ZENG my Strat bridge pickup!

ShredCow said:
Wanna find charlatans, please, go hunt around, there are plenty more if you bother to look beyond the simple mistake I did.

Then again, no face to the name, you're nothing but a virtual wizard of Oz. :wink:

Your rest of the posts were never mistakes simply because your ideas are immutable. Whether the people are wizards of oz or Mussolini's of the new millenium, posting soundly is the objective. My banter does get out of hand, and if u want I can apologise. Sorry.

Having a face to a name would probably mean a dignified person and I have to tell you this, people treat your ideas with a lot of respect here. If you post irresponsibly, it gets out of hand too and having a face to a name doesnt' solve any problems. There are so many ppl on the internet that have helped me with no faces to names!
Wah... Cow admitted a simple mistake 8O and bopakeh said Sorry 8O .

This calls for a celebration! They are friendly chumps after all! Beer is on me tonight at Esplanade......
bopakeh said:
Your rest of the posts were never mistakes simply because your ideas are immutable. Whether the people are wizards of oz or Mussolini's of the new millenium, posting soundly is the objective. My banter does get out of hand, and if u want I can apologise. Sorry.

Lets not hitch onto an unqualified generalisation. Apology accepted.

bopakeh said:
Having a face to a name would probably mean a dignified person and I have to tell you this, people treat your ideas with a lot of respect here. If you post irresponsibly, it gets out of hand too and having a face to a name doesnt' solve any problems. There are so many ppl on the internet that have helped me with no faces to names!

True, no need a face to the name to post irresponsibily or to offer help.

However, no face = you are free to say whatever you want with no repercussions, at least thats the way it works for most people. Let me know if you are the minority.

Thats why when you posted about the french polish issue, its "okay". You can screw malcolm as much as you want. Say all you want. Its cool. No one, or at least only your friends will know, knows who you are.
dun mind me askin but whats up with every 1 getin on shredcow's case? Give the joe a break....
tone shaping device

Wow Beef, I want!!! Beer's the best tone shaping device, it makes everything sound good ...or bad !

so would that make Tiger Beer, an imported premium tone shaping device?

somehow hard to believe... i'll stick to my stalwart TSD.... Absolut
fgl said:
dun mind me askin but whats up with every 1 getin on shredcow's case? Give the joe a break....

Not when a respected member of this forum is posting incorrect and inaccurate information. Cow has admitted to his SIMPLE mistake, bopakeh has posted the correct info and has since apologised for his 'curt charlatans reference'. Let us all MOVE ON like the J Gomez case!

Case closed. Minister of Rock says so!!! :lol:

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
fgl said:
dun mind me askin but whats up with every 1 getin on shredcow's case? Give the joe a break....

I think the fact that he is one of the most active members of the forum makes him an easy target

but i agree with fgl, relak lah guys, shredcow has good intentions. he's just trying to help wherever he can, he doesnt have all the answers and may not always be right, but at least he's open to debate and admits it when he's wrong.

is there where i can find reviews of the best rice cooker?

break a leg guys!!!

wakka wakka wakka!!!!
MrE, i guess wat everyone is trying to say is that, EVEN if our dear bovine poster is one of the moist active members in the forum, it doesnt excuse him, or anyone else for that matter from posting inaccurate or false information. I guess we ALL have the responsibility in ensuring that our posts are accurate and beneficial to the other readers. crappy jokes aside, i think we all like it when other forumers post great advise/tips/hints/tricks. but if it causes me to blow a tube and subsequently have to buy new hdb flat.. then, i think i'll be very careful when listening to advice from soft.

granted, yes he did apologise, but still, there are a lot of noobs on the forums, just like me! and we are very young and impressionable and broke.
lotsa of us i guess use this and other forums for research purpose for our next TSD.

bopakeh: thanks for ur l33t comments, most ppl dun bother, and accept everything as the truth

beefy: tonite cannot i going chalet.... make sure bopakeh dun drink too much k? wait he kena tone-deaf

As U2 proclaimed..
all u need are 3 chords and the TRUTH. 8O
theGroove said:
MrE, i guess wat everyone is trying to say is that, EVEN if our dear bovine poster is one of the moist active members in the forum, it doesnt excuse him, or anyone else for that matter from posting inaccurate or false information. I guess we ALL have the responsibility in ensuring that our posts are accurate and beneficial to the other readers. crappy jokes aside, i think we all like it when other forumers post great advise/tips/hints/tricks. but if it causes me to blow a tube and subsequently have to buy new hdb flat.. then, i think i'll be very careful when listening to advice from soft.

granted, yes he did apologise, but still, there are a lot of noobs on the forums, just like me! and we are very young and impressionable and broke.
lotsa of us i guess use this and other forums for research purpose for our next TSD.

well there is no such thing as perfect knowledge - even the best fall down sometimes. the point of a forum is for people to share what they know (or think they know), and for others to listen, debate, or correct so that the final output of the forum as a whole is accurate (hopefully).

you should be careful taking advice from ANY forum, be it SOFT, TGP, Guitargeek, Tonefactor etc etc. To base your purchases/decisions purely on advice of people on a forum is your own responsibility. If you fail to do your own proper research, and something blows up, i feel you have only yourself to blame.

whether young, old, rich or poor, i have no sympathy for those who don't know how to come to their own decisions based on proper research rather than just asking questions on a forum.
kudos to you MrE

yah, i will try to be as well researched. but of course.. i oso dun want to sabo ppl by posting things im not 100% sure mah :)

i think also sometimes the noobs on forums like me.. get into a "ooo u have 5 gazillion posts, therefore you must be a guru"

from wat i seen/experienced, the weight of wat a <50 post forumer vs a poster who has >500, is crapasstastic. how to compare. wait the <50 is a l33t luthier/pickup maker how?

the only thing that counts is IF the post is off sound value.
love love, come come follow me, stand up and do the Razor R hard gay pelvic multiple true bypass thrust


Bump to go back on topic!
ya i couldnt agree more. haa

so i guess to oldies an newbies alike its a refresher to do appropriate research first. heh

such as researches on the ultimatest rice cooker out there.
WHAT is the deal with rice?
theGroove said:
MrE, i guess wat everyone is trying to say is that, EVEN if our dear bovine poster is one of the moist active members in the forum, it doesnt excuse him, or anyone else for that matter from posting inaccurate or false information.

Of course it doesn't.

I wonder where the "weight of the posts" idea came about. Did I mention it? Or you guys decided on your own? Possibly infering somehow from what I have posted?

theGroove said:
granted, yes he did apologise, but still, there are a lot of noobs on the forums, just like me! and we are very young and impressionable and broke.
lotsa of us i guess use this and other forums for research purpose for our next TSD.

And so for my 1 mistake, you are going to join in and try to pull as much of my credibility down as possible?

MrE is right, "the point of a forum is for people to share what they know (or think they know), and for others to listen, debate, or correct so that the final output of the forum as a whole is accurate (hopefully)."

But thats not the case here. The "debates" or "corrections" come in the form of mildly insulting, condensending comments, when a simple, "Actually Cows, you got it wrong, its... "

At the end of the day, its just a bunch of people who know each other, where one gets into a debate with me, the rest must chip in somehow, with the same mocking, insulting attitude/responses.