transit' ,I guess the name's too long,but as long as it works,i'm up for it. Motto will be : To keep those nibbling MFkrs OUT!

Those who wanna eat will sit in the new ' CFMIEIMRT ' or 'Come Fine Me,I Eat In Mass Rapid Transit' . The motto of them : One new reason to stop ERP raise starts with YOU!

Or simply pay extra to rent a cage for your mouth to keep eat/drinking out(but still can talk) , won't it not be better?
Idiots!What else to come from the law?Well Singapore do have one of the funniest law every to be created on the surface of the earth.

It wont be long till you see people fainting in the trains as nowadays there's so mush human congestion and weather playing a part.Oh well thats life...
C'mon, its rather fair,don't you think so? the law is clearly stated and repeated .And they also said its case-by-case basis,so why the fuss?

Roger (the moustache smrt old man) said there is no cas by case thinghy. unless if its medication and have written prove.

its reli stupid (to me) if i cant take a sip of plain water from water bottle or take hacks or wateva sweet to stop my coughing,dry throat.

but i do believe tat all this started thx to those who reli eat n drink in trains.
eat n drink i mean like burgers,otak2,can drinks etc....

if anyone of u who feels guilty, i am not sori
Is hugging in the MRT fine-able? i mean it is also a form or eating and drinking each other's saliva wat, right? Why don't they fine kissing or Hugging?
I hope they won't ban Sneezings in the future,especially people with H1N1 and they themselves don't know about it

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