C'mon, its rather fair,don't you think so? the law is clearly stated and repeated .And they also said its case-by-case basis,so why the fuss?
Think of it this way, If they'd allow sweets,don't you think singaporean will push their lucks and limits? I think we will ,who won't? Its all about self dicipline,too bad the mass majority don't have it(that explains rising cases due to limit testings) .
Here's a suggestion,why not we start a petition to start a new Transit similar to SMRT,called ISIWEI(TNVO)MRT or , 'I Swear I Won't Eat In (This New Version Of) Mass Rapid Transit' ,I guess the name's too long,but as long as it works,i'm up for it. Motto will be : To keep those nibbling MFkrs OUT!
Those who wanna eat will sit in the new ' CFMIEIMRT ' or 'Come Fine Me,I Eat In Mass Rapid Transit' . The motto of them : One new reason to stop ERP raise starts with YOU!
Or simply pay extra to rent a cage for your mouth to keep eat/drinking out(but still can talk) , won't it not be better?