MrE, i guess wat everyone is trying to say is that, EVEN if our dear bovine poster is one of the moist active members in the forum, it doesnt excuse him, or anyone else for that matter from posting inaccurate or false information. I guess we ALL have the responsibility in ensuring that our posts are accurate and beneficial to the other readers. crappy jokes aside, i think we all like it when other forumers post great advise/tips/hints/tricks. but if it causes me to blow a tube and subsequently have to buy new hdb flat.. then, i think i'll be very careful when listening to advice from soft.
granted, yes he did apologise, but still, there are a lot of noobs on the forums, just like me! and we are very young and impressionable and broke.
lotsa of us i guess use this and other forums for research purpose for our next TSD.